The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 142: , the cooperation between mother and daughter

Chapter 142: Cooperation between mother and daughter

Liang Jin looked at the map on the official document, walked along the road, and asked questions along the way.

 Looking at the distance on the yellow paper, it would take more than a month to travel.

Brother Sen and Sister Yang went on a long trip for the first time, chattering all the way.

 They are both three years old. They are small and cute, but very naughty.

 They are all picky eaters, with round faces but little meat on their bodies.

The most annoying thing for Mrs. Liang and Mrs. Wu is their food problem.

 They can now finally understand what "children who don't eat will make adults angry to death."

You coax, hold, and spank them, but they just won’t eat.

Old Mrs. Liang was so angry that they were half-to-death because she loved her children so much.

 Finally, Sister Ying listed a few ways to train rice scumbags for Wu, and asked Wu to try them out patiently.

 Wu is also a ruthless person who will try whenever he is told.

When the twins refused to eat at first, Mrs. Wu told them, "If they don't eat, they will be taken away. There will be no goat milk to drink later."

 The twins don’t believe it, so they still play for fun.

 In the end, Mrs. Wu simply took away the rice and stopped feeding her.

The twins didn't take it seriously at first, but later they became hungry and wanted to drink goat's milk, but Mrs. Wu refused to give it.

 They were crying and making trouble later, but Wu did not give in and only gave them water.

At the next meal, the twins were so hungry that they took a few bites.

 But only a few mouthfuls.

 It is not easy to correct the bad habits.

Mrs. Wu continued to endure it, not getting angry with them, and not giving them snacks, but only allowed them to eat the main meal.

They were so angry that they cried loudly. Mrs. Liang felt distressed and wanted to feed them some goat milk, but Mrs. Wu looked away.

 Old lady Liang took Kang Geerma and ran away.

 When I went out, I said to Kang Geer, "Your mother has been a bit grumpy in the past two years."

Sister Ying said in her heart, "If you have two scumbags to raise, who will not be irritable?"

But as long as you have more patience and patience, you can change this bad habit.

After a year of training, the twins started eating obediently.

Although I am still picky about food, I can at least eat less than half a bowl.

With the rest, just drink a bowl of goat's milk and you'll be full.

Seeing that they had improved somewhat, Mr. Wu thought that they would take their time and one day they would eat well.

Mrs. Liang looked at the slender arms of the twins and said, "They all came from the same belly. Why don't these two little ones like eating so much?"

 The eldest brother and the second child have a good time.

 Lao San Lao Si, who don’t eat vegetables or meat, just eat white rice, pure white rice.

How can you gain weight if you only eat rice without meat and vegetables?

If Mrs. Wu hadn't insisted on letting them eat two bites, they would have been even thinner.

Sister Ying always tries to reason with her younger siblings in her spare time.

 She would say to Brother Sen and Sister Yang, "You don't like eating vegetables, do you?"

 The twins nodded and made a milky sound, "I don't want to be inferior, but my mother knows how to scold."

Sister Ying pretended to help them, "Otherwise, sister will help you eat half of your bowl of vegetables and meat, and you should finish the rest quickly, so that mother doesn't know that you haven't finished it."

Dragon and Phoenix are innocent and believe in truth.

 Happily say yes.

So Sister Ying picked a little bit of the vegetables and meat from their bowls and put them in her own bowl. The actor told them, "Eat quickly. Mom will be here soon."

 The twins immediately took the meat and vegetables in the bowl into their mouths.

When Mrs. Wu came over, she looked at Sister Ying and said cooperatively, "Hey, you are so good today. You actually finished all the vegetables and meat? That's great."

 Speaking, each of them kissed them.

 The twins suddenly shook their little feet happily.

 Sister Ying would help them every now and then, but she would not help them all the time.

And every time she helps, she has to negotiate terms with the twins.

