Chapter 1, Birth

Ningxi Town is a town with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

“Mom, my eldest sister is almost one month old, how about setting up a full moon bar? She is the first granddaughter of the Liang family, so it should be lively.”

"What should I do? No! What a girl wants full moon wine!"

Liang Ying, who had just arrived, heard this disgusting tone, and she immediately curled up her little baby mouth and howled in protest, "Wow~Wow~".

As soon as Mrs. Liang heard the girl's loud voice, she clicked her tongue in disgust and asked Mr. Wu to take the child back.

“Okay, okay, let’s just give birth to a girl. It’s still so noisy. It gives me a headache.”

Seeing that her mother-in-law disliked her underage daughter so much, Mrs. Wu could no longer suppress her emotions. She said "Humph!", hugged the child, turned around and left!


Mrs. Liang had rarely been humiliated like this. She angrily complained to her son, "Look, she dares to humiliate me in front of you. If you weren't at home, she might have bullied me."

Liang Jin saw his mother acting again and said helplessly, "Just say a few words less. What you said this time is a little more unpleasant."

His wife is usually such an obedient person, but she must have been angry this time.

 Old Mrs. Liang glared at her son when she saw her son protecting his vixen daughter-in-law. "What do you mean? Could it be that I wronged her? Me."

As soon as Liang Jin saw her coming again, he ran away.

 “Madam, wait for me.”

When Mrs. Liang saw her son chasing Wu, she was so angry that she put her hands on her hips and said, "Jin'er, come back here!"

 But Liang Jin had already run away.

 After returning to the room.

Liang Jin approached Mrs. Wu with an apologetic face and tried to please her, "Madam, don't be angry. My mother was confused for a moment. I'll talk to her later. The full moon wine must be arranged. After all, she is our first daughter. Mother doesn't feel sorry for her." I still feel bad."

  The words are full of flattery.

Mrs. Wu was still angry and looked at him with red eyes, "I'll let it go if my mother-in-law doesn't like her. She still talks about our sister Ying like that. It makes me sad just thinking about it."

 While talking, tears fell down.

 Her already beautiful face made her cry and look even more pitiable.

Liang Jin felt heartbroken when he saw his beloved wife crying.

“Okay, okay, stop crying. If your stepmother is so confused again, I will take you back to your parents’ home!”

  Wu looked at him with red eyes, "Really?"

Liang Jin nodded as if to promise, "Really, I'll tell mother in a minute, please stop crying, it breaks my heart."

Mrs. Wu stopped crying after being coaxed by him, and handed the child to him, "Mr. Hug our sister Ying, she likes you as her father the most."

Liang Jin saw his daughter sleeping like a fool. The baby's little mouth was red, which made her look cute.

He held his daughter in his arms lovingly and smiled like a silly father, "If you ask me, my mother just has no sense. Our daughter is so cute. Who wouldn't like her when she sees her?"

Mrs. Wu saw that he said that her mother-in-law praised her daughter, so she burst into tears and smiled, "That's right." Her daughter was already cute.

The couple chatted for a while before Mrs. Wu lost her anger.

Liang Jin saw that she was no longer crying, kissed the top of her hair, handed the child to her, and prepared to go to Mrs. Liang's room.

“You and your daughter have a rest first, and I’ll go over and talk to my mother.”

Mrs. Wu looked at him with trust in her face, hummed obediently, and asked him to "come back soon after finishing speaking."

Liang Jin smiled and said "Oh" and went out.

Sister Ying slept for a while and felt hungry again.

She had just been born not long ago, and the baby was prone to hunger and sleepiness, and she couldn't control it.

When Mrs. Wu saw her little head hunched, she knew she was hungry, so she immediately took off her clothes and fed her.

 “My dear, are you hungry?”

Sister Ying has been drinking milk for almost a month, and she didn't miss these few mouthfuls. She clenched her little fists and started eating.

 She should have been at school age, but suddenly there was a big earthquake and her whole family was wiped out.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw that Mrs. Wu looked exactly like her mother, and she loved her very much.

She was greedy for this warmth, so she became a good baby in Wu's arms with peace of mind. Within a month of coming to the Liang family, Liang Ying almost knew the background of the Liang family.

The Liang family's family background is relatively well-off. It is said that their ancestors have served as officials, and they can be considered a scholarly family.

