The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 587: Destroying Animal Clone Potions (2 in 1)

Time passed slowly, and when everything settled down, everything seemed to become quiet and peaceful.

The members of the hut have their own things to do.

Professor Snape's complete testing system for potion materials is a high-end comprehensive subject, spanning academic content such as magical animals, magical plants (herbology), transfiguration, magic spells, potions, etc. It also covers alchemy. Other high-end comprehensive disciplines such as surgery. @ is also supported by countless theories, such as the theory of the connection between "blood, soul and magic" that Anton benefits the most.

George and Fred had to re-review the courses they had fallen out of before, and often had to go to the professors of various subjects to ask.

This kind of change in learning makes Professor McGonagall very pleased.

In order to further develop the "Wizard's Cabin", Hannah has to go to their Hufflepuff Academy dean, Professor Sprout, to study every day, and she is in a hurry almost every day.

The same is true for Neville. In addition to helping with the potion materials that the three Weasley brothers need to experiment with next, he devotes all his energy to the research of Soul Transfer and Cruciatus.

Anna has been soaking in the school library every day recently, looking everywhere for a suitable spell to assist archery, and gradually entered the field of "war magic".

Although the Hogwarts school library has a rich collection of books, there is no way to compare with Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in terms of "war magic", but Anna still enjoys it. According to her, although Hogwarts' collection of war magic is not systematic, many books that require a high contribution in Durmstrang to obtain reading permission can be read casually here.

this day.

Anton had to suspend his research. His teacher, Fiennes, asked a ghost on horseback to help him deliver a message, and he was about to complete his resurrection ceremony.

By the time Anton came to Fiennes' office, Professor Snape and Ms. Nicklaus (the female werewolf) had already arrived early.

"Actually, the resurrection ceremony is not a difficult thing for me.

The old wizard Fiennes waved his wand lightly, and began to recite the ancient Greek spell in his mouth. After a while, the pool in front of him boiled.

The huge eight-eyed giant spider hanging above the liquid pool suddenly struggled and made a strange "hissing" sound.

"But like you said, our soul is affecting the magic, and the magic in turn affects our soul, and this change in the soul eventually affects our body, our memory, our emotions, Our will, our way of thinking.

He turned his head to look at the three of Anton, "I hope to get the purest body, a body with only "me", it has not been affected by black magic, it has not been affected by my past memories and experiences, Showing the most original appearance.

"In this way, under the action of magic, this body will in turn transform my soul.

Anton was helping Snape to prepare a potion to replenish vitality after the resurrection ceremony. Hearing this, he couldn't help but raised his head and looked puzzled, "This is you, is it you?"

"Quack," the old wizard smiled, pointing at Snape, "you should ask him.

"?" Anton looked at Snape in amazement.


Snape was silent for a while, then raised his head to look at Nicklaus, who was watching him beside him, held his mouth, and finally sighed. "Remember when you stripped my dark magic?"

Anton nodded.

"Representing the emotions, memory and will of the soul, together with the way of thinking, together form the "I". Black magic affects these four things, and these four aspects are also achieving black magic. This is your theory, right? ?"

Snape's eyes were dim, and he said to himself without waiting for Anton to say anything.

"When we suppress the magic in our body with extreme 'emotions, will, memory and thinking', they will merge into a new life and become the silence in the silent person."

Anton nodded, "Yes, I know, it's like giving birth to a child. The more mature soul split will eventually become complete on its own. Similarly, indulging in the fusion of one's own self and black magic will also give birth to something similar to yours. The kind of black magic at the time.

silently. "

Snape nodded and waved his wand to put the medicinal liquid in the crucible into the glass bottle, took a deep breath, and turned his head to look at Anton seriously.

"Look, the extreme 'emotion, will, memory and a certain way of thinking' and magic, that one thing forged together, you pulled it out of my body!"


"I haven't forgotten Lily."

"Don't you find it strange?"

Anton blinked, thoughtfully, "You mean, it wasn't removed cleanly?"

His eyes lit up, and he waved his palms and gestured, "Extremely stripped out, and left as normal. Is this the way to get out of the influence of black magic?"

"In this case..." Anton breathed a sigh of relief, "that means your soul is not lost because of it, it just becomes... um... Is it too thin?"

Snape narrowed his eyes, "What a strange description, I mean, wherever you walk, it will leave traces. Even if it is forgotten, it will leave traces in the depths of the soul, unless such traces leave traces. True death will not dissipate, it is not only a memory, but a more complex composite existence."

"The traces are still there, the missing soul, that is, the missing "emotion, memory and will will slowly recover, and the changes in the recovery process will also change our way of thinking little by little. "

"Traces?" Anton frowned and thought.

"Yes, this is what I added to the theory of the four elements of the soul, plus a trace." A hint of color flashed in Snape's eyes, "The traces are everything we have experienced, the precipitation of the passage of time, our In the fusion of emotion, will, memory and way of thinking, what changes under the surrounding environment and situation is unique to each creature, the spirit.” "

"Its existence represents our past and the meaning of our existence."

