Chapter 1146: Making money is easier

She now understands that people should not be too shameless in life. As long as they live well, it does not matter if they are laughed at.

Look at her eating delicious roasted pig's trotters right now. People can laugh if they like. The roasted pig's trotters must have ended up in her belly anyway.

 Lao San really didn’t want to laugh at her.

At first he planned to treat her to roasted pig's trotters and let her beg him, but who knew that before she even begged him, he would relent.

But seeing how delicious her food was, he felt that it was not a big deal, so he could just eat it. He was a man anyway, so he just let her do it.

 When Wuyun Zhu'er finished the roasted pig's trotters, he handed over the roasted chicken.

Wuyun Zhuer stood up and looked at the sheep while eating.

 The remaining bones are given to the dogs.

 The dogs were very wary of her at first.

 But as we got along with each other in the past few months, we gradually became familiar with each other.

 Now they are close to Wuyun Zhuer and are willing to protect her.

 With the protection of this group of dogs, Wuyun Zhuer feels very safe.

 I am no longer afraid to sleep at night.

The third child saw that these dogs were so good to her, and even used his tongue to kiss her, which was inexplicably delicious.

 “Go, go, watch your sheep.” Why are you staring at this girl for nothing, you rogue dog!


He angrily said to the third child, "Woof! Woof!"

Although I don’t know what the man scolded them, it was definitely not a good word.

 So twenty dogs came and barked at him, barking very loudly.

The third child was embarrassed and couldn't help but say, "Go, go, what are you calling? It's so noisy."

Showing off one's words, he hid behind Wu Yunzhu'er, "Tell them to go away quickly, they're too noisy."

Seeing that he was hopeless, Wuyun Zhuer sneered and waved his hand to let the dog leave.

 Then he threw the food to the dogs to make them full.

  When the dogs have something to eat, they stop barking and scatter. They all run to find something to eat.

When the third child saw them leaving, he came out from behind Wuyun Zhuer and took out the snacks in his arms and gave them to her.

“Now, this is the beef jerky made by my mother. It’s very fragrant. You can keep it and eat it.”

Wuyun Zhuer looked at him with suspicion, "Are you so kind?"

 Lao San exclaimed, "Why am I so unhappy? At any rate, I come to see you all the time, so you can be considered a friend, right?"

Otherwise, no one has come to her after so many months, so he keeps coming. After all, he is the best for her.

Wuyun Zhuer was stunned for a moment, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

But since her family didn't come to see her, she had no hope.

And if they really came, she would feel uncomfortable.

 So it’s good to be like this, no one is looking for her, and she is at ease.

As for the childish ghost in front of her, she snorted, "It would be better if you didn't come."

 At first, she pestered him because she wanted to find someone to marry so that she could have a living.

Now that she can earn money and have food to eat, the cattle and sheep are her friends, so she has nothing to do with him.

 Besides, she didn’t like him at all, no matter where he came from.

 Lao San could see her thoughts at a glance and looked at her like a betrayed person.

 “Why are you like this?”

 “At first you pestered me and said you wanted to marry me.”

“Now that I regard you as a good friend, you still disdain me? You really hurt my heart.”

He said, snorted and ran away.

Black Cloud Zhuer

 “What’s wrong with this man?” Will he feel uncomfortable if you don’t marry him?

 Who vowed never to marry her in the first place?

Now that she doesn’t like him, he’s still doing it? What a bad taste.

Wuyun Zhuer snorted and didn't take it to heart at all. After eating, he continued to drive the sheep.

 Lao San ran for a while, but when he saw that she still hadn’t caught up, he thought she was running slowly, so he stopped and waited for her.     As a result, they didn’t come at all.

Not only did he not come, he also drove his cattle and sheep to another mountain.

 Lao San

 Scumbag, a proper scumbag.

    She was clearly using him to find a job and then killed her ass. She was simply the best among scumbags. It was too much.


 He won't let her succeed.

The boy came to pick him up. Seeing that he was angry, he asked strangely, "What's wrong with you? But what trouble have you encountered?"

 Lao San hummed, "What can happen? It's okay!"

There is no need to let others know about it, so as not to be laughed at.

 “Let’s go back.”

Seeing that he didn't say anything, the boy became more and more suspicious that something was going on inside, so he went back to tell Sister Ying.

Sister Ying knew that the third child had come to the ranch early in the morning, so she knew that this boy was definitely here to see Wuyun Zhuer.

Since we are here to see Wuyun Zhuer, it should be about a trivial matter of love.

But looking at his deflated look, I guess he hit the door panel.

It seems that Wuyun Zhuer has realized that men are not good at making money and wants to make good money.

 No wonder Lao San came back with a frustrated face, he probably hit a wall.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, and told the fourth sister about this.

  Now that Xiao Si Mei has completed her studies, she no longer goes to school. She specializes in making snacks at home and then goes to the store to sell them.

Sister Ying gave her the management of the dim sum shop early on, and she is now very skilled at being the shopkeeper.

ˆThe operation and management of the store are also very good and have made great progress.

 Especially Xiao Erzhu seems to be very close to her recently.

Sister Ying looked at the collagen on her face, her small face was white and rosy, and her eyes were big and bright. She looked very cute. She was the kind of sweet girl that was loved by men, women and children.

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows at her, "It's Xiaoerzhu who sent you home again today. What's going on with you two? Tell your mother."

The fourth sister blushed and said, "What's going on? It's nothing. We just met him halfway."

Sister Ying didn't believe it. "He went to the academy, and you went to the street. It's a completely different road. Don't let me fool you."

“Tell me, are you and him in a relationship?”

The fourth sister blushed and said, "No, we are good friends."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, okay, good friends are good friends. It just so happens that Matchmaker Wang came to the house today and said she wanted to introduce you to an outstanding young man. Would you like to go and have a look?"

 The people introduced here can meet each other.

 This is more efficient.

The fourth sister was stunned and waved her hands, "No, I'm still young and I have to open a store, so I don't have time to see each other."

Sister Ying tugged at her ear, "You are already eighteen or nineteen, are you still young?"

 An eighteen-year-old girl was indeed a big girl in ancient times, but she was still far from an old girl. This age was just right.

The fourth sister doesn’t care about her age. “Anyway, I can make money and support myself, so I don’t want to get married so early.”

“Besides, my home is so comfortable, I don’t want to go to other people’s homes.”

Sister Ying was happy, "So you're looking for Xiao Erzhu? Do you plan to live next door to our house in the future?"

“Just like your sister, when she comes back every now and then, she either eats at our house or at the third princess’s house, but their house never fires once.”

The fourth sister smiled and said, "My sister is not good at cooking, so what does it matter if she comes to eat at home?"

Sister Ying clicked her tongue, "Don't change the subject for me. I'm just asking you if you're in love with Xiao Erzhu? Answer me quickly."

   Sisters' cute articles, you can read them if you are interested.

There is also a book where the bosses cried and begged me for forgiveness after being turned into cannon fodder.



 (End of this chapter)

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