The Group Pet Goose is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Boss

Chapter 416 There must be something wrong with the quota

Professor Tan's old arms and legs were almost shattered by Ding Yi.

When Jiang Zhe came in, Professor Tan seemed to see the savior and waved to her to come over quickly.

"Jiang Zhe, you are here, just stop this person."

Without waiting for Jiang Zhe to start, Ding Yi automatically released Professor Tan and said to Jiang Zhe, "Jiang Zhe, if you don't want to go, there will be no problem with the quota. If you want to go, there will be a problem with the quota."

"Professor Tan is investigating." Jiang Zhe said.

Ding Yi calmed down and stared at Professor Tan on the phone.

Professor Tan made a few calls and got a perfunctory answer.

It means that the test paper was reviewed by the teacher who issued the test in Beicheng Continent, so there shouldn't be any problems.

If you want to verify, you need to write an application first, and then transfer the paper for review.

Ding Yi frowned: "After this set of procedures, the daylilies are cold. Shouldn't it wait until the review is over, and then say, 'We did make a mistake, in order to make up for it, let Jiang Zhe come to study again next school year'?"

Professor Tan looked at Jiang Zhe: "You see?"

Jiang Zhe sat down, took out his mobile phone, and quickly clicked on it.

Ding Yi looked at Professor Tan: "Jiang Zhe is playing with his mobile phone?"

Professor Tan motioned him not to disturb Jiang Zhe by speaking.

On the side of Assistant Xu, Jiang Zhe's trouble was solved, and he was in a good mood.

The list of people who can come to study has also been determined. There is no Jiang Zhe's name on it, which makes people feel comfortable.

A moment later, his phone rang.

He picked it up casually: "Hello."

"Assistant Xu, right? I'm Jiang Zhe."

Assistant Xu sat up straight, took the phone from his ear, and took a serious look at the number on it.

Then asked, "Who is it?"

"Ginger Zhe."

Assistant Xu bounced off the sofa: "How come you have my call? How did you get through?"

Due to the advanced science, the communication system used in the Beicheng Continent is different from other regions, and they can directly call the phone number of any other place.

But if someone wants to call their phone, special authorization is required.

How could Jiang Zhe do it?

Besides, how did she get her phone number?

Jiang Zhe did not answer his question, but said, "I want to check the results."


"According to the regulations of the Beicheng Continental Ministry of Education, all students who have questions about their grades can apply for inspection."

"Okay, then you can hand in the application form first."

If this process is really going to start, it will be too long.

This delay, at least a few months, as long as a year or two, is not arbitrarily arranged by him?

Jiang Zhe's voice was very clear: "No, just now."

"Impossible, I don't have time right now."

"I didn't let you check. You're not qualified yet."

Jiang Zhe's voice was light and calm, but it was enough to strike a heart.

Assistant Xu didn't intend to pay any attention to her and hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up, I felt refreshed, and I didn't have to be angry with her after hanging up early.

Professor Tan and Ding Yi sat aside and heard Jiang Zhe call.

After the fight, she started tapping on her phone again, not knowing what she was doing.

Ding Yi said: "Her phone seems to be a computer, look, there are a lot of codes..."

"Don't talk, just concentrate and wait." Professor Tan was also curious, and looked at Jiang Zhe's cell phone.

But the phone screen is too small to see anything.

Ding Yi said: "It looks like Jiang Zhe is really angry. Why doesn't Beicheng Continent let her go there?"

Professor Tan said in a low voice, "I can't figure it out either. They are going to waste such good seedlings. It's a waste of money!"

If he hadn't been able to take Jiang Zhe for two years, it would be great to let Jiang Zhe stay as his student.

After Assistant Xu hung up the phone, he turned on the computer and planned to handle the work.

He had already blocked the number he just called, and he was enjoying his work while drinking coffee again.

However, as soon as the computer was turned on, it was dark.

All work content can not be opened.

A line of words appeared on the computer: "Let your person in charge check the test paper for me."

Assistant Xu knew at a glance that it was Jiang Zhe.

How did she hack into his computer? His computer security level can reach the second level in Beicheng Continent, which is equivalent to the security level of all provinces and cities in other countries.

Assistant Xu turned off the computer in a panic and wanted to call the technician.

Then I found that the phone could not be used, and a line of words floated on it: "Let your person in charge check the test paper for me."

Assistant Xu threw away the phone in fright.

He grabbed the bag and went directly to the company to find a technician to solve it.