"Oh~ Severus~" the old wizard waved his hand, "You are too mysterious, in fact, this kind of thing is very simple, life is like wine, the so-called "trace" is the medicine that cannot be drawn out of the wine jar Scum, you can only keep adding wine into it, of course, you can also keep adding more medicines into the wine, but these medicines, these wines, and the dregs that eventually settle will become your new traces.”

"Hehe~" The old wizard Fiennes smiled at Anton, "Based on the four elements of the soul you proposed, the fifth "trace proposed by Severus, I added the sixth, time. "

"If you can't understand traces, you must be ignoring the meaning of "time". Time may not exist, but it may also exist. It is contained in the traces of every life you have in the past."

"I seem to understand!"

Anton exclaimed, "I always apply these theories to the cases that I usually come into contact with. You said, I have a deep feeling in ritual magic, such as "photos of dead lovers", I always thought it was There are only "emotions, memory, and will. If you add "time" and "trace", then a lot of things make sense! "

Snape smiled and nodded, waving his wand, "God is invisible!"


All the spider silks on the eight-eyed giant spider hanging in the air were torn apart, and the huge spider legs struggled and bounced twice in mid-air, smashing into the liquid medicine pool, splashing high water.

"Look, after understanding this, I can use black magic again."

The old wizard carried a large silver bucket, quickly grabbed the medicinal powder from it, and went to drink in the medicinal liquid pool. _o_m

"And I will gain a unique "new life", a body that is more tolerant of "time and traces"." He raised his eyebrows as he said, "I also have a lifespan of at least 300 years. Helpless, for so long, I really don’t know how much I have to go through.”

Anton looked at his technique in amazement, "similar to a 'born spirit'. "

"Very good!" The old wizard sighed in admiration, "It seems that you understand what we said."

He patted the silver vat in his hand upside down into the liquid medicine pool, letting all the medicinal powder in it fall, then turned it over and patted it again, and the blood was gradually filled with overflowing blood.

"Quack, thank you for the blood."


He put the vat on the ground, and the blood in the vat suddenly looked like a fountain, gushing blood upwards, and then fell back into the vat in mid-air.

In this way, a high blood wall was formed.

"I'm ready—" The old wizard smiled and stretched his arms, "Come on."

Snape nodded, stretched out his wand, and gave it a sharp wave...

A silver rainbow suddenly appeared, submerged in mid-air toward the old wizard's head, then jumped out of his forehead, passed through the blood wall, and submerged into the pool of medicinal liquid.

The eight-eyed giant spider in the pond struggled even more. Suddenly, it twitched violently, its long spider legs tensed up, and finally collapsed on the bank of the pond weakly.

Then, it began to dry rapidly, and finally fell like black-gray sand.

At the same time, the blood in the silver vat also faded a little, and finally turned into a light pink presence.


A middle-aged version of the old wizard Fiennes suddenly sat up from the potion, looked at his hands with interest, touched his face, and looked up at everyone, "Aha, I succeeded, I feel A life like a dragon has arrived."

Anton hurriedly handed over a wizard robe that had been prepared for a long time to help him put it on. Snape handed the medicine that the two had just prepared to the old wizard for him to drink, and Nicklaus brought a bath towel.

As the old wizard Fiennes walked out of the pool water, the pool water behind him also quickly turned gray and sandy, and even began to emit a faint smoke, as if it had been scorched by the fire and deteriorated.

"How do you feel?" Snape looked at Fiennes curiously.

"As we expected." Fiennes twisted his shoulders and exhaled softly. "It feels great."

After speaking, he raised his hand, let everyone see his delicate baby-like fingers, and gently slid his fingers.

In an instant, a huge book flew down from the shelf next to it.

The book landed in front of Anton with the words "The Body Purchase of Vitality" - Alex Fiennes, Severus Snape (co-author).

"Take it and take a look. All the steps, theories and ideas are in it. There are only two books in this book. We will donate the other one to the school. Thanks to Hogwarts and Dumbledore for giving us the opportunity to freshmen."

With that, he couldn't wait to lift a suitcase from the shelf.

Anton looked at him in amazement, "Where are you going?"

"Hey..." The old wizard Fiennes smiled, "Diagon Alley, I'm going to eat ice cream, I'm going to eat bee beetles, and by the way, go to the Muggle world to soak in a hot spring.

Snape smiled and reminded him, "Remember to buy a wand that suits you."

"I know, I know."

Fiennes was excited like a child, "I can't wait, Severus, I'll give you all the Potions class these days."

Snape raised his eyebrows, "You better come back early, I have to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts."


Coming out of the old wizard Fiennes' office and returning to the hut, Anton couldn't wait to open this tome.

The very beginning of the book lists a lot of the basics needed to understand the book's content.


Anton raised his eyebrows, "It's all black magic, haha, it seems that it can only be placed in the *** area."

Much of the knowledge in the book is further described on the basis of Fiennes' magic theory, Anton's advanced theory and Snape's potions theory.

