The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1148: , the love affair of the fourth younger sister

Chapter 1148, The Love Affair of the Fourth Sister

Sister Ying smiled, knowing that he was trying to coax her.

But it was still very useful. He turned around and hugged Jing Shirong's handsome face, exchanging kisses, "Actually, you are not old at all, you are still very handsome, which is what I like."

Jing Shirong laughed and was indeed pleased.

“Since you still like me so much, let’s go to the woods?”

Sister Ying.

"screw you."

An old man is not ashamed.

Jing Shirong laughed loudly, "Yes, yes, I am not shy, so will you come with me?"

Sister Ying smiled and called over, "Fuck you."

The two of them were laughing and joking, and the servants outside the door raised their lips and laughed.

 Wait until next year, Mi Guo was pregnant for ten months, the melon ripened and fell off the stem, and she gave birth to a daughter, nicknamed Tuan Tuan.

 Tuan Tuan was born in a white and plump shape and was very cute. He was loved by the whole family right after he was born.

Miguo thought she could return to the military camp immediately after her confinement.

However, Xiaotuanzi was so cute that she couldn't bear to leave.

This was the first time she had given in on a task, and her first choice was her lovely daughter.

Sister Ying told her a long time ago, "The military camp is not busy now. If you have this opportunity, you should spend more time with the child, and the child will kiss you."

 In times of panic, it is appropriate to go to the military camp.

 But now in peacetime, there is no war, so naturally we have to think more about our children.

 “Look at this small group, are you willing to leave?”

Miguo was naturally reluctant to leave, so she continued her confinement period at home and took care of the child.

 The second daughter-in-law, Ayisham, is pregnant again this year. It seems that there will be more and more children in the family in the future.

On August 15th, the third child came back and said that he wanted to marry Wuyun Zhuer.

 This year, he ran to the pasture every time.

 Wuyun Zhu'er didn't like it at first, but as time went on, the two developed feelings for each other.

Sister Ying saw that they were a noisy couple, and they were quite amused, so she took Young Master Zhong with her to Wuyun Zhuer's house to propose marriage.

Wuyunzhuer's family never imagined that Wuyunzhuer could be so lucky and marry a major general?

 And the betrothal gift is so rich.

 Originally, the betrothal gift could have been richer, but Wuyun Zhuer was unwilling to ask for that much.

I told Sister Ying'er that I didn't have any dowry at all, so I refused to ask for such a large betrothal gift.

 Sister Ying has nothing to do with her, so let her do what she wants.

Even though it has been reduced by more than half, it is still a lot for Wuyun Zhuer’s family.

Her family can be considered an official family, but they are not wealthy, so their eyes lit up when they saw so many betrothal gifts.

Wuyun Zhuer's two sisters-in-law even wanted more, and they frequently gave Sister Ying hints.

Sister Ying didn't accept the offer at all, leaving them with no choice. She was also angry at Wuyun Zhuer for refusing to help her mother's family earn more.

Wuyun Zhu'er wouldn't help his two sisters-in-law, but it's a pity that Sister Ying gave too much.

She complained to Sister Ying in private, "Auntie, don't give so much as a bride price. People are so inconsiderate. Once my sisters-in-law know that your family is rich, they will keep harassing you."

Sister Ying touched her head and told her not to worry.

"Don't be afraid, I can handle it. Just live with the third child."

Wuyun Zhuer still trusted her ability, so he didn't ask any questions.

Later, the two families got married, but Wuyun Zhuer's sister-in-law came here every now and then to enjoy the autumn breeze.

Unfortunately, Sister Ying only served ordinary snacks and tea, and nothing else.

The sisters-in-law couldn't ask for it directly, so they had to go to Wuyun Zhuer.

Wuyun Zhuer said that the betrothal gift was so large, but the dowry was only a small amount, and asked them to make up for the dowry, otherwise the betrothal gift would be refunded.

The sisters-in-law cursed angrily when they saw her elbows being pulled outwards, and finally had no choice but to go back.

 Lao San looked on angry and said something about her. "If you ask me, I'll just scold them for three days and three nights. It's annoying to look at them."

If Wuyun Zhuer hadn't stopped him, he would have gone out to beat people.

Although he doesn't hit women, he can throw something to scare them.

In addition, he has a fierce face, especially when he is angry, his expression is very scary, as if he is about to kill someone, so he can scare people very well.

Wuyun Zhuer was afraid that he would really hit someone, so he pulled him every time and refused to let him out.

The sisters-in-law of Wuyunzhuer also saw that the third child was a fierce one, and gradually they stopped coming.

 The couple did not separate and lived at home.

However, Wuyun Zhuer still went to manage the ranch after getting married, and the third child simply built several beautiful wooden houses there.

  No matter where you go, you will have a shelter from the wind and rain, and there is no need to live in a simple tent.

 The couple are not afraid of hardship and sometimes live on the ranch for a month and a half.

  Sometimes when I come back to live, the relationship becomes noisy, but the quarrel never ends.

 On the other hand, the fourth sister was delayed for more than a year because Xiao Erzhu went to Beijing to take the exam.

But she doesn't care, as long as her sweetheart comes back safely.

 At the end of the year, Xiaoerzhu came back, and he came back with results.

 Yijia, champion.

 When he came back, he took the imperial edict granting marriage and a lot of jewels as a reward.

These were all gifts from the emperor. When the emperor saw his grandson for the first time, he was naturally very curious about him, so he gave him many good things.

Especially if your grandson is getting married, you should be given a marriage decree so that your grandson can get married in a glorious way.

After the two got married, they also lived in the middle of the two houses, not far away from each other, just a few steps away from the mother-in-law and her mother's house.

 In recent years, most of the children in the family have started families, and they all live nearby.

Like Xiao Yunduo from Sister Yang's son's family, she also married nearby.

 She married a local handsome man, a particularly handsome young man whose family was in the herbal medicine business.

 The two of them met when they were buying and selling herbal medicines, and they had a good impression of each other as soon as they went back and forth.

 Then things will fall into place.

At first, Qi Yuanming was not happy. He felt that this man was so good-looking that he was not responsible at first sight.

 But the fact is that good-looking men are more picky and less likely to be philandering than others.

Moreover, she is indeed very dedicated and has been treating Xiaoyunduo very well for three years.

Qi Yuanming became more and more satisfied with his son-in-law. From the beginning, he didn't like him, but now he often goes out drinking with his son-in-law.

 As for Little Fatty, he married the daughter of the military general.

Little Pangpang has a naive temperament, and the other girl also has an innocent temperament.

 It is easy for simple people to play together, and it is enough to go back and forth.

Sister Yang also became a grandmother early, but she still has a girlish heart and often goes out to play with Qi Yuanming.

Sister Ying also assigned all the household chores to her two daughters-in-law. She relieved herself of many heavy burdens and could also go out with Jing Shirong from time to time.

She and Jing Shirong plan to go to the capital and Jiangnan next year to visit her parents and parents-in-law.

Jing Shirong also has this plan, just waiting for the capital on the other side of the capital.

Logically speaking, the emperor is now old, and even though he is greedy for the throne and his beard has turned white, he still refuses to abdicate in favor of someone worthy of his throne.

However, he is now starting to lose strength and clearly feels that he is no longer able to survive, so he is ready to abdicate.

 Historically, when an emperor abdicates, something has to happen.

 So Jing Shirong received a secret report from the emperor early, asking him to return to Beijing immediately after getting the news.

The finale is almost here, thank you for accompanying me all the way. The next modern cute baby, working **** writing, good night (ì_í)



 (End of this chapter)

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