The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1034: , set off for Jingjia in the capital.

Chapter 1034: Set off to the Jing family in the capital

Kang Geer smiled honestly, "It's my fault. My steps are too slow, otherwise I would have caught up with you."

Sister Ying saw that he was covered in sweat, so she must have rushed here at a high speed, so she couldn't be any slower.

 She smiled and patted his shoulder, "How have you been lately?"

   Kang Geer, “Everything is fine. Everything is normal at home.”

“But Xianxian is bleeding a lot this time and is still recuperating her body. Don’t blame her.”

 Sister Ying knows this.

Xianxian's fetus seems to be a bit difficult to deliver. There was a lot of blood during the birth, so she needs to take good care of it.

Her mother-in-law's family was giving her confinement, and Sister Ying wrote a letter to tell her not to come.

 She really wanted to go, but she didn’t have time.

It would take two or three days to go to Kang Geer. When we came and didn't come back in time, we wrote letters to greet each other.

“Actually, I should go see her, but I don’t have enough time and I have to leave soon.”

Kang Geer looked at the boat in front of him and nodded, "Shall I give you a ride?"

Sister Ying waved her hand and said, "No, you must be busy, so go ahead and get busy. We will come over next time. We will see you then."

 Kang Geer nodded, "Okay."

Sister Ying showed him some sleeping children and said, "Now, let's take a look at your little nephews."

Kang Geer looked over with surprise. Four children were lying side by side in the cabin. They were all different sizes and they were all cute.

“They are so cute. They are similar to the three in my family. They are so handsome.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, if Xianxian grows well, the children she gives birth to will definitely be good."

 Kang Geer smiled and gave her what he was holding.

“Hey, I know you like to eat the snacks in the Xianxian shop, so I brought some more for you to eat on the way.”

Sister Ying saw him holding a cloth bag and couldn't laugh or cry, "My mother prepared a lot just now, and I can't even finish it."

Kang Geer smiled, "No, the children are hungry very quickly. They finish eating as soon as they eat."

Mrs. Wu glanced at the time, and although she was reluctant to give up, she still let them get on the boat and leave.

 “Let’s go, leave early and arrive early.”

“Don’t worry about eating and drinking on the road. Give the children something good to eat. They are growing stronger.”

"Know it."

"Also, these are the birthday gifts I prepared for the children before, and they are all packed."

 After saying that, he gave Sister Ying and Sister Yang money.

"Here are you guys, use them as pocket money, don't be polite to me."

Sister Ying and Sister Yang both shied away.

  "That's not okay. We are already so old that we would be unfilial if we didn't give you money. How dare we take your money."

Mrs. Wu clicked her tongue and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I have plenty of money and I don't need your money."

 “Hold them all, don’t push them anymore.”

Sister Ying didn't want it, "That won't work. We gave you a red envelope yesterday and you didn't accept it, so we won't accept it now either."

 The night after they returned home, the two sisters gave their parents red envelopes, but neither Wu nor Liang Jin wanted them.

 They have been parents all their lives and have never asked for anything from their children. They are afraid that the children will not have enough, so they will not accept it.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang had no choice but to secretly put it in the cupboard for them.

Mrs. Wu was busy playing with the children and didn't know that the money had already been put in. She also said that Sister Ying was there.

"I told you that we are not short of money, but you are short of money to raise your children. Don't be polite to me and accept it quickly."

 Speaking, he put the money bag into the arms of Sister Ying and Sister Yang without any refusal.

When Sister Wu saw this, she also gave her money.

Mrs. Liang wanted to give it, but she had bought too many toys for the children before and ran out of money, so she took off the bracelet from her hand.

Sister Ying said hurriedly, "What are you doing? You have bought enough things for the children in the past two days, but you can't give them anymore."

Old Mrs. Liang scratched her head in embarrassment, "It's my fault. I lost a lot at cards before. It's all my fault that Mrs. Chen always beats me."

Sister Ying was funny, "Then you should be faster next time and don't lose again." Mrs. Liang now likes to play cards with her elder sisters, but her poker skills are average and she always loses money.

So Mrs. Wu halved her pocket money to prevent her from losing it all.

Because she was playing a small game, Mrs. Wu turned a blind eye and let her go. After all, the elderly also need entertainment.

 But the premise is that you can’t get caught in a gamble, that kind of thing is hopeless.

 Fortunately, Mrs. Liang only fights occasionally, and most of the time she goes out to drink tea or something.

 Kang Geer took some money from his pocket and wanted to give the child some pocket money.

Sister Ying quickly stopped.

 “You don’t want it anymore.”

It is true that Mrs. Wu is rich, but Kang Geer does not earn much. He also has children to raise, so where can he get his money.

 Kang Geer scratched his head in embarrassment, "Our family is doing okay. Xianxian's pastry shop can make money, so we are not so strapped."

Sister Ying did not want it and gave her three red envelopes.

“We don’t have time to go back to see the children this time. Please take the three red envelopes back for us. They must be given to the children.”

Sister Yang also gave three.

Kang Geer refused, but Sister Ying could not refuse.

 “Take it, it’s for the children, not for you.”

 Kang Geer didn’t understand these excuse etiquette, so he had no choice but to accept it.

“I would like to thank my two aunts on behalf of the children.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I know, let's meet again next time."

Kang Geer hummed and planned to send them away for a while.

After Sister Ying and Sister Yang boarded the boat, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang watched eagerly from behind.

“Remember to pass through here when you go back.”

Sister Ying nodded with a sour nose, "Yes, I will come over to say goodbye to you when the time comes."

Mrs. Wu also wiped her eyes and looked at the children reluctantly, "Let's go, leave early and get to your mother-in-law's house early."

Sister Ying hummed and waved goodbye to them.

 It is much faster to travel from Jiangnan to the capital by water.

 The children slept until noon.

  I couldn’t see my grandmother together, and I was stunned for a moment.

 “Mom? Are we on the boat?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, the next stop is your grandmother's house."

 I am naturally happy to be able to go to my grandmother’s house, but I am also a little unhappy to be separated from my grandmother.

Xiao Miguo got angry and said, "Oh, why didn't Mom wake me up? I haven't hugged my grandma yet."

Sister Ying touched her head and said, "It's my mother's fault, but we can still come over next time. Then you can hug grandma again."

 Xiao Miguo leaned on her, "Okay then."

On the way to the boat, Sister Ying told them many rules in the capital, such as luggage for elders, greetings, and the need to eat and sleep silently when eating.

There are still many taboos to abide by. The children frowned upon hearing this, "There are so many rules in the capital."

Sister Ying hummed, "The Emperor's feet are more disciplined."

“No matter where you go, just respect other people’s customs and follow them.”

 The three children all learned how to salute and greet, and then they were allowed to eat.

 The snacks at Xianxian's house were delicious, and the three children were surprised when they ate them.

 “Mom, this orange cake is delicious.”

That was developed by Sister Ying and Xianxian together. It is really delicious.

Sister Ying also ate several of them herself. “If they don’t go bad, I can bring some to your grandmother.”

 (End of this chapter)

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