For example, "You can ask your sister to help you eat vegetables, but if she doesn't want to eat pickles, you have to help her eat them. Each of us helps her eat one kind, so it's only fair." The twins have always believed in their sister, and they immediately helped her eat them. Pickles.

So although the twins do not need to eat green vegetables, they do have to eat sour beans.

Every time Mrs. Wu saw her tricking the twins into turning around, she smiled in her heart but not on her face.

 Sometimes they will act together as a team.

For example, Mrs. Wu once pretended to show up early, and when she saw Sister Ying helping the twins eat vegetables, she immediately scolded Sister Ying in front of Dragon and Phoenix.

 Brother Sen and Sister Yang like their sister the most. Seeing her being scolded, they immediately feel guilty.

 The next time, they will eat by themselves, fearing that their sister will be scolded by their mother.

  Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying cooperated so seamlessly that Mrs. Liang and Brother Kang were stunned for a moment.

 He said in his heart that this mother and daughter are really not easy to mess with.

  They will not dare to provoke them in the future, lest they be deceived.

 This will be on the carriage!

The twins didn’t want to eat steamed buns, and Mrs. Wu didn’t dissuade them.

He said, "Eat it if you like, but if you don't, I won't leave it for you."

Upon hearing this, Dragon and Phoenix immediately asked Mrs. Wu for two steamed buns and hid them in her arms.

 Wait until they are hungry and then take them out to eat.

Mrs. Wu didn’t say anything after seeing it, as long as they were willing to eat it.

Like Sister Ying said, if they get hungry slowly, there is no need to force them to eat. When they are hungry, they will eat naturally.

 After Kang Geer was full, he wanted to go out to catch the carriage.

Liang Jin felt that he was the eldest son and liked to give him a try in everything.

At this moment, Kang Geer wants to drive the carriage, so I take him out and give it a try.

 Kang Geer has been riding horses, archery, and practicing martial arts in the past three years, and he has become much more courageous. I just learned the driving skills for a while, but I gradually mastered it.

Sister Ying also wants to go.

Just as Wu was about to catch her back, she had already slipped out.

 “Dad, I want to learn too.”

Liang Jin saw her coming, smiled and said yes, let Kang Geer sit next to him and teach his daughter driving skills.

Sister Ying is also a smart person and learns everything quickly.

She can also ride a horse and shoot arrows. Her skills are not very good, but she can escape quickly.

Especially in circumventing the wall.

 In the past two years, she, Kang Geer, and the martial arts master practiced flying over the wall and climbing over the wall as soon as they returned home. They did not go through the main entrance for three months in a row.

Mrs. Liang was so frightened that they suddenly climbed over the wall and wanted to beat them with a broom.

Sister Ying and Brother Kang laughed loudly and ran so fast that Mrs. Liang couldn't catch up.

 Now I’m learning to drive, Sister Ying will be able to pick it up quickly.

However, it was cold outside, and Liang Jin was afraid that she would freeze, so he asked her to go in.

Kang Geer stayed and set up a carriage with Liang Jin.

 The carriage slowly headed towards the land of dice.

 At the beginning, we took the small town road, which was quite prosperous.

The further you go inside, the more smoky you feel.

  It turned out that people from the neighboring town also went there to gamble and almost lost all their money. The angry woman cursed and said that she had been unlucky for eight lifetimes.

 Old lady Liang became more and more panicked as she watched, so she asked Liang Jin.

 “Let’s go in, I’m afraid it won’t be a good time, right?”

 With so many gamblers, the lawsuit must be complicated.

Liang Jin sighed, "There's nothing we can do about it. I heard from my previous master that no one was willing to go to that town, so that's why it was given to me."

The higher authorities have issued official documents, and he has no way to refuse.

 Besides, being an official is not originally about enjoying happiness.

As a parent official, Liang Jin still wanted to do something for the people, so he had no complaints.

When Mrs. Liang saw her son saying this, she could only acquiesce.

 (End of this chapter)

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