The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 140: , Sister Ting is getting married

Chapter 140, Sister Ting is getting married

 After dinner, Sister Ying went to see the carrier pigeons.

 Two years' prospect Shi Rong asked her to raise homing pigeons, and she did.

However, raising homing pigeons is not easy. In addition to reading the methods Jing Shirong gave her, she also checked many books and asked many old uncles who were professional in raising homing pigeons.

 But the homing pigeon flew out, but no letter came yet.

Sister Ting often writes to her.

 She has now reached the age to propose marriage, and her family is currently looking for her in-laws.

However, she looked around and was not satisfied.

Sister Ting doesn’t like those in-laws, either the mother-in-law is too powerful, or the men are too weak, and they only listen to their mothers.

She saw how good Sister Shumei's married life was, and she wanted to find a man who would love others just like Sister Shumei.

Shumei now has two children and is living a very comfortable life.

 Because her man has always been very kind to her, and she has made the decisions at home, so her life is incredibly beautiful.

Sister Ting has always wanted to have a husband's family where her husband dotes on her and she can make decisions about everything at home.

 But her parents showed her one after another and found that this kind of family was not common.

 In general families, the mother-in-law is basically stronger, and she will be suppressed by her as soon as she gets married.

Sister Ting didn’t like it, so she said she’d look for it again.

Sister Ying took the letter from the carrier pigeon’s feet.

Sister Jian Ting described to her that she and her brother once went shopping in the next town, and happened to see a scholar with a handsome face who diligently helped people write letters and draw New Year pictures to earn tuition fees, and she fell in love with him at first sight.

But her parents felt that the scholar was too poor, his family was destitute, and his parents were old, so Sister Ting would not be able to live a good life after marrying him.

 Sister Ting saw that the scholar was diligent and studious, and he didn't look like a stupid person.

If one day he really passes the Jinshi examination and becomes an official, wouldn't she be the official's wife?

Not to mention the official wife, even if the scholar fails to pass the exam, as long as he is willing to work, there is no problem in supporting the family.

 Furthermore, she can also make needlework and sell clothes, which can also help her family to support their family.

 As long as the poor scholar treats her well and loves her, she is willing to live a hard life.

 But Sister Ting’s parents always disagreed.

 They always felt that Sister Ting could marry better. At least better than that poor scholar.

 So Sister Ting is in a stalemate with her parents now.

After reading it, Sister Ying wrote back and asked Sister Ting to go to the scholar's home to observe how people usually live.

If you are really too poor to open the pot, it will really not be easy.

 Sister Ting cannot support a family of four just by doing needlework.

If that poor scholar is also a diligent person, you can take a look at their character.

After receiving the letter, Sister Ting immediately disguised herself as a man and went over to check the scholar's daily activities.

The scholar was followed by her for several days. Later, he found out that it was a woman who was following him. He couldn't help but said angrily, "Why do you keep following me these days?"

Sister Ting was caught and wanted to explain, but she didn’t know what to say.

Just lied casually, "I, I'm just curious. I saw you painting New Year pictures every day. I wonder if you still have time to study if you continue to draw like this? I just want to see when you can study."

The scholar was confused by what she said, but he replied, "I will paint at night and go to private school during the day. Don't follow me anymore."

Sister Ting pretended to agree and came to see her later.

The scholar saw that she was disobedient and came back. He wanted to scold her, but she was so sneaky and thought she was pretending well, which made him laugh.

He thought that Sister Ting was not a bad person, so he just followed her.

Who knew that things would get really good between the two of them.

 Finally, Sister Ting decided to make money for her to study.

However, her parents discovered this method and immediately scolded her to death.

 Said she was stupid.

  How many women have provided men for themselves, but they themselves have become yellow-faced women. In the end, they were promoted to officials and married to beautiful wives, and the yellow-faced women were left behind long ago.

Sister Ting, however, firmly believes that a poor scholar is not capable, and has always been at loggerheads with her family. Later, the poor scholar learned about this and came over to tell Sister Ting's parents, "Next year will be the autumn. If I can win the title of chief, I will come to your house to propose marriage. If I don't win, I won't take the exam in the future. I will directly I will be the accountant and I will support my family and I won’t let Sister Ting pay a penny.”

Actually, he didn’t want to spend Sister Ting’s money. He couldn’t save his face without talking about it, and he felt bad inside.

 Which man doesn’t want to give his sweetheart a good life?

 But his current conditions are limited. If he fails to win the election, his official career will become more and more difficult in the future.

 In addition, he really liked Sister Ting, so he wanted to fight for her.

Of course Sister Ting believes in him and just hopes that he will win as soon as possible.

Later, the autumn period arrived, and the poor scholar really succeeded.

  And it’s still the first place.

 The first ranked Jie Yuan will be rewarded with silver.

This year's welfare is good, and the poor scholar received a reward of one hundred taels of silver.

 He gave the money directly to Sister Ting's parents, saying it was a marriage proposal.

Seeing how sincere he was, Sister Ting's parents reluctantly agreed.

But they did not take money from the poor scholar. Instead, they gave him the money to use as exam expenses.

But the wedding must be finalized before going to Beijing.

They were afraid that a poor scholar would abandon their daughter after becoming the top scholar, so they naturally had to settle the marriage first.

 The poor scholar was also afraid that Sister Ting would marry someone else, so he agreed.

When Sister Ying received the letter, she said to Mrs. Liang, "Grandma, Sister Ting is getting married. Should we go back?"

Mrs. Liang counted the days and said, "I'm afraid it's too late?"

It's been a month since I went there, and the wedding is only scheduled for these few days, so it's definitely too late.

 Because the poor scholar was about to go to Beijing and had no time to wait, he had to get married in a hurry.

Although it was done in a hurry, the etiquette was not lacking.

Sister Ting's parents were relieved to see that he was sincere towards their daughter.

No matter whether the poor scholar is successful or not, he has been promoted.

In the future, if you don't win the first prize, you will be able to open a private school in the town as a juren.

So Sister Ting got married happily.

After reading the letter, Sister Ying chatted with Mrs. Liang while replying to the letter.

“I don’t know where Brother Rong and the others have gone?”

 Sister Ying originally sent a letter back to the Jing family after settling down here.

 But he has not received a letter from Jing Shirong for a long time.

 Later she wrote to ask Sister Ting.

Sister Ting didn’t know how to send a letter at first, so she asked around, and finally found the inn in the next town.

But the inn is quite far away from her, three or four days' journey.

So when she wrote back, it was more than a month later.

Sister Ying read the letter and realized that the Jing family had moved away.

 She said that Mrs. Jing missed her youngest son, so the whole family went over to see him.

But the specific reason is unknown to Sister Ting.

Sister Ying felt quite sad after seeing it.

 Because Jing Shirong didn't send her any letters.

But she guessed that maybe someone was in an emergency, or something happened to his uncle, so the whole family left in a hurry.

Sigh, it was just inconvenient in ancient times. There was no mobile phone, and it was up to fate to contact anyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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