The Group Pet Goose is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Boss

Chapter 209: Admit It's Your Own Content

"I have a plan here, you can take a look." Jiang Zhe posted the content in the group, and in the group there was Qin Jingchen Fengye Qin Hai Qin He.

It was the plan she had given Vance before.

Recycling of plastic waste.

Feng Ye clicked to take a look, and couldn't help but burst out: "Fuck. Use it as a new energy source!"

Qin Jingchen also clicked.

Waste plastic is a problem for the whole world, and it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to deal with but not profitable.

The plan given by Jiang Zhe can not only be processed, but also recycled.

"I knew before that there was a company in M ​​country doing this, but I thought it was doing public welfare, and it didn't have much benefit. I didn't expect it would be like this. If it was really possible, then all plastic pollution would be nothing. , can also generate income." After reading the information, Feng Ye was so impressed, "You can still use this as a new energy source!"

Seeing Jiang Zhe's indifferent expression and slightly drooping eyes, Qin Jingchen knew that this was her own plan.

To be able to do this, ability, talent, and action are indispensable.

Chang Yemeng and Yuanlong can also do this kind of research, but it will definitely cost countless manpower and material resources.

As for the rest of the institutions and units, it is even more difficult to do such insignificant things. The financial support behind it is a bottomless consumption.

Jiang Zhe's age, this kind of ability, this kind of heart... is really rare.

Qin Jingchen's eyebrows were slightly deep, and he said sincerely, "thank you."

"No, it's not for you, but for others."

Jiang Zhe gave it to Vance in country M, but Vance's hand couldn't reach the Dragon Empire.

The significance of environmental protection in this matter is far greater than the significance of making money. Dealing with that garbage will benefit the country and the people. Jiang Zhe originally planned to find someone to give it to him during this time.

With Qin Jingchen, it happened to help her internal digestion.

"I remember, did my sister-in-law also mention this at the previous new energy environmental protection speech and exchange conference?"

"A little bit of fur." ​​Jiang Zhe nodded.

Qin He was speechless. He remembered that the audience was very excited at that time. Many people with professional vision were looking for Jiang Zhe, trying to say a word or two to her, but Jiang Zhe only mentioned a little bit of fur.

If she really sent out the content in her hand, I don't know how much sensation it would cause.

What Qin He thought of: "Miss Jiang, I heard that there will be a commendation meeting in the school to praise you for winning this time."

"Well, tomorrow." Jiang Zhe was originally not interested in the commendation meeting, but the commendation would be of great significance to Luo Qiaoyin, so she did not refuse.

"Then can we come to participate tomorrow?" Qin He asked with a longing look on his face.

Feng Ye felt that Qin He was really crazy about Jiang Zhe recently. He hurriedly glanced at Qin Jingchen's face in the rearview mirror and found that his expression was stable. Only then did he realize that he thought too much. How could Qin Jingchen be jealous of Qin He?

Probably Qin Jingchen realized long ago that Qin He is just worshiping, not admiring.

Qin Jingchen also looked at Jiang Zhe, what Qin He said was exactly what he wanted to ask.

"If you have time." Jiang Zhe responded.

"Then let's come over tomorrow." Qin Jingchen held her hand again.

Jiang Zhe twitched, but he held it too tightly and didn't take it away.

She didn't bother to move anymore, so she let him hold it. The winter sun fell on her body through the window, it was really warm.


No. 1 Middle School wants to give Jiang Zhe a commendation conference, and does not hesitate to vigorously publicize it.

It's an international award, an international honor, it's a big deal.

In terms of the school, many journalists were even invited.

Meng Yirou was very upset when she heard the news.

She should have been treated like this when she won the first prize.

However, there is a special prize in front of her, so the No. 2 Middle School didn't want to give her a big recognition for this first prize. It was just a simple award ceremony in the class.

Her tablemate whispered, "Yirou, is that Jiang Zhe really that powerful?"


"What exactly is the content of her speeches and exchanges? How can it be like this? No. 1 Middle School has never seen the world, right?"

Only then did Meng Yirou remember that she hadn't seriously studied Jiang Zhe's communication.

However, the organizer's official website has recorded content, which has been made into a video, which is very convenient.

She immediately opened it and studied it carefully.

After listening to it, Meng Yirou discovered that what Jiang Zhe said was mostly about the recycling and reuse of waste plastics as new energy materials.

It's very sensational, and I don't know how feasible it is, but many people in the audience were aroused by her.

Many people asked Jiang Zhe, and she answered fluently, which provoked more people to hold on to this question.

Meng Yirou felt that Jiang Zhe was just playing tricks. When she was preparing the speech and communication draft, she had studied a lot of related materials, not to mention reuse. Just recycling is a huge difficulty, a problem in the world.

Therefore, Meng Yirou did not study carefully in that direction.

After watching the content of this video, she found that Jiang Zhe really dared to say it.

Dare to say anything.

However, after ranting, Meng Yirou still landed on the webpage and checked the relevant information on the webpage.

Only after this investigation did she discover that there really is a related technology!

It's just that this technology is not very mature, but there are already many forward-looking companies rushing to it.

A company in the state of M is currently investing in the project.

No wonder, that day Meng Yirou saw Jiang Zhe communicating with a man, it turned out that the man was Vance, the boss who invested in this project.

Meng Yirou continued to search for information and found that there was also a technology blogger on Weibo, who was also a doctoral student in the research school, and has been conducting research in this direction.

This doctoral student is constantly doing experiments, revising data, and posting his content on Weibo.

Because the content was too professional, he hid some key data and content. Not many people responded to him on Weibo, and not many people paid attention to his Weibo. Most of the time, he was just entertaining himself. a record.

There is such a technology.

Meng Yirou was also quite surprised.

However, she remembered that Jiang Zhe mentioned in the video just now that she was doing this research herself?

Meng Yirou looked back at Jiang Zhe's exchange, and read it carefully again from beginning to end, studying word by word.

Then she found a problem. Some of the data and content mentioned by Jiang Zhe were consistent with this doctoral student!

What the PhD student didn't mention, she didn't mention either.

However, even if it was only mentioned a little, it also caused a sensation and appreciation from everyone in the audience.

Then Jiang Zhe admitted in one of the sentences that this is her own content and research!

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