Then I found a few words on the screen above the door unlocked by the iris: "Check the test paper!"

He stepped back in panic, the TV was turned on, and three big words floated on it: "Check the test paper!"

Assistant Xu swallowed and tried to get out of the window.

The curtain of the central control was locked tightly, and three words were thrown from the projector: "Check the test paper!"

Assistant Xu is going crazy!

How did Jiang Zhe break through these!

He held his head and shouted loudly: "Check, let's check it for you!"

A few words floated on the TV: "Answer the phone."

Assistant Xu slumped back into the sofa, Jiang Zhe could see him and monitor him!

He looked up blankly at the surveillance at home and turned on the phone feebly.

Jiang Zhe's phone came in.

"Ten minutes later, I want your person in charge to check the test paper in person."

Assistant Xu wanted to find someone to fool Jiang Zhe.

Just after thinking about it, the opposite Jiang Zhe said slowly: "You can't just find anyone. I heard that your person in charge is surnamed Zhuo?"

Assistant Xu: "..."

So Jiang Zhe is the devil? He doesn't even know what's on his mind!

Assistant Xu called Zhuo Jinman.

"If she wants to check, you can check it for her." Zhuo Jinman frowned. You have to report this kind of trivial matter to yourself?

"She asked you to check her."

Zhuo Jinman said coldly, "Do you want me to take your salary for you?"

Assistant Xu: "..."

After Assistant Xu was put off by Zhuo Jinman, he projected his computer and TV with a black screen, took a picture and sent it to Zhuo Jinman.

He didn't say anything else, and believed that these photos could already represent all the meaning he wanted to express.

After a while, Zhuo Jinman called back Assistant Xu: "Let Jiang Zhe contact me."


Professor Tan and Ding Yi were sitting next to Jiang Zhe. After seeing that she hung up the phone, they were playing with the phone slowly, not in a hurry at all.

The girl's beautiful brows and eyes looked indifferent, as if nothing was haunting her heart, and as if everything was under control.

Professor Tan guessed that things were not easy to solve.

Ding glanced at Professor Tan, worried.

After all, they have already heard about the arrogant situation on the North City Continent.

Now Jiang Zhe went directly to ask the person in charge to come forward to solve it, will they agree?

A minute later, Jiang Zhe's phone rang.

She picked up the phone and said, "You transfer."

Over there, Assistant Xu transferred the call to Zhuo Jinman.

Zhuo Jinman saw that Jiang Zhe's call turned out to be a video call, frowned and pressed the screen in front of him, with an arrogant tone: "Where are you a student?"

"Jiang Zhe. Ask for a score check. The admission ticket number is xxxx."

Zhuo Jinman said lightly: "Why, do you have an opinion about not getting the quota?"

"Why, it's not allowed to check the score? I remember the regulations of Beicheng Continent. Over the years, students who have questions about their grades can ask for a score check."

Zhuo Jinman's voice was cold: "Yeah, but I also tell you that if you question others with such an attitude, be careful that the road in the future is not easy to walk."

There is a strong sense of threat in the words.

"I don't need your guidance on whether my way is good or not."

"It's okay to check the score. If there is no problem, you will publicly apologize for disturbing my work." Zhuo Jinman made a request.

"If there is a problem, and Miss Zhuo also publicly apologizes to me, I can accept it."

Zhuo Jinman frowned.

Ding Yi said next to him: "I don't think it's a problem. Rights and obligations are equal. An apology and an apology are also equal. Whoever is wrong should apologize."

Zhuo Jinman acquiesced to this.

This time, the matter was handed over to Assistant Xu, and it was not a big problem.

Zhuo Jinman asked someone to bring Jiang Zhe's test paper.

She folded her arms and just felt like a waste of time.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have been too lazy to take care of Jiang Zhe and let her come and go freely.

After a while, Jiang Zhe's two test papers were brought over.

Zhuo Jinman glanced at her morning test paper and knew why Jiang Zhe's call was a video call.

She unfolded the test paper close to the screen and said, "The morning's grade is one hundred percent."

It turned out to be a perfect score, but Assistant Xu didn't even mention it.

Zhuo Jinman was a little surprised. The exam paper in the morning was not difficult. It was surprising that Jiang Zhe got a perfect score.

However, she immediately saw the afternoon test paper and smiled.

Professor Tan was surprised to hear that Jiang Zhe's test paper in the morning was a perfect score, and said to Ding Yi, "It is a perfect score! I knew it!"

