"Mental power is a double-edged sword. It can heal emotions and soothe nerves. Some people have excellent mental power and can use mental power to heal and save people. However, with the growth of age, the decline of mental power will make many original mental powers. People with excellent strength need to rely on dietary supplements, medicinal supplements and spiritual supplements to maintain mental and emotional stability.”

Jiang Zhe spoke eloquently.

Long Feilie had also heard of some of these.

Jiang Fanyue frowned, only to feel that Jiang Zhe was making a fool of himself.

The expressions of Long Feilie and Long Feiyan were obviously more serious.

"It's almost impossible for people of non-Beijing Continent blood to have spiritual power. But people like Long Lao who are at the top of a certain industry to stand out, more or less, have some spiritual power. Such spiritual power is related to his Success is mutually reinforcing. But because he is old and frail, his mental power is inevitably weakened, so he needs some supplements. The piano music played by Jiang Fanyue has some spiritual power."

Jiang Zhe said this, Long Feilie and Long Feiyan understood.

Jiang Fanyue was shocked, she didn't even know that her song had spiritual power.

Zhou Yaming couldn't help but glance at Jiang Fanyue. Could it be that Jiang Fanyue's future is more limitless than he imagined?

Jiang Zhe glanced at Jiang Fanyue: "However, although Jiang Fanyue's music has some spiritual power, her performance is not pure and her thinking is not correct, which delays the artistic conception of the music, and only has a negative effect on Long Lao. The time is short, and the effect is not obvious. After accumulation, it will cause Lao Lao to vomit blood. In short, it is useless to listen to Jiang Fanyue's songs."

Jiang Fanyue said aggrievedly: "I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't expect it to hurt Elder Long. I just played my own tune. Since Jiang Zhe wants to slander me like this, I have nothing to say."

Zhou Yaming also said: "Since the two of you believe in Jiang Zhe like this, we really have nothing to say. But Fan Yue is right, no matter whether it is intentional or not, no one of us will hurt Long Lao. I hope you two will think more about it. This time, we'll go first."

Long Feiyan and Zhou Yaming are close friends. Seeing how he was injured, he felt uncomfortable.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Zhe stopped Zhou Yaming and Jiang Fanyue.

"What else do you want to say?" Zhou Yaming asked impatiently.

"Jiang Fanyue's tunes cannot be released or published."

Jiang Zhe's tone was indifferent, but very firm.

Standing beside her, Qin Jingchen's face was full of protection, as if every word Jiang Zhe said was the most correct.

Zhou Yaming was really angry this time: "Jiang Zhe, Mr. Long and Feiyan are willing to believe your truth. I will not comment. But it's not your turn to take care of Fanyue's affairs!"

"Oh, is it?" Jiang Zhe asked back.

She walked slowly to Jiang Fanyue: "Jiang Fanyue, did you really create this song?"

Jiang Fanyue straightened her chest: "Of course!"

She was righteous and unafraid.

Jiang Zhe took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of her: "In the music library in Beicheng Continent, every year there are music creators who release some of their own creations. You only need to pay a few dollars to get them and use them. Because it is Beicheng. People from the mainland created the music, so these tunes naturally contain some spiritual power of the creator. Jiang Fanyue, you are a native of the Dragon Empire, where did you get your spiritual power?"

Jiang Fanyue's face was slightly pale, but her attitude was very strong: "The so-called spiritual power is just a word of your own. Do you have it?"

"Of course it doesn't count as I said. But the songs in the music library indicate that the payer can use them privately, but it also indicates that if they are commercialized, they need to obtain a separate and additional authorization."

Jiang Zhe kindly reminded her.

Jiang Fanyue's face began to lose its blood, and her hands were clenched tightly.

Zhou Yaming looked at Jiang Fanyue's emotional changes, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

"In addition, with your performance skills, you can't control these songs at all. If you use them as soundtracks for so-called popular artists, it will only produce bad results."

If it wasn't for seeing that Elder Long was so serious this time, Jiang Zhe would not bother to remind Jiang Fanyue.

Long Feiyan realized the seriousness of the situation and said: "Professor Zhou, the copyright law in Beicheng Continent is stricter than that of the Dragon Empire. If someone infringes, lawyers will definitely come to hold them accountable. I suggest you be cautious, especially when it comes to to the point where it could lead to injury.”

Zhou Yaming turned and left.

Jiang Fanyue quickly followed him: "Professor!"

When she got to a place where no one was around, Zhou Yaming stared at her: "Is what Jiang Zhe said true?"

Jiang Fanyue has been exposed by Jiang Zhe, and she dare not continue to deceive: "I'm sorry, I..."

"You!" How much hope Zhou Yaming had placed on Jiang Fanyue, how disappointed he is now.

Especially when she broke into such a big situation.

This caused the relationship between him and the Long family to be irreparable.

Zhou Yaming said in a hoarse voice: "From today, you can go to another teacher. Don't say that you are my student in the future."

"Professor Zhou!" Jiang Fanyue begged pitifully.

Zhou Yaming turned and left, never looking at her again.

His steps were a little heavy, and he remembered that it was because he didn't like Jiang Zhe that he accepted Jiang Fanyue out of selfishness.

As a result, it was a big mistake.

Halfway through, Zhou Yaming received a call from Cai Yasi's agent, telling him that Cai Yasi was too busy to record this album, and is now exhausted. Several other staff members also fell ill one after another.

Therefore, the recording of Cai Yasi's album this time may have to be postponed, and the cooperation with Jiang Fanyue also needs to be postponed.

Zhou Yaming immediately remembered what Jiang Zhe had just said, and was shocked.

Could it be that Jiang Zhe's words are not exaggerated, if these songs are not used properly, they will really have a strong adverse effect?

He said in a low voice, "Don't use Jiang Fanyue's tune."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Jiang Fanyue remained in place. Although Jiang Xiliang and Wenxia didn't participate in the center of the incident just now, they listened to the whole process and understood the meaning of Jiang Zhe's words.

It turned out that Jiang Fanyue's song this time was also plagiarized, using a song that was clearly marked as not for commercial use in other people's music library, and also advertised that it was created by herself.

The couple originally thought that Jiang Fanyue had changed somewhat after going through so many things, but now they know that she is really hard to change.

The couple also thought that with her light, they would develop in the capital in the future.

Now, it is good not to be held accountable by the Long family.

No matter how much Wenxia's love was wiped out by her, she was so disappointed with her that she shook her head and said, "Let's go first, you can do it yourself."

Jiang Fanyue opened her mouth, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

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