Chapter 1123, sweet little love

Chengjin said seriously, "Eat."

Whether it's Liu Xin'er or Mr. Liu, he will be jealous as long as she looks at her twice.

ˆ Honey fruit

 “You’re not right, men should be more open-minded.”

Chengjin shook his head seriously, "I don't want it."

 His father said that men can be cautious about the woman they love.

 Can also be possessive.

  Anyway, she is not allowed to be nice to others, she can only be nice to him.

ˆ Honey fruit

“Uncle Zhong’s teachings are not entirely correct. You should learn from my father. He is infinitely tolerant of my mother.”

“Girls are meant to be pampered, not disciplined.”

Chengjin was depressed, "But I don't like you putting your energy on others." That would make him jealous and want to draw a sword.

ˆ Honey fruit

 “You’d better eat, aren’t you weak?”

Cheng Jin then remembered to pretend to be sick and said, "Okay, then you can pick up some food for me."

 Their interaction as if no one else was watching was seen by everyone else, secretly thinking that the couple would definitely get married in the future, it was just a matter of sooner or later.

Mr. Liu also saw it and was very depressed.

 Originally, he was very confident that he could win Miguo's heart.

However, no one’s eyes were on him from beginning to end.

Even though he wanted to express himself, Chengjin interrupted him every time he opened his mouth.

Even if he wanted to give Miguo some vegetables, this guy would shamelessly eat all the vegetables he gave Miguo.

Even when he was spooning soup for Miguo, he would just take the bowl of soup and drink it, which almost made him angry to death.

He wanted to get angry, but there were so many people here today, and the adults were all here. If he caused trouble, he would definitely be beaten by his father, so he could only endure it.

Originally, he wanted to find a chance to talk to Miguo, but Chengjin, a brat like him, kept talking to Miguo, and he had no chance to find any opportunity to exploit her.

 In the end, I could only leave in frustration.

When Cheng Jin saw him leaving, he raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction and snorted mischievously.

Miguo finally saw his intention.

She just said that, Mr. Liu didn't show any anger when he served her some food just now.

  She also stretched out her chopsticks to eat the vegetables Mr. Liu gave her.

 It turned out that I didn’t pick the wrong bowl, but did it on purpose.

She was still very shy at that time, after all, there were so many classmates watching her.

 Fortunately, her classmates behaved normally, otherwise she would have blushed.

 In fact, everyone has long since noticed that Chengjin treats her differently, and they understand in their hearts that it is reasonable for them to get along well with each other, so there is no need to make a fuss.

Miguo naively thought that she was so good at pretending that no one noticed it, but she was very proud of it.

 But in fact, both adults and classmates, even Sister Ying and Jing Shirong knew about it.

Sister Ying was confused at first, after all, Miguo was still a baby in her heart.

Who would have thought that this baby would suddenly grow up and have a boy she likes? She was almost unable to react as time passed by.

 But seeing with her own eyes how well Chengjin took care of Miguo, she felt that Chengjin was quite good with Miguo.

The two families know each other well, and Young Master Zhong is also a kind-hearted person. He will definitely live a good life if Miguo marries her in the future.

Moreover, she trusts Chengjin's character very much. This child is upright and has upright views. He does not look down upon women, nor does he think that women should or shouldn't do anything. Respect what they like to do.

 This is something she appreciates, so she mentally acquiesces to Chengjin's fondness for honey fruits.

 Only Jing Shirong was unhappy.

He was taking every precaution in the military camp every day, but he failed to guard against the son of the third princess. He was really angry.

  This boy clearly had an expression on his face that said, "I have no desires and no demands." How could he suddenly abduct his daughter? This was his precious daughter, and he was still unhappy that she was kidnapped by a brat like this.

Originally, he wanted to find a son-in-law for his daughter, and then build a yard for them in front of his home, so that Miguo wouldn't have to live in someone else's house, and he wouldn't have to look at his parents-in-law's face.

 You can live happily as a couple.

Who would have thought that the innocent and kind-hearted Xiao Miguo would be deceived by Cheng Jin, a duplicitous boy? Woohoo, he is blue, thin, and shiitake mushroom.

Sister Ying.

“Why did you come to my place suddenly when you were eating so well?”

This man was drinking at the men's table. He came over suddenly for some reason with a resentful look on his face. Finally, he leaned directly on her shoulder and felt sad. It was inexplicable.

Sister Ying pushed his head in disgust, "Are you menopausal? Your emotions are fickle."

Jing Shirong gave her a rare look, "I feel bad." Can't you tell?

Sister Ying looked him up and down and understood.

"I know your precious daughter is old, but she has met a boy she likes. This is a good thing. We should be happy for her."

 Meeting someone you like when you are at your most beautiful age, and it is a two-way love, and the character of the other person's family is all right, that is a good thing that everyone will be happy with.

It's better than having Miguo never find anyone she likes, and having to marry her blindly, right?

 When the time comes, we will find her a suitable match, but if she actually doesn’t understand her parents-in-law’s habits at all, won’t the future be even worse?

Jing Shirong was touched by her and suddenly became enlightened.

 Yeah, why didn’t he think of this?

 It is indeed a good thing for Miguo to have someone he likes. It is better than having no desires or desires.

 If he had not fallen in love with Sister Ying back then, he might not have gotten married.

Or just marry a girl so as not to worry your mother.

  But if you do that, it will not be good for other girls, and you will not be responsible for yourself, so it is good to have someone you like.

When I thought about it, my mood suddenly became brighter.

 “Madam, I have been persuaded by you.”

 Speaking, he sat up, held Sister Ying's face and kissed her.

 “You are truly my treasure girl.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "You are also my treasure boy."

 Other women

 “You two are almost done.”

It’s okay to eat the dog food of young people, but they don’t want to eat the dog food of these two middle-aged men and women.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Okay, okay, let's go drink. Today I bought a lot of sake, spirits, and fruit wine. You can have whatever you like."

 Speaking, he called for someone to bring up the wine.

As soon as the women saw the wine, they became interested and began to drink one after another.

 The table of Miguo and the others are almost done.

 The teenagers all started to box.

 Female classmates ran to set off fireworks.

 There were a lot of fireworks set off at night, and they were very beautiful. Sister Ying bought them all at a big price.

Liu Xin'er suddenly felt a little envious when she saw that their family was so rich.

Especially when I saw two well-matched figures on the roof, I suddenly felt that I was completely unmatched, so I gave up and went to talk to another male classmate silently.

Xiao Dongze also ran to talk to an older sister from the next door neighbor's house.

This eldest sister is a local, very exotic and beautiful.

 Xiao Dongze has liked her since he was a child, and he also likes her when he grows up.

It's a pity that I heard that she will get married next year, and the person she will marry will be from the next town.

 He was reluctant to give up and really wanted her not to get married.

 But the two of them were of the wrong age, so she wouldn't listen.

 (End of this chapter)

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