The old man of the Liang family died young, and his parents also left. Now only Mrs. Liang and three children are left in the Liang family.

Her father, Liang Jin, was a scholar.

 I haven’t been admitted to the Xiucai exam yet. I have to wait until the college exam next year to take the exam.

Liang Jin is not only handsome, but also a considerate and good husband.

 He and Mrs. Wu met at a lantern festival.

That night Mrs. Wu dressed up so beautifully that Liang Jin fell in love at first sight and would not marry her except her.

However, Mrs. Liang did not agree with Liang Jin marrying the Wu family.

Since Mrs. Wu is just the daughter of a pig seller in the countryside, how can she be worthy of her son who will take the imperial examination in the future?

Coupled with Mrs. Wu's charming appearance, Mrs. Liang didn't want her son to be distracted from his studies, so she naturally did not agree to her son marrying her.

But for the first time, Liang Jin fell in love with a girl so much that he insisted on marrying Mrs. Wu no matter what, and finally fell in love with Mrs. Liang.

Old Mrs. Liang saw her originally well-behaved son actually losing his temper with her over a woman? I dislike Wu even more!

Liang Jin was also a thief. Knowing that Mrs. Liang disagreed, he started to pretend to be disappointed and desperate. Finally, he looked like he had seen through the world of mortals, so that Mrs. Liang had to relent, and finally this could be done.

Sister Ying wants to say that her mother Wu is no worse than the girls in the town, and is even better than the ladies of the world.

Although the Wu family only sells pigs, they can't handle the fact that they raise so many pigs.

 In rural areas, meat and food have always been the most valuable.

Moreover, the Wu family not only raises a lot of pigs, but also hires long-term workers. The yard is also large with three entrances and three exits. The Wu family is considered a wealthy family in the village.

 Other than not being a scholar, her family is not bad at all.

Perhaps Mrs. Liang also knew this, so she agreed to step back and let Mr. Wu in.

Mr. Wu really likes Liang Jin as his son-in-law.

 Although he is a pig seller, he also likes scholars. When Mr. Wu got married, he not only gave a large dowry, but also sent some pork every month to give his daughter face.

Sister Ying met her grandfather and grandmother when she was just born.

 She was just born at that time and could not see clearly, but she knew that the Wu family loved her granddaughter very much.

As for Mrs. Liang, her grandmother, she is an old lady with double standards.

 No matter what her mother does, Mrs. Liang is not satisfied. But if Liang Jin did it, she would praise her ten thousand times.

Such as when Sister Ying was born this time, Mrs. Liang felt that Mrs. Wu's belly was not up to par, which caused her son to lose popularity, and she also disliked Sister Ying.

 Sister Ying doesn’t care about Mrs. Liang’s attitude towards her.

  Anyway, she has parents who love her, and Mrs. Liang is no exception.

"Young lady, the bird's nest is stewed. Drink it while it's hot. Otherwise, if the old lady sees it, you'll be accused of being extravagant."

Mrs. Wu fed her daughter and said coldly, "So what if you are extravagant? My mother asked someone to go to the pharmacy to buy this for me. I can eat whatever I like. Even if it is used as water to wash my face, she can't care!"

Xiaohong laughed when she heard this.

 Her young lady still dares to say that.

Sister Ying also laughed after hearing this. She found that her mother's personality was very straightforward and she did not hide things.

Xiaohong also smiled and shook her head. She was Wu's dowry maid. The two grew up together and had a deep friendship.

Mrs. Wu felt sore in her back after feeding the child, so Xiaohong brought a bird's nest cup over to feed her.

"Miss, let me tell you, let's just pay for the full moon wine ourselves, otherwise we might not be able to make a quarrel when the old lady pays for it."

   This article belongs to the group favorite of the ancient times. Unlike Golden Finger, it can be regarded as a small clear soup in a meat feast.

   If you like the story of Milk in the Milk, you can read it. It focuses on short and heartwarming stories about parents.

This book also has a companion volume, which is also a cute baby's "Daily Life of a Group Pet Dressed as a Cute Baby" which is super cute

There is also a cannon fodder article with a different theme: "The bosses cried and begged me for forgiveness after being transformed into cannon fodder". You can take a look if you like.



 (End of this chapter)

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