The Grey Wizard of Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 925: Lucius is an old fence sitter

Although Horace Slughorn agreed to come to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because he was protected by Dumbledore and Anton and helped Anton carry out the "Muggle-to-Wizard" project, he was first accepted by Deng. Bridola went to familiarize himself with the course.

Time is running out, he will give a class to the little wizards of the first and fifth grades tomorrow.

He had to find Professor Fiennes to find out about the progress of the Potions course for the young wizards of each grade.

Of course, this is not difficult for him.

Professor Slughorn used to teach at Hogwarts for a very long time. He was already a professor of Potions before Tom Riddle and Hagrid, and he taught Snape, Lily, and Sirius all the way. After this term.

Don't be too familiar with the school and classroom teaching.

It's just that this old professor, who longs for a peaceful life after retirement, may have to face Hogwarts that is getting more and more complicated—all the professors are compiling new textbooks, and they must be better than 'Azkaban'. Academy' teaching materials are better!

Oh, not only to compare with colleagues, but also with Anton and his colleagues.

You know, Dumbledore, who persuaded these professors to adapt to the times to change the teaching content, was pretended by Grindelwald.

And now, Grindelwald has also become the headmaster of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Now Durmstrang has almost become a holy place for old saints, and all kinds of master wizards can be seen everywhere.

One can imagine how the entire magic education industry will undergo changes under the influence of these two magic schools and the reference of Anton's Azkaban Academy.

Even Professor Snape, who is the least motivated and is said to be ashamed, under the influence of Anton, co-authored a professional book on potions "Your Vitality Body" with Fiennes, and compiled it by himself. Defense Against the Dark Arts: The Patronus Charm.

Anton is like a big catfish, jumping into this peaceful and peaceful lake, stirring everything up to a boil.

The world is changing.

So vibrant.

It was already afternoon when we returned to the magic school, and the little wizards had their own places to go. Anton saw Harry and Dudley on the side of the Quidditch pitch.

Now the pair of cousins ​​seem to have a good relationship, and they cooperate more and more tacitly.

Dudley, riding on a broomstick and swinging a bat, knocked the Bludger at the Ravenclaw house team's Seeker, creating a perfect opportunity for Harry, and the whole stadium exploded in an instant. It was a cry of cheers.

In the stands, the somewhat pale Sirius and Hermione stood up excitedly and waved the Gryffindor flag.

Magic is the power of the soul. Sometimes wizards don't need to practice magic hard over and over again to pursue the beauty and integrity of the soul, and everything will come naturally.

Anton stopped by the court for a while, then smiled and walked towards the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

If Hagrid was in the pumpkin patch, he could be seen chatting with Mad-Eye, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but Anton didn't go up to make do with it, and continued walking towards the hut.

Perhaps Anton's aura of a dark wizard is too strong, or perhaps he has always been unrestrained and unruly. Mad-Eye Professor Moody doesn't seem to like Anton very much, and sometimes there is a bit of vigilance in his eyes.

Anton used to be an apprentice next to the old wizard Fiennes, wandering on the fringes of the wizarding society, and often felt it when he met Aurors.

—Hey, be careful, I'm watching you.

That's probably how it feels.

Of course, the old fritters and the old wizard Fiennes would not mind, and even showed a profound provocative expression.

Aurors can't arrest what they think is a dark wizard at will, because they only have the right to arrest but not to judge. When they don't have enough evidence to prove that the dark wizard in front of them is doing bad things, those gentlemen of the Wizengamot will not Choose to follow blindly.

In fact, Fiennes once told Anton with a sneer that, compared to dark wizards, the Wizengamot would stare at the only Aurors with violent law enforcement powers in the Ministry of Magic.

Putting power in a cage may be the ideological influence that Dumbledore, the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, brought to this department.

With checks and balances, there may be omissions, but it also represents order.

Every wizard desires order, which is the guarantee of a peaceful and peaceful life.

Anton's teacher in the Ministry of Magic, old Ronaldo, once complained contemptuously about the uncontrollable abuse of Aurors' rights by the Magical Congress of the United States-because of the existence of witch hunters, and the hostility between the Magical Congress and the local Muggle officials, Auror rights Being infinitely magnified, the resulting loss of control of power has turned the entire wizarding society into a mess.

In that special social environment, the original twelve heroic Aurors who voluntarily formed the original Auror office with the possibility of sacrificing their lives at any time have now become the most terrible problem in the wizarding society.

Some of the Aurors who made meritorious deeds became the speakers of the Magic Congress, and some of their direct descendants became the principals of the Yinlfomney School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the end, a pure-blood family controlled the Magic Congress and even the entire American wizarding world.

