Chapter 11, Mrs. Liang is convinced


Mrs. Wu held the child in her arms, bowed to Mrs. Liang, and then went back with the child in her arms.

 After returning to the room, she touched her daughter's belly and saw that there was no flatulence and her belly was warm, so she smiled.

 “It seems that I didn’t spend any money today. Look at how clean the child is.”

 Sure enough, money can make the world go round.

It’s also because the weather was hot and cold, otherwise she would have taken the child out by herself.

 There are small push chairs made by farmers for sale on the street. Just put a small chair under a pole, and the little kid will sit on it. The adults can just push the little chair out to walk the baby.

But Sister Ying is still too young to sit in a push chair, so she has to wait until she is older.

Xiaohong went to bring lunch, and the master and servant ate together.

When Liang Jin was not at home, Mrs. Liang and Mrs. Wu ate in their rooms.

 Only when Liang Jin comes back will the whole family sit together.

The meat of the braised pork ribs in sauce today is so tender that when you bite into it, you will be filled with fragrant meat skin.

Mrs. Wu ate so well that she ate all the marinated pork ribs, vegetables and rice.

Her mother said that a woman’s health will be good only if she eats well, especially after giving birth. Otherwise, her body will be damaged and no amount of medicine can make up for it.

Mrs. Wu kept her mother's words in mind and ate every meal to her heart's content.

 After eating, she went to get some cloth and prepared to make a red coat for her daughter to wear during the New Year.

 She had made the clothes for Liang Jin and Mrs. Liang a few months ago, and then she started to dress them as daughters.

On the second day of the New Year, I have to go back to my mother's house on the second day of the New Year, and I must also give my child a body surface.

 Otherwise, when the neighbors see that the child doesn’t have any new clothes, they will think that she has been left out because she gave birth to a daughter in her husband’s family.

 Children grow fast, so she makes them bigger according to the size.

 The material is red, which is very festive. When the time comes, the word "peace" will be embroidered on it, which will make it look even better.

These clothes are not worn out. Sister Ying cannot wear them. They can be worn by her younger brothers and sisters in the future.

When Sister Ying woke up, she saw her mother humming a song and **** in front of the table.

 She said "Ah~ah~", which means, Mom, are you back?

Mrs. Wu heard the sound, turned around and smiled, "Daughter, are you awake? Do you miss your mother?"

Sister Ying was very excited, waving her little hands and feet, and making a loud sound, as if to say, "I thought about it."

Seeing how excited she was, Mr. Wu smiled and came over to hug her.

 “Oh, whose little piggy is so soft~” The little face is soft, and the little body is also soft.

 There is also a milky smell unique to a baby.

Mrs. Wu held her daughter in her arms for a while, and Sister Ying was also excitedly smiling in her arms.

 After playing for a while, Mrs. Wu put her on the bed and continued to sew clothes.

Sister Ying was excited about playing, but she was suddenly put on the bed. Her big eyes were dazed for a moment, and she suddenly felt aggrieved.

 The baby's emotions are just so out of control, and there's nothing she can do about it.

But she didn't cry either, she just made a fuss, waving her little hands and feet angrily, babbling as if she was quarreling with someone.

Mrs. Wu knew that she was angry that no one was playing with her, so she moved the chair over, sat in front of her, and talked to her.

“Be good, mother is right here. She is sewing clothes for you. You can wear them during the Chinese New Year. Then I will take you back to your grandmother’s place. It will be fun in our hometown.”

 Children in the country have much more fun than children in the town.

Catching crickets, roasting sweet potatoes, picking fruits, and fishing in the river, every activity is extremely interesting.

Sister Ying also wanted to visit her grandmother’s house, and she immediately screamed with excitement.

Mrs. Wu saw her happy and chatted with her from time to time while sewing clothes.

 The doctor came over again in the afternoon, to see Liang Qing's face. Liang Qing's face suddenly became allergic a few days ago. Mrs. Liang was afraid that it would be passed on to others, so she asked her to take good care of her at home.

The doctor came over again today, thinking he would come over to see if my sister-in-law was okay.

Xiao Hong went over to take a look and said it was fine.

But the wind can't blow for the time being, so Liang Qing has been doing embroidery and other things in the house.

Mrs. Wu asked Xiaohong to send some snacks bought today to her sister-in-law to take good care of her.

 The next day, Mrs. Wu went to buy new year's goods as usual, and Sister Ying continued to carry her to Mrs. Liang's house.

 Old Mrs. Liang is now used to carrying her children.

As usual, she first disliked Mrs. Wu. After Wu left, she reached out and poked Sister Ying's little face.

Sister Ying didn't like people poking her, so she reached out and grabbed Old Mrs. Liang's finger, which was quite strong despite her small strength.

Old Mrs. Liang banged her head and said, "You still dare to catch me? Let go."

Sister Ying refused, so she grabbed her finger and never let go.

Mrs. Liang shrank back, and when she saw that there was no twitching, she went to open her little fingers.

 But as soon as she broke Sister Ying's little finger, she immediately started crying.

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo crying.

Mrs. Liang clicked her tongue and took a rare step back, "Okay, okay, stop howling, just hold it for you. It's really my ancestor who asked me to serve you and play with you. I really owe you in my previous life."

 At the end of the day, I didn’t take my fingers out anymore.

Sister Ying won the victory and immediately smiled.

There wasn’t a single tear on his face, he was obviously pretending to cry.

Mrs. Liang also noticed it, but she didn't dare to pry her fingers anymore, lest she cry again later and make her head hurt.

When Mrs. Wu came back, Mrs. Liang looked tired and asked Mrs. Wu, "Hurry up, take her away, I'm exhausted."

Mrs. Wu didn't know why, but Sister Ying was fine. She asked a few questions, but Old Mrs. Liang became impatient and said, "This child is annoying to death. I'm exhausted. You can take her back and fight tomorrow." I’ll go buy new year’s goods myself.”

 Wu was greatly surprised.

 Her mother-in-law actually let her stay at home to look after the children? Go out and work on your own?

 What is going on? Could it be that my daughter did something?

But this little thing doesn’t even have a single tooth, so what can it do?

Mrs. Wu was puzzled, but she was happy to be at home with her daughter.

  At night, mother and daughter slept on the bed together. Mrs. Wu kissed and hugged her. They felt strange for a long time.

 “What’s wrong with your grandmother today? Are you so tired that she’s like that?”

This was the first time she saw her mother-in-law's frightened expression, and she was very curious about what her daughter had done.

It's a pity that Sister Ying can't speak, otherwise she would have spoken vividly.

 The reason why Old Mrs. Liang is afraid of her is simply that she has been pestering Old Mrs. Liang to play with her today.

Old Mrs. Liang couldn't do it at first, so she started to howl at the top of her lungs.

People outside the howling door felt that Mrs. Liang had not taken good care of the child, so they all came over to say something.

 Old Mrs. Liang was so angry.

She obviously didn’t do anything, she just lay in bed and slept for a while. How could she become a vicious grandmother?

She was angry and had no other choice, so she could only play with this girl for a while, half asleep and half awake.

 When she was about to fall asleep, this girl started croaking, as if saying, "Why did you fall asleep?"

Mrs. Liang glared at her, and she curled her lips, looking like she was about to cry, and she didn't dare to express her anger.

  "Okay, okay, I won't talk about you anymore. You're just playing with me. I'm really afraid of you."

In this way, the grandfather and grandson battled wits and courage, and in the end Mrs. Liang lost to Sister Ying, who had no teeth.

 (End of this chapter)

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