This time Jiang Shao came back with a title deed and contacts from the past few years, which is naturally the object of many people's friendship.

Now Jiang Zhang's family is near the water tower to get the moon first, and to prepare a heavy gift, they are also prepared.

"Then let's choose carefully." Gu Jiaheng said.

"I know you have research in this area. You often came here with Grandpa Gu before. Your vision must be correct." Jiang Fanyue trusted him very much.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Zhang and Liang Jinlan are relieved to let them handle this matter.

As long as he pleases Jiang Shao, the road for Jiang Zhang's family will be very easy in the future.

The two wandered all the way and talked all the way.

On Qin He's side, after looking at it for a long time, although there are many good things, but there is no idea.

Confused about what to buy.

Jiang Zhe asked, "What do you like, your elder brother's father-in-law?"

"I just like antiques, and I'm not interested in the rest."

"Oh, where's the budget?" Jiang Zhe asked.

"It doesn't matter. My dad didn't say it. But it doesn't matter if it's more or less. My eldest brother is getting married. If the price is expensive, it's a gift from me."

Qin He said generously.

Jiang Zhe snorted: "Then take a look."

Qin He found a purple sand pot and said softly, "This seems to be good, it's been a while."

When the boss heard Qin He's words, he immediately came out and said, "This gentleman has a good eye. This purple clay teapot is a fine product of the Ming Dynasty. You can see that it is complete in appearance, full in shape and smooth in tentacles. It is the best among official kilns. We brought it back from abroad before, and we were also exiled abroad from us, and we finally have the opportunity to get it back now."

Qin He reached out and touched it, and it felt good, not like a fake.

Looking at its appearance, it is indeed top quality.

"Boss, what's your price?" Qin He asked.

"Mr. is really a person who knows goods. Look at this purple clay pot. It has Tang Bohu's signature and original work on it. Before abroad, in the auction house, it was all eight figures. This one of us, you are also a destined person. You have two million and that's it."

Qin He hesitated for a moment: "Tang Bohu's signature and original work? On the purple clay pot?"

"You may not have heard of this story. When Tang Bohu was alive, he was already well-known, but once he left his money bag on the road, making him embarrassed and walking hungry. He walked to a teapot seller. In front of the old man, he begged the old man to give him a bite to eat, and he promised to sell his teapot.

The old man showed kindness and gave him steamed buns to fill his stomach. After eating, Tang Bohu wrote handwriting on his teapot, stamped it with his signature, and walked away. The old man thought he was a white-eyed wolf who ate free food, but he didn't expect that after a while, someone saw the writing under his teapot, and immediately said that all his goods were sold out. These purple clay pots are the ones that Tang Bohu wrote in person at the beginning. "

The boss speaks vividly.

Although Qin He knew that the story was fabricated, it sounded fascinating.

Besides, the handwriting on it looks the same as Tang Bohu's.

He looked back at Jiang Zhe: "Miss Jiang, can you give me some advice?"

Jiang Zhe was about to speak when Jiang Fanyue's voice came: "Boss, I want to buy this purple clay pot."

When Jiang Zhe and Qin He appeared in this store, Jiang Fanyue and Gu Jiaheng also arrived.

They swung around and saw nothing particularly suitable.

Hearing what the boss said just now, and Qin He's value for this purple clay teapot, Jiang Fanyue felt that this teapot was really good.

Since Qin He is still hesitating, it is not an exaggeration to buy it himself.

The grandfather loves tea and antiques, so the item in front of him is undoubtedly the best gift.

Jiang Fanyue and Gu Jiaheng walked to Jiang Zhe.

Seeing Jiang Zhe and Qin He getting close, Jiang Fanyue felt a trace of contempt in her heart, Jiang Zhe was so fast, the man beside him changed again?

Gu Jiaheng glanced at Qin He, and found that he was taller than himself, and his appearance was no worse than his own, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Zhe stood in front of Qin He wearing a school uniform, his cold and irresistible appearance made Gu Jiaheng take a few more glances.

Only then did he realize that Qin He was a little low-key in front of Jiang Zhe, Gu Jiaheng thought, no wonder the two hit it off.

"Jiang Zhe, are you here to buy something for your friend?" he asked.

The tone was a little unfriendly.

So much so that Jiang Zhe not only ignored him, but also did not lift his slightly drooping eyes, turning a deaf ear to his questioning.

Qin He also heard about the two of them, and said lightly, "Miss Jiang is here to buy things with me. Are you two?"

Gu Jiaheng was ignored by Jiang Zhe, and his displeasure expanded.

Jiang Fanyue smiled gracefully and generously: "I heard the boss say it costs 2 million for this purple clay pot? The price is really a bit expensive. I think it's better to let me buy it."

Seeing Jiang Fanyue's act so generous, the boss was naturally delighted, and said to Qin He, "This gentleman, what do you think?"

The reason why Jiang Fanyue is so firm is that Gu Jiaheng has patronized this store and bought good things.

She also quietly asked Gu Jiaheng just now, and only after Gu Jiaheng's approval did she think of buying this.

She has a good eye for this purple clay pot, and she thinks that her grandfather will definitely like it.

Qin He asked Jiang Zhe, "Miss Jiang, what do you think?"

As long as Jiang Zhe opens his mouth, he will accept it or not.

Jiang Zhe said: "Buy it, buy it if you like it."

"The boss, two million, I bought it." Qin He said.

Jiang Fanyue saw that they were still hesitating just now. When she heard that she wanted to buy it, she bought it in one bite. It was obvious that Jiang Zhe was here for herself.

"Boss, I'll add more money, add one hundred thousand." Jiang Fanyue really liked this purple clay pot.

Today, she carried the bank card given by her parents, and she was full of confidence.

As for Jiang Zhe, Jiang Fanyue didn't think she could spend so much money.

Today, Jiang Zhe took a fancy to this purple clay pot, and maybe he wanted to buy it. Then he went to Grandpa's house. After two rounds of weighing, Jiang Fanyue proposed a price increase.

Qin He glanced at Jiang Zhe, Jiang Zhe raised his eyebrows slightly, meaning to let him join.

"Oh, then I'll also add 100,000." Qin He said without changing his expression.

Now that Miss Jiang has spoken, anything will do.

"I add 200,000!"

Seeing Jiang Zhe increasing the price, Jiang Fanyue felt that she was right. Jiang Zhe must have bought it as a gift, so she followed the increase.

"I also add twenty." Qin He refused to forgive.


"I add forty!"

Seeing the two quarreling, Gu Jiaheng didn't know how much of it was because of the purple clay pot itself and how much it was because of himself.

But in any case, Jiang Zhe was not without waves in front of him.

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