There, pure blood supremacy is not a hype, but a real fact.

Among them, the most influential is the Graves pure-blood family, which controls the position of the head of the Auror office all the year round.

Percival Graves was such a man. This is why Grindelwald pretended to be this person, not the president of the Magic Congress.

These are mentioned because the Death Eaters are now attacking this land with dignity.

Even if their Dark Lord is dead or alive, they still hear about their activities there every day.

The Witch Freya Avery, the president of the Magic Congress that Anton had contacted before, was said to be in a bad situation. Countless wizards protested some of her practices on the street—even if everyone thought it was normal before.

And a familiar figure is quietly entering the political circle of the Magic Congress—Lucius Malfoy!

People were surprised to find that at some point in time, this man had become the leader of the Humanoid Magic Species Protection Organization of the Magic Congress. (Similar to the Director of the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures in the Ministry of Magic)

Under the ignorance of the International Federation of Wizards to the land of America as always, and the indifference of the European Ministry of Magic, the Death Eaters are encroaching on the power of that land step by step.

Anton's younger brother Luke Wood, who runs a newspaper in France, even wrote him a letter to analyze the situation there - the Graves pure-blood family might make a compromise, and let Bellatrix of the Death Eaters come Strange became the head of the Aurors, and used it as a springboard to become the head of the Department of Law Enforcement.

And Lucius Malfoy may even get his hands on the position of Speaker of the Magical Parliament.

If this really happens, it means that the Dark Lord will completely control that land, and the Death Eaters will also be successfully exonerated and become official figures.

At least to that point, no matter which country's Ministry of Magic in Europe can't arrest these dark wizards on criminal grounds.

The situation will change from a war between the official and non-governmental black wizard groups to a war between the Ministry of Magic of two countries, or even the Ministry of Magic of two continents...

That would be an extremely terrible thing!

The most frightening thing is that because the Magical Congress of the United States was hurt by a witch-hunting organization "Purge", it sought help from the International Federation of Wizards and the Ministry of Magic of various countries to no avail, and the International Federation of Wizards directly pointed at their incompetence Leading to innocent Muggles being implicated...

The Magical Congress of the United States had to relocate the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic several times, and survived those difficult years in a passive manner.

Today, the Magical Congress of America just doesn't bother to pay attention and is extremely tired of the interference of the International Federation of Wizards.

Under such historical reasons, Dumbledore, as the president of the International Federation of Wizards, could not even have any influence over there, and they were always vigilant about any statement made by Dumbledore.

Maybe that's why the Dark Lord Voldemort set his sights on this place.

When the Dark Lord regained his sanity and stopped staring at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, everything became complicated.

In view of the fact that Anton's "Asylum Tower" building is next to the headquarters of the Magic Congress, Luke Wood asked Anton to be more vigilant in the letter.

After the young version of Tom Riddle was blasted to pieces by Anton in the Top 100 Tournament, the European Ministry of Magic did not arrest the Death Eaters brought by Tom, and let him leave , has already revealed clues.

Before writing to Rookwood, Draco Malfoy also secretly said something to Anton in the dormitory—"My father told me to tell you, he said, 'The Malfoy family will swear to the death to protect the Tower of Asylum.'"

At that time, Draco had a puzzled expression on his face, and Anton also had a blank expression on his face.

But now, everything has become clear.

I'm afraid that even if the Dark Lord is completely killed, the power he represents of these new pure-blood families will also become a powerful force, and will not die because of losing support, and will take root in that land alone.

And the Malfoy family also found their next family early on, and kept their only son by Anton's side. Such a statement is undoubtedly guessing the position of the 'Asylum Tower' in Anton's mind.

In particular, Lucius' former house elf, Dobby, is now walking freely in the streets of New York, buying a lot of clothes and delicious snacks.


Just like what Anton's little brother Ron Your Malfoy family will never lose in feelings, right?

Yes, Lucius gave Anton a reason not to interfere with their Death Eaters' activities in that land.

What I still want to say is-you fight, if you are awesome and can completely kill the Dark Lord, the territory here belongs to you, and we regard you as our King Wesley.

Things in the world have always been so intricate that it is difficult to distinguish between black and white.

Lucius this man.

It is indeed worthy of being a wall-riding expert.

And it seems that Anton has always been surrounded by players on the wall, Snape, Lockhart, Lupine...

After all, this world is a world of magic and wizards with great power all in one body. People who are not strong enough are just trying to survive in the cracks of the big bosses.

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