Chapter 1015, shrewd siblings

In the evening, Xiaomiguo went to ask Sister Ying, "Mom, when are we going back to Beijing?"

“My stupid cousin has been bullied, but it makes me so angry. I want to go back and help her.”

Sister Ying was happy, "I should be able to go back in a few years."

Tianjing Shirong came back the other day and told her that in a few years it will be the day of marriage between the two countries. At that time, he will **** the princess of the Prairie Country back to Beijing, and their family will also go.

It's good to be able to go back to the capital. You can go back and see your family in the capital and Jiangnan.

Xiao Miguo was very surprised when she heard this, "Really? Can I go back to see my grandmother and her family?"

“Of course, when the time comes, we will go to Jiangnan first, and then take a boat back to Beijing, so that both families can see it, aren’t you happy?”

 “Happy, so happy, hahaha~”

I am tired of going to school every day. It would be great to go out and have some fun.

Sister Ying saw that she was still a little kid when she was playful, so she smiled fondly.

Xiao Dongze came over and wanted to hug him too.

Sister Ying deliberately teased him, "I won't hug you, only my sister."

Xiao Dongze was so angry that he crawled over and grabbed Sister Ying's sleeve, "Bibi, sister~"

 It means that my sister does not want to hug my mother, but wants to hug me.

Sister Ying yelled, "You only want your sister? Who insists on holding your mother to sleep at night? She turns against her as soon as she wakes up and doesn't recognize her?"

 Both children are of the same virtue, and they must be held by her when they sleep.

 You can play with anyone after waking up.

Xiao Dongze became even more ruthless. After drinking the milk, he turned over directly. He was so ruthless.

Sister Ying sometimes laughed angrily, holding his face and chewing on it several times.

Jing Shirong came back from vacation and saw the mother and daughter playing on the bed, laughing and raising the corners of their mouths, so he also joined in.

 “Haha, daddy doesn’t want it, Xiao Dongze, please save your sister.”

When Xiao Dongze saw that his sister was being tickled, he crawled over and pulled Jing Shirong's beard, "Hit her!"

The little round face was bulging with anger, as if to say, "If you don't let me go, I'll beat you~"

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "It's so scary, so I don't dare anymore. Let me go."

 Say it, let go of the little honey fruit.

Xiao Miguo climbed into Xiao Dongze's arms and laughed, "Wow, brother, you saved me."

Xiao Dongze looked proud, "Da da." That's~

 How powerful he is, he can even save his sister.

Sister Ying laughed so hard, "Brother Rong, you have overturned. Your daughter and daughter are getting angry to bully you."

Jing Shirong saw her laughing at him, snorted, raised the corners of his lips like an old fox, and picked her up, "Since your son and daughter bullied me, you should make amends for them."

 After saying that, he picked her up and ran to another room.

 Leave Xiao Dongze and Xiao Miguo with question marks on their faces? ? ?

Xiao Dongze tilted his head, "Da?" What happened just now?

Xiao Miguo was ashamed and covered her face, "Don't worry, they must have secretly gone on a date. Humph, they didn't take us with them, they are stingy."

Xiao Dongze didn't understand, but he followed his sister angrily and said, "You're trying to steal your younger brother." He's a stingy brat.

Xiao Miguo hugged him and said, "Okay, let's go to bed. They won't be back until very late from their date."

Even though my parents are already an old married couple, they are still very bored and go out on dates from time to time.

Little Dongze’s face was filled with anger, as if he was angry at his parents for not taking him with them.

Xiao Miguo smiled, "Forget it, go to sleep."

 As he spoke, he patted his brother on the back and hummed a song. After a while, Xiao Dongze yawned and fell asleep.

Xiao Miguo covered him with a quilt, yawned, and fell asleep with him.

The other end.

Sister Ying was pushed against the wall by Jing Shirong and gave him a cute look, "What are you doing? The children are still next door."

Jing Shirong chuckled, "Don't worry, this room has been processed, they can't hear it."

Sister Ying was so embarrassed that she was called "a gangster." She was still such a gangster despite her age.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his lips like an old fox, "You should be happy that I'm in good health, right?"

The hey-hey smile looks like that of an old woman.

Sister Ying covered her face and said, "Never mind, hurry up. Fight quickly."

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, "That's not possible, I'm not a useless man."

Sister Ying was speechless and could only let him go.

The two of them went back to the house very late after quarreling.

 The next day, Jing Shirong returned to the military camp first.

 Xiao Miguo woke up and saw her mother coming back. She hugged her, gave her a kiss, and asked, "How long did it take for mother to come back last night?"

Sister Ying coughed and said with a guilty conscience, "You guys will be back after you go to bed. Go and wash up and go to class."

Xiao Miguo was not that easy to deceive, "Where did you and dad go? Why didn't you take us with you?"

Sister Ying did not dare to look at her and covered herself with a quilt, "Where else can we go? Let's go fishing by the river. I'm sleepy. Let's sleep for a while."

  After saying that, he pretended to sleep and refused to answer.

 Xiao Miguo sighed when she saw her pretending to be a dead fish.

 “Forget it, don’t ask anymore.”

Anyway, there are no entertainment programs for the elderly. They probably just go out to look at the stars and have some late-night snacks. What a boring life for the elderly.

Sister Ying.

How old is she? Why is she so old? It's obviously in its prime.

But she pretended to be asleep and couldn't get up to refute, otherwise her secret would be revealed.

Xiao Miguo is very smart, and Xiao Dongze is not bad either. She can't be fooled, so she might as well sleep till the end.

Xiao Miguo saw that she was not awake, so she went to the kitchen to eat.

Xiao Dongze got up late. When he woke up, he saw that his sister was missing. He did the next best thing and went to hug Sister Ying and ask for a drink.

Sister Ying saw his resigned look, lowered her head and took another bite of his meaty face, "If you dislike me again, I'll be careful not to let you eat it."

Xiao Dongze is such a spermy baby. When he saw his mother was angry, he immediately looked at her with a cute expression and said in a milky voice, "Mom~~"

Sister Ying was convinced by him, secretly thinking that the shrewdness of these siblings would probably follow their father's lead.

On the surface, he looks honest and easy to bully, but in reality he is very sinister and very smart.

 She was not like the father and son, and resigned to her fate as a cow.

 When winter comes, spring is not far away.

 The snow melted relatively quickly this winter, and not long after spring, summer came suddenly.

As the temperature rises, the thick coat can be taken off.

Xiao Dongze can now walk, run, and talk. He talks like a talkative every day, making the adults in the family have calluses on their ears.

He speaks early, speaks more clearly than other boys, and talks about 100,000 reasons every day.

Xiao Miguo has a bad temper and is annoyed by his questions.

“Okay, okay, you go play with the toys. Haven’t you solved the nine-link puzzle yet? Go ahead and solve it. Once you have solved it, my sister will take you to the grassland to play.”

Xiao Dongze has been to the grassland once and especially likes horse riding.

He has to force-feed carrots to the two horses in the backyard every day.

Little Yunduo joins him and feeds carrots to the horse every day.

Jing Shirong saw that they liked horses, so he took them for a run in the grassland.

Little Dongze rode a horse with his father for the first time. He was very excited and always asked Jing Shirong to do it again.

Jing Shirong was convinced by him, "You've been riding three times, doesn't your **** hurt?"

Xiao Dongze’s **** hurts, after all, it’s bumpy, but she still wants to ride.

 “Daddy, let’s run one more lap.”

   The 14th round of nucleic acid test will be conducted tomorrow, and now I consciously open my mouth when I see the cotton swab~



 (End of this chapter)

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