The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1036: , grandparents meet each other

Chapter 1036: Grandfather and grandson meet

 Jing was particularly fond of them because they were so eccentric.

   It is very rare to hold it on your lap.

“What do we, little Miguo, like to eat on weekdays? Grandma will buy it for you in the evening.”

Xiao Miguo said sweetly and said no, while still holding Jing's neck with her little hands, acting very coquettishly.

“We eat whatever grandma gives us. Children can’t be picky eaters.”

The sweet little mouth made Jingshi smile from ear to ear.

“Oh, my grandma’s darling has such a sweet mouth. She must be like your mother.”

 Her two sons were either moving or silent. Jing Shirong became more silent as he grew older.

Jingyu was very naughty when he was a child, but he became silent as an adult.

 Fortunately, Xiaomiguo is not like those brats.

Not to be outdone, Xiao Dongze also came over to act coquettishly. "Grandma~"

He put his chubby little face next to Jing’s and said, “I want to hug grandma too.”

Jing was so happy that he hugged and kissed him and squeezed his little fleshy hands.

“Grandma’s darling, how many bowls of rice do you eat on a daily basis?”

Xiao Dongze pointed his fingers and said, "There are two bowls. I am full every time and I am taller."

Jing discovered this. Xiao Dongze is indeed taller than other children of the same age and has long legs.

The servants quickly brought desserts, and Mrs. Jing was busy feeding them.

“Now, these are candied date sponge cake, taro cake, and carrot cake. They are all small desserts. You need to fill your stomach first, and I will make a big meal for you later.”

 When it comes to eating, the children are also happy.

He held Jing in his arms and asked, "What kind of meal should we have for lunch, grandma?"

Jing thought for a while and said, "You can have whatever you want to eat. Grandma will take you to buy delicious food later."

As soon as the children came back, Mrs. Jing took a liking to them and wanted to take them out to go shopping and buy things.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze were very happy and hurriedly wanted to follow.

Jing is also a man of action, so he will prepare a carriage and go out immediately.

Sister Ying naturally wanted to follow.

 Before going out, she asked, "Do you want to take Brother Qiang and the others with you?"

They can't go out to play by themselves and leave their three nephews at home.

Jingshi waved her hand and said no, "They have to go to school and can't come out before school time."

Since they have to go to school, they can’t be delayed.

So Sister Ying didn’t mention it again and went to the vegetable market with the children.

Jing doesn’t go out very often, but today the children came back and specially chose the busiest market, hoping to bring the children into the fun.

 After arriving at the place, she got off the carriage and held one in each hand.

“Whenever you see something you want to eat, just ask, grandma will buy it for you.”

 Why does this sentence sound so familiar to Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Dongze?

 It seems that grandma told them the same thing.

It seems that both grandma and grandma love them very much.

The two children were in a very good mood. They pulled Jingshi affectionately and looked at this and that.

They looked and ate along the way, and soon the servants had a lot of things in their hands.

The children didn't buy so much at first, but Jing's grandmotherly heart couldn't tolerate their refusal, so she bought a lot in one go.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze looked at Sister Ying and saw that she didn't scold her, so they accepted it happily.

 Sister Ying will not stop the old man from loving his grandchildren.

Especially for people like them who come back only once every few years, it is not good to reject the wishes of their elders.

 After shopping, Mrs. Jing took them to Yipinju for dinner.

 The children were happy when they saw that the Yipinju here was bigger and more beautiful.

 “Grandma, my uncle’s shops are so big.”

They knew Yipinju was opened by Murong Yun, and their faces were full of admiration.

Jingshi smiled, "Yes, your uncle is really powerful."

Thinking of Jinghan and the others, Sister Ying also planned to go and see them. Mr. Jing said, "Just right. I'll go to Jinghan's house after eating."

Xiao Miguo also wanted to see Xiao Liujin, with a look of anticipation on her face.

 “Great, I haven’t seen my cousin for a long time.”

Xiao Dongze also wanted to weigh six pounds. After eating, he was going to see his cousin.

Jingshi said dotingly, "Okay, okay, go as soon as you finish eating."

After the food was served, Mrs. Jing asked the two children to sit next to her. She took the chopsticks and fed one to the other.

After seeing this, Sister Ying didn't stop her because it was the same in her parents' family, so she just let them go.

 It’s not like this every day anyway, it’s just like this occasionally when the old man comes back and cares for the child, so I just let the old man be happy.

Children occasionally like to be pampered by their elders, and they all eat it with gusto.

However, there will still be sequelae of spoiling a child too much.

Xiao Miguo didn’t wash her hands after eating, she just stayed on Jing’s body and acted like a baby, “Grandma hugs~”

Jing Shi smiled and hugged her lovingly, "Are you full?"

Xiao Miguo nodded, "I'm full, but my hands are dirty."

Look, it’s also a word with repeated sounds.

Sister Ying closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and wanted to open her mouth to wash her hands and rinse her mouth, but she asked Jing to carry her to wash her mouth instead.

Sister Ying really wanted to give her a chestnut for such a big child, and she still had to be carried by her grandmother to wash her hands.

 But Jingshi doted on her and immediately carried her to wash her hands.

 After washing Xiaomi Guo, I took Xiao Dongze to wash.

 My forehead was sweating every time I came here.

Sister Ying went over to pick them up and said, "Mom, let them wash themselves. I'll make you tired."

Although Jing was tired, she had a smile on her face, "I'm not tired, I'm not a gray-haired old woman. I'm still strong enough to be able to carry her."

Sister Ying saw that she looked very happy, so she had no choice but to let her go.

 After dinner, they went to Jinghan's house together.

Jinghan still lives in Murong Mansion.

She wanted to move out, but Murong Yun's father was in poor health. As a son and daughter-in-law, they couldn't move out when their father-in-law was in poor health, otherwise someone would poke their spines.

In addition, Mrs. Murong and his wife are also old, so they can't just leave them alone and can only live in Murong's mansion.

Murong Yun was fine, after all, he went out every day and it didn't matter whether he lived with the old man or not.

 But Jinghan was not so comfortable.

Old Mrs. Murong has already reached the age where she likes to be picky, and since Jinghan is not the granddaughter-in-law she is satisfied with, she always has to say something bad about her from time to time.

 Or find trivial things to find fault with.

Jinghan has a bad temper. He may want to get angry, but it's really not a big deal.

If you have a quarrel with her, you will inevitably be accused of being unfilial.

 Plus she now has a child and doesn’t want to set a bad example for her child, so she puts up with it.

When Sister Ying came over, the housekeeper came to report.

Jinghan looked surprised. "You said Sister Ying is coming back? So soon."

She heard that Jing Shirong was coming back before, so she guessed that Sister Ying and the others were coming soon, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

She hurriedly came out to pick her up, "Sister Ying~"

Seeing that she had not changed, Sister Ying smiled and said, "Run slowly."

Jinghan rushed over and said, "I miss you so much."

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze also rushed over, "Aunt~"

Jinghan hugged them curiously, "They are already so big."

 Both children were kind to her and would never let go of them.

Jing was envious when he saw it.

 “The children are all kissing you so much.”

Jing Han smiled when he heard this, "Hey, then we are not of the same blood."

 (End of this chapter)

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