The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1150: , I will go wherever you go (End)

Chapter 1150, I will go wherever you go (End)

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, let's make dumplings together."

 Children are very happy and want to help.

Mrs. Wu happily went to the kitchen to prepare, and soon everyone came into the house to help.

 Everyone was laughing and chatting together while making dumplings.

Sister Ying quietly asked Mr. Jing, "How's it going in the capital?"

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming brought back not many people, but they were all masters among masters.

I don’t know if the capital is in chaos or not.

Jingshi reassured her, "Don't worry, the prince is now full-fledged and has his own real power."

 In addition, the prince is smart and has long been on guard against those ambitious princes.

  Although the princes all set out to assassinate him, they all failed.

The main task of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming when they came back was to protect the emperor.

Now that the emperor is still alive and well, he issued an imperial edict to abdicate in favor of worthy officials.

 Let the prince ascend the throne in a legitimate manner.

Since the emperor is still alive, everyone has no objection.

However, those princes did not give up and even murdered the emperor in the middle of the night, hoping that the emperor would die violently.

But Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were protecting him, so the emperor was stunned and nothing happened.

A dragnet has been set up in the palace, and the ambitious princes have also been caught.

Looking at his defeated sons, the emperor shook his head and sighed.

“These sons of mine are actually not as powerful as the prince back then. It’s true that each generation is inferior to the last.”

 Fortunately, the prince is very capable, and his ability has exceeded his demeanor back then.

The world is left to him, and he can rest assured to take care of himself in old age.

After Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming finished helping the prince, they came to Jiangnan to reunite with their families.

 When they came, it happened to be the day of Mrs. Liang's eightieth birthday.

 Old Mrs. Liang was extremely happy when her two grandsons-in-law arrived.

 “Are you here?”

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming both smiled and saluted her.

“Grandma, I wish you blessings like the East Sea, longevity as long as the Nanshan Mountains, and may you stay younger as you live.”

Mrs. Liang is very happy. Now that she is old, her favorite song is Shoubi Nanshan.

 She grinned her old teeth and smiled very happily.

 “Good boy, sit down and eat.”

 All the tables in the courtyard are full today.

There are a hundred tables, so a lot of people were invited.

 Those that could not be accommodated in the courtyard were put at the door.

Anyone who passes by can come and have a meal, which shows that Mr. Wu sincerely hopes that Mrs. Liang will live a long life.

Passers-by knew that Mrs. Wu was a good master of the household, and also knew that Mrs. Liang was celebrating her 80th birthday, so they came to wish her well and have some wine to express their happiness.

 For a time, the whole street was bustling with people having a feast, which was more lively than a festival.

 At this time, all the children had arrived, and they stood up together to propose a toast to Mrs. Liang.

Sister Ying started by leading the children to send blessings, "I wish grandma that you will have this day every year, and that you will have this day every year, and strive to have another ninetieth birthday!"

 The children said together, "Yes, I wish my wife and grandmother live to be a hundred years old."

 The children's childlike words made Mrs. Liang laugh happily, even if she lost several teeth, she still laughed happily.

Sister Ying took this opportunity to ask the painter to draw some family portraits for the whole family.

 The painters rarely saw such a large family gathering, and they were very excited and painted with great enthusiasm.

By the time I finished painting, it was already past midnight.

However, the Liang family did not plan to go to bed so early today. They were still drinking and celebrating in the middle of the night and set off a lot of fireworks.

 The artist not only painted family portraits during the day, but also painted family portraits under the fireworks at night.

Sister Ying was very satisfied after seeing the painting.

 In the painting, Mrs. Liang is sitting at the head of the table, and all the people around the round table are her own family members. The children also sat around Mrs. Liang. Everyone was talking and laughing, some were toasting blessings, and some were laughing.

 Some were eating with their heads down, and some were eating cakes made by Sister Ying. The children all smiled brightly, as did Mrs. Liang and Mr. and Mrs. Wu.

 Everyone in the painting is smiling, as if the whole family is reunited and happy.

Sister Ying particularly liked this painting and asked the painter to paint a few more and keep one for everyone in her family. It can be passed down from generation to generation.

Sister Ying looked at herself in the painting and felt that she was no longer young.

She raised her head and looked at Jing Shirong, who was leaning on each other next to her, and smiled, "I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, we would all be old."

Jing Shirong touched her head and said, "Don't be afraid, people will grow old. As long as you are happy when you get old, nothing else matters."

 The natural law of life is from birth to old age, so he is very open-minded.

Sister Ying looked at him with moist eyes, holding his face in her hands, "Why are you so good?"

Whether it is her character or her thoughts, she is so in tune with her.

Jing Shirong smiled, "Maybe it's fate."

Sister Ying also smiled, "If I hadn't come to this world and you didn't marry me, would the ending be the same?"

For such a good man, he should be the same even if he marries another girl, right?

Jing Shirong shook his head, "How can that be the same?"

People are all different. Even if they are similar, they are not the same person after all.

“Besides, you and I are destined to be together, so I can only marry you. Otherwise, I may be separated from another stranger in the end. All this is fate.”

 He still firmly believes that he can only marry her in this life, not anyone else.

Sister Ying smiled contentedly, looked up at the sky, and told him.

 “Actually, I have a secret that I haven’t told you.”

Jing Shirong looked back at her, "No way? We are an old married couple, and you actually have a secret from me?"

Sister Ying clicked her tongue at him, "No?"

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Okay, okay, as long as you are happy."

Sister Ying held his hand and said with a smile, "Actually, I was not from here before. I came here by chance. I don't know if I will return to my original world after my death?"

Jing Shirong frowned, "The original world? Is it a place I don't know about?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, you haven't been there, right?"

 After saying that, I felt the strength in my hands tightening.

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm still with you, right?"

Jing Shirong pinched her face, which felt warm, and she thought about it instantly.

“That’s all, you have been playful since you were a child and want to go anywhere.”

“Since you want to go to your world a hundred years from now, then I’ll let you go.”

 Since we are husband and wife, we have to go together wherever we go.

Sister Ying was really moved.

 “Why do you always believe in me so unconditionally?”

Jing Shirong said matter-of-factly, "You are my wife, if you don't believe me, who do you believe?"

Sister Ying had no power to resist his trust, "Okay, I have convinced you, and I can't live without you. No matter where I go in a hundred years from now, I will still find you and be with you." of."

This answer made Jing Shirong smile with satisfaction.

“Okay, then remember to look for me. I’ll look for you too.”

Sister Ying looked at him and raised the corners of her mouth, "Okay, I'll do whatever you want."

Jing Shirong also raised the corners of his lips, "I'll listen to you too."

At this time, the children came over and said, "Grandma~Grandpa~, come and set off the fireworks~"

 The two of them looked at the ground at the same time, smiled and said to their grandson, "Okay, come on~"

ˆ ===

 This article is over.

 Thank you for accompanying me all the way, I love you~()

 The next modern cute book, I’m working **** writing it, so you can check it out when you have time.

It’s over. Thank you for your company along the way.


By the way, I’m going to start a new book, the next modern cute book.




 (End of this chapter)

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