"But it's a full score, how could it be eliminated, there is no place for Jiang Zhe?" Ding Yi was very puzzled, "It's impossible not to score in the afternoon test paper."

"Look at the afternoon first." Professor Tan's head was about to be next to Jiang Zhe's phone.

Zhuo Jinman on the opposite side saw the head of the strange man who was suddenly approaching, and was a little disgusted. He held up the afternoon test paper and said, "Did you see, Jiang Zhe, you didn't get a score for the afternoon test paper. Even if you got full marks in the morning test, and I put it together in the afternoon, and I failed, this is the answer given to you by the Beicheng Continental Medical Alliance College."

The test paper was pasted on the screen, enough for Jiang Zhe to see clearly.

It is also enough for everyone in front of the screen to see it.

"Miss Zhuo, why is the exam paper in your hands different from other candidates?" Jiang Zhe asked.

Zhuo Jinman picked it up and looked at it, "Jiang Zhe, I can't accept my grades, and I don't need to find reasons. Every test paper used by every student is of course the same. Beicheng Continent understands the principle of equal treatment better than you. Openness, fairness and impartiality is our consistent strategy."

"Then ask Miss Zhuo to compare my test paper with other people's."

Hearing Jiang Zhe's request, Zhuo Jinman was a little amused: "I have made an exception to check your grades for you in person, and I don't want to waste more time. Jiang Zhe, I also hope you remember that you have and only the right to check your own exam papers, not any The right to check other people's papers. Therefore, it is impossible for me to take your papers and compare them with others."

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Jinman was too lazy to continue to pay attention to Jiang Zhe.

She was reaching out to turn off the video phone, when Jiang Zhe's faint voice came from the opposite side: "I have no right to check others, what about the other candidates themselves?"

As soon as the camera turned, Zhuo Jinman saw two other unsuccessful students sitting in front of Jiang Zhe.

Beicheng Continent is going to pretend to increase the number of exams, making it difficult for Jiang Zhe to be alone, but the results of the exam, of course, can't just let Jiang Zhe's quota fail, and symbolically cross out a few other students with low scores.

I don't know when Jiang Zhe found these two students.

They were sitting upright in front of the screen, and their demands were exactly the same as Jiang Zhe.

They reported their names and admission ticket numbers to the camera.

Jiang Zhe can check, and of course they can check too.

Zhuo Jinman just said the words open, fair and just, and now he can't slap his own face, he can only let people transfer their test papers.

After calling it out, she irritably showed them the test paper on the screen.

Zhuo Jinman's face suddenly changed slightly.

Ding Yi pointed at the screen and said, "Their exam papers in the afternoon are really different from Jiang Zhe!"

"The two of them are the same, only Jiang Zhe is different." Professor Tan also discovered this.

Zhuo Jinman also realized this, and only then discovered the problem.

What is Assistant Xu doing? Why is Jiang Zhe's test paper different from others?

Jiang Zhe said quietly: "Miss Zhuo, can you explain why my exam papers are completely different from theirs? Can I question that this exam is not open, fair and just?"

Jiang Zhe's voice sounded very clearly: "Miss Zhuo, can you give me an explanation? Is this unfair to me, or unfair to all students? Is the so-called assessment of Beicheng Continent blatantly above the rules? Or are there any personal rules?"

Zhuo Jinman's expression was a little ugly, no matter which one she admitted to Jiang Zhe's mouth, she was undoubtedly a slap in the face.

Over the years, because of the extreme development of technology and medicine, Beicheng Continent has detached itself from the mundane, and is vaguely superior to other regions. It enjoys a high international reputation and maintains its own pride.

Today, I was slapped in the face because of a trivial matter.

Zhuo Jinman secretly blamed Assistant Xu for not doing things properly, but now is not the time to be held accountable.

She said flatly: "I can make sure that there is no problem with the exam. But no one is perfect and no money is enough, and it is normal to make some small mistakes during the exam. I will check which employee caused the appearance. If you have any questions, you will be punished accordingly. As for you, we will arrange a make-up exam opportunity for you."

Her arrogance was vividly displayed, as if giving Jiang Zhe a chance to make up the exam was a gift.

Jiang Zhe said in a loud voice: "You don't have to have the opportunity to make up the exam. You have the time, but I don't have it. You can arrange for someone to review my afternoon test paper. I just saw my afternoon test paper, I haven't reviewed it, right? ?"

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