The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 2 Chapter 665: Guarantee that everyone can eat 1 catty

"Remember?" Anton waved his wand, talking with great interest.

"In the first grade, the first spell we learned in Charms class was the Levitation Charm."

"Professor Flitwick described the characteristics of this spell in detail, and told us about a failure case. Anton imitated Professor Flitwick's tone and said pretendingly, "Don't forget about Baruffe arcane wizard,

He changed the 'f' to an 's' and found himself lying on the floor with a bison on his chest. "

"This idea gave me a lot of ideas, oh, yes, Neville, I really did research a battle magic." Anton raised his eyebrows.

He waved his wand and aimed at a bush not far away, "It's a composite spell of the False Levitation Curse and the Soul Shifting Curse. When I made this spell think that the bush was me..."


It was only a moment before the light of the curse came on, and a bison suddenly fell out of thin air and hit the bushes, looked around suspiciously, and yelled, "Moo~~~"

The friends all exclaimed.

The damage caused by this magic is absolutely terrifying.

You know, this bison is huge, with a body length of more than two meters and a height of two meters. It looks like a giant, and it weighs about a ton!

"Of course, if you use this idea..."

Anton controlled a small branch of a bush that was crushed by the bison to float into the air, "Borrowing the power of this kind of weight, um, it is to put the error floating spell in a state of being wrong and wrong, and the bison will not will appear, but such power will also appear on the floating objects we cast...」

As he said that, he looked at his friends and emphasized the truth again, "Complicated minds are driven by complex magical powers. They are naturally connected because of pure emotions. You don't need to think about how they are fused together. , leave this question to magic.”

With a slight flick of the wand, the chopstick-thick branches floating in the air slammed down on the buffalo's head.


With a loud bang, the buffalo shook around and crashed to the bottom.

"Wow~" the friends exclaimed again.

"Look, the floating spell has ever-changing characteristics. It moves with our mind. When our mind is mixed and focused, it is actually not difficult to exert such an effect."

"Of course, if you want to master such an effect proficiently, you need to thoroughly understand this magic principle."

Anton chuckled, "After I figured it out thoroughly, I developed them into three spells, one of which is 'Bison Overwhelming'."

"The other two spells are, 'Knock gently to wake up the sleeping mind,' and 'Here comes the little flying stick,'. One focuses on the force of the flying stick's strike, and the other focuses on the speed of the flying stick's attack."

He shrugged, "You can learn the magic principle of this by learning these three spells."

"Wake up the sleeping heart gently?" George looked at the fainted giant bison with a strange expression. He really couldn't imagine if ordinary human beings were hit by such gravity on the head, would it be "wake up", or" Knock to death,.

Anton froze for a moment, imagining that the wand in a person's hand flew out of his hand, then hit his head, and then exploded...


"Ms. Aibo!" Anton smacked his mouth, "You are the big devil!"

"Listen, the three magic spells I came up with are for you to understand the magic principles in it, understand, I'm not good at fighting, this thing is just a magic spell for practice."

"We understand!" The friends said meaningfully and in unison.

"Oh, Merlin's beard~" Anton shook his head, "I'll teach you these three spells later, as for the integration of the disarming spell, I won't develop it, it's too evil .”

Hannah, however, refused to let go, and said with sparkling eyes, "Actually, if we also figured out the magic principle you mentioned, wouldn't it be me?

Can we also make a fusion spell of the Disarming Charm and this Flying Stick Charm? "

Anton grinned, and said meaningfully, "Professor Snape told me, don't do things that you can't regret, it's good for you to leave room when you cast the attack spell." .On the road of magic, you must know how to restrain yourself.”

"Is that so?" Hannah nodded half-understanding.


Anton clapped his hands, "Let's go back to the original topic, I can't wait to show you the gourmet spell I have researched, and I guarantee that each of you can eat a catty!"

So everyone turned their eyes away from the poor buffalo.

"First of all, I need to prepare some seasonings. This thing is indispensable at present. Maybe when I go deeper on the road of magic, I can figure out how to conjure delicious food out of thin air."

Anton took out the snuff box from his pocket and tapped it lightly, causing the bottles and jars containing the seasonings to fly out.

"Conjure delicious food out of thin air?" Anna looked at Anton suspiciously, blinked, and suddenly realized something, and looked at the bison not far away who didn't know whether it was fainted or dead.

Anton snapped his fingers and laughed, "That's what you guessed!"

"First, we summoned a bison with the wrong levitation spell. UU Reading"

"Then, we use 'flesh and bone separation' to remove the edible parts."

"Use the 'Shenfeng Wuying' to cut it open, and use the 'Transformation' technique to turn its bones into bone sticks for support."

"Then, we use 'Clean Up' to get rid of everything we don't want."

"Use "clear water like a spring" to wash away the **** water, and use the "Death Curse" to sterilize it. "

"Then use the black magic potion technique of 'slow poisoning' to smear it with seasoning, and then use a little bit of black magic 'increased damage' principle to speed up its pickling."

"Then use the compound casting method of 'Iron Armor Curse' and 'Floating Curse' to spread the honey evenly on the flesh."

"Finally, use the 'Fire Curse' to give it a thorough baptism of fire."

Everyone was taken aback by Anton's narration about the Gourmet Curse.

"O free-flowing soul, hungry soul, satisfy me with some barbecue!"


A flame spewed out from the tip of his wand, soaring into the sky, like bright fireworks, and exploded in the sky.

After the fireworks cleared, a large piece of barbecue appeared in the air, slowly floating in front of everyone.

The aroma of grilled meat hits the face.

The steaming heat is accompanied by the smell of barbecue, cumin, and oil, stimulating everyone's taste buds.

That's all, a bunch of kebabs of various internal organs are also floating aside.

The big partners were all shocked.

"Here." Hannah smiled and showed, "That's not a delicacy conjured out of thin air. If there is no seasoning, it will only have the saltiness without salt, and the taste will be so fragrant."

"Wow~" Xiaojia exclaimed.

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