Song Ye said, "He came to me to get a document."

"Director Song." The assistant came in, not expecting to see Jiang Zhe.

He is still familiar with Jiang Zhe.

Song Ye handed a document to his assistant: "I originally planned to send it to Minister Jiang, but I didn't expect him to ask you to come and run."

"I pass by here anyway, so it's convenient to take a trip." The assistant smiled.

"It's hard work." Song Ye said.

The assistant was about to turn around when Song Xingyu asked, "Dad, this time you are in charge of the construction of the Western Suburbs. When will we move back to the capital?"

The assistant was stunned, Song Ye is the chief in charge?

He already knew that Jiang Xiliang was in charge of part of the construction of the western suburbs, that is to say, a deputy.

So this time, it seems that Song Ye is a full-time job?

Seeing that the assistant heard, Song Ye didn't hide it. The official appointment has been announced internally, and it will be officially announced tomorrow.

He smiled and said, "Convey Minister Jiang for me, and hope to have a pleasant cooperation with Minister Jiang in the future."

The assistant hurriedly said, "Yes, yes."

He turned around and walked out, only to feel a cold sweat, almost thinking he heard something he shouldn't have heard, but fortunately the other party is open-minded.

Mrs. Song tapped Song Xingyu on the head: "Why are you still so stupid, you know what to say and what not to say? Fortunately, your dad's appointment will officially come down tomorrow, otherwise you would be in trouble."

Song Ye was also very serious: "Did you just get distracted again? Do you always get distracted in class?"

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong." Song Xingyu reacted and admitted his mistake in a low voice.

"Looking at Xiao Zhe's face, I won't hit you today." Mrs. Song said with a smile, and then turned to Jiang Zhe, "Xiao Zhe, don't mind, this child is too open-mouthed since he was a child."

The state of the family in front of Jiang Zhe is the most real family.

Jiang Zhe's always indifferent face also showed a touch of softness, "It's okay."

"Learn more like Xiao Zhe in the future." Mrs. Song reminded Song Xingyu.


On the Jiang family's side, dinner is also being enjoyed by the host and guests.

"Minister Jiang, this glass of wine must be respected to you!" Someone stood up and respected Jiang Xiliang.

Jiang Xiliang also had such a rare moment of indulgence. When someone toasted, he would drink it, and he would not refuse anyone who came.

"Speaking of which, the person who can be in charge of the Western Suburbs project, besides Director Jiang Cheng, is also Director Jiang! I respect you."

Jiang Xiliang shook his head: "Don't say that, there is still the chief in charge."

"The chief in charge is just a person arranged by the capital to supervise the work. It's all a fake job. Isn't all the real power still in your hands? At that time, won't you have the final say in everything?"

These words touched Jiang Xiliang's heart.

If there is no accident, this will indeed be the case. Even if the person who comes has the title of chief in charge, everything here is up to you.

What's more, the people who came from the capital didn't know much about the situation here, and the last person to do the real thing was still himself.

Although he is now a deputy in name, in fact, it is almost the same as a full-time position.

Jiang Fanyue also listened to her parents discussing this matter, understood the key points, picked up the drink and said, "Uncle, I also toast you, I wish you a smooth work and a better career."

These words came to Jiang Xiliang's heart, he raised his head and drank a glass of wine.

The atmosphere was even more lively.

The assistant knocked on the door and came in to deliver the materials, Jiang Xiliang took it: "It's hard for you to run."

"It should be," the assistant said.

The assistant thought about it and felt that he should tell Jiang Xiliang what he knew.

"Minister Jiang, I have something, I don't know if I should say it..."

Jiang Xiliang was excited, and he was drunk: "Say, just say whatever."

"Well, I'll go back and talk to you alone." The assistant saw that there were guests at the scene, and it was not convenient to know.

Jiang Xiliang is usually very cautious, but today he really went too far and pulled him: "If you have something, just say it here."

When everyone heard Jiang Xiliang's words, they all looked this way.

The assistant thought for a while and said, "Director Song asked me to convey it on my behalf. I hope to have a pleasant cooperation with you in the future."

Jiang Xiliang was stunned for a moment, he didn't have much relationship with Song Ye originally.

This time, this document is not a direct exchange, but a communication of other parts.

But Song Ye actually said that the cooperation will be pleasant in the future, so that means...

Jiang Xiliang's wine suddenly woke up more than half.

Most of the people next to him are human beings, and some things can be inferred from this sentence.

Suddenly, the scene was terribly quiet.

Jiang Fanyue also sensed something, and suddenly felt something in her heart. According to the assistant's statement, isn't the chief in charge this time not a vacant post transferred from the capital, but Song Ye himself?

However, her relationship with the Song family was a bit bad.

Jiang Fanyue squeezed her hands nervously, and her high emotions began to decline.

Jiang Xiliang calmed down, "What information did you get from Director Song's house?"


"Is it dinner time?"

He wanted to know if Song Ye was also entertaining guests.

"They are having dinner with Jiang Zhe."

Jiang Xiliang didn't know what he was thinking for a while.

But when Jiang Fanyue heard Jiang Zhe's name, she immediately became vigilant. Although she knew that she had a good relationship with the Song family, she still couldn't help being jealous and envious.

If Song Ye is really in charge of this time...

This meal ended up being unhappy, and all the people who had come here for the joy of it all returned in disappointment.

Looking at Wen Xia's eyes, Liang Jinlan couldn't think of anything to comfort her.

The next day, news came that Song Ye really became the general person in charge of the construction of the western suburbs.

Outsiders don't know what Jiang Xiliang thinks.

But Jiang Fanyue was a little bit hurt.

Every time, when she was about to reach a peak, Jiang Zhe would push her head down.

Time and time again, while she was tired, she was more unwilling.

Obviously they are sisters, why is there such a big gap?

Liang Jinlan comforted her: "No matter how good the relationship between Jiang Zhe and Song Ye is, how can it be better? You are your uncle's niece and niece. Besides, you still have an international fashion design competition, which will start soon. As long as you can win the game, do you still worry about being beaten by Jiang Zhe in the future?"

Jiang Fanyue cheered up and asked, "Mom, how are the production lines and materials prepared?"

"Everything is ready. Don't worry, as soon as you win the championship, our clothes will be on the market. Will it be better than before? Now you still have the help of your uncle. There is no problem with sales."

Jiang Fanyue gritted her teeth secretly, this time, you can only succeed, not fail!

In order to hoard more fabrics, Liang Jinlan not only spent a lot of money to buy a lot in Jincheng, but also bought a lot in Beijing.

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