But Fiennes and Snape did not write these three parts of the theory, which is equivalent to a high-end advanced magic knowledge.

For others, the reading threshold may be high, but it is just right for Anton.

It's amazing. When Anton began to selflessly spread his knowledge, the feedback came back from different angles in his theory.

Including the ceremonial magic direction of the wild wizard, the potion of the Potter family's 'Evil Erosion' and the improvement of the resurrection of the old wizard.

Anton vaguely touched a magical new field.

blood vessels.


It is no longer the underlying image of the "Deathly Hallows" pattern observed by the magical eye that begins to have a clear operational logic of actual reality.

Bloodline is an inseparable part of the body, and it is also the most crucial point to distinguish Muggles from wizards.

From the alchemy doll body made for Fiennes, to the Muggle doll body of the hut war chess game, to Anton's recent research on making dolls a medium that can use magic...

From the Weasley family's memory palace blood inheritance, to the Potter family's use of evil spirits to influence the soul to leverage magic...

Everything, as if strung into a line.

It seems to be vaguely telling Anton that the wizard's blood does not only exist in the body, it also exists in the soul.

But it's not an indispensable one.

Extraordinarily magical.

"Superposition?" Anton murmured with a frown, "Superposition? Or is it an intermediate state?"

"If you say so..."

His eyes suddenly lit up, he put the book aside suddenly, and quickly rushed to his experimental bench to quickly search for various potion materials.

"Come on, Neville, get those little green man meatballs we used to make hot pot."

Neville was stunned for a moment, then quickly closed his notepad, looking for something to hold down, "Those are all in Hannah's greenhouse, what else do you need?"

"Moonlight grass."

"Spray the choking grass."

"The rhizome of the mandrake, oh no, the one from this Fudge is with me."

"Bad Bloodweed."


"Okay, wait for me for a while." Neville looked around for a while, grabbed the sleepy fat ball from the gap of the sofa, slammed into the floor-to-ceiling window, and jumped out.


The pink fire dragon took the rain and carried Neville into the sky.

"Hey, Anton, what are you going to do, we'll help you." George's eyes lit up, he threw someone else's class notes on the table, and came over with great interest.

"Oh~" Fred, who was playing tons of textbooks, shouted happily, wiped the saliva from the textbook, and walked over, suddenly becoming more energetic, "Sure enough, doing experiments can make us a hundred times more energetic. ."

"Prepare the materials for the "Removal of Human Body Shape Magic Potion", and the initial processing method is the same." Anton quickly poured a pot of pre-prepared potion into the crucible, lit the alcohol lamp, and let it slowly heat the crucible.

Everyone quickly operated each step, and Anton began to tell, "The previous approach was wrong!"

"Remember my book over there? 'Muggles, Werewolves and Purebloods', there are only 'Wolfman Experience Candy Potions Recipe' and 'The Recipe of Manipulative Transformation Potions', and then I left a question, 'Purebloods' Possibly a wizard with a special magical bloodline..."

George was stunned for a moment. "I've read the report from the Inquisition, and you've concocted the third potion formula in this book and turned Dudley Dursley from a Muggle Squib into a wizard."

"Yes, that's it!" Anton's eyes seemed to have light, which was frighteningly bright. "Do you remember the principle?"

"Using Animagus' ideas to turn wizards into magical animals, but Animagus itself can't become magical animals, especially for Muggle Squibs, it can only last for a short time. So wait for this After the Fantastic Beast's body collapses, its bloodline attaches to the wizard, giving the Muggle Squib the ability to cast magic." Fred said this quickly.

"Then..." Anton smiled at them, "Have you noticed, wizard... werewolf..."

"Right, the werewolf is actually the magical animal Animagus of the wizard. Because it has a strong animal nature that erodes the self, it has also become a deformation that the wizard can't bear."

George and Fred looked at each other and swallowed, "What do you mean?"

"The formula I proposed before to "remove the human body shape transformation potion" is wrong!" Anton waved his fist vigorously, "What we have to do is not "eliminate", but "destroy", completely destroy the werewolf "This body, let its blood flow into it.

into the wizard's soul and body. "

"I think......"


Anton was very excited, "If it is successful, we are equivalent to making a pure-blood wizard "with the ability to transform into a werewolf" on the basis of the previous "Werewolf Animagus". UU Reading www.uukanshu .com A new pure-blood wizard, or wizard with bloodline that inherits magical beast abilities.

"Of course, in the end, it will "have the ability to transform", or directly have the physique of a werewolf." This will only be known after the experiment. "

"Look, in a similar way, Muggle Squibs can get magic, and wizards can get new magical abilities."

"If this experiment is successful, yes, if the verification is successful, I will be able to figure out how the Muggle Squib can easily become a wizard!"

"I already have an interesting subject, the Death Eater in Azkaban, Bella's husband..."

"Oh, yes, "Destroying Animal Clone Potions" also has experimental subjects, and there are some antlers and white bears over the North Pole."

Anton rubbed his hands together, "Quick, help me verify this method. @*~~"

He licked the corner of his mouth, "I can't wait."

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