Chapter 155, Jiangnan is so lively

Wu asked her, "How do you want to get famous?"

There are so many shops here, not to mention inns, there are many places to eat.

As they walked along, every two shops had a stall selling wontons or barbecued pork noodles.

If they shop in such a deep alley, they will have no way to find customers.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Then there is our father."

Most people in official circles don't like to eat in busy inns, lest they be called extravagant.

  But if we bring them to a side alley to eat, we are not afraid that they will not come.

Mrs. Wu gave her a cute look and said, "You are the only one who is clever."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "I'm not as smart as my mother."

Her mother must have thought so too, otherwise she wouldn’t have bought a shop here.

Wu Shi smiled and pointed her head with his finger, "You."

Seeing that they were still not leaving, Sister Yang couldn't sit still, so she came to pull Wu's sleeve.

“Mom, I just saw a ready-made clothing store. The skirts in it are very beautiful. I want them.”

Mrs. Wu thought that since the children were getting taller, it was really time to buy fabrics, so she hummed and took them to a clothing store.

“Okay, I’ll buy you two beautiful clothes today, and you have to make the rest yourself.”

Sister Yang is very interested in needlework recently, and she can even make a skirt by herself.

Mrs. Wu thought she was good at needlework, but was also afraid that she would damage her eyes. He asked her to learn music, chess, calligraphy and painting as well, instead of just doing one thing.

Sister Yang listened to her mother's advice and naturally agreed obediently, but what she loved most was making clothes for herself.

 Wu took several children to a clothing store.

 Looked at a few and were not very satisfied.

The reason is that the other shopkeeper roughly recognized that they were from out of town, so he opened his mouth.

 Wu is not stupid, she still knows the price of fabrics.

 An ordinary silk shopkeeper would dare to ask for one hundred taels.

 Asked about the ready-made clothes, the shopkeeper directly said fifty taels.

 Er Sister Wu is in the cloth business herself, and she sends cloth to Mrs. Wu every year.

She has seen a lot of good materials and knows that the materials in this store are not of the highest quality. A piece of cloth can only cost ten taels at most, but the other party dared to ask for a hundred taels, so she immediately refused to buy it and left.

The shopkeeper saw this and sneered, "If you can't afford it, just don't look at it. It's a waste of my time."

Mrs. Wu was not upset after hearing this and continued to take the children to the second home.

But the second store was obviously a branch of that store, and they also bullied them as outsiders and wanted to kill them.

Sister Ying sighed and said, "Forget it, if we go shopping, we can't have one street all belonging to their homes."

 So they went to the third house.

 The third one is finally better.

The shopkeeper and the clerk are very enthusiastic, and the decoration is a bit more fashionable than the previous two stores.

But looking at how new the decoration is, I think this store must have just opened not long ago.

The clerk looked at the group of them and came to receive them with a smile.

“Madam, I have recently received some new materials with novel designs. Can I show them to you?”

Seeing that he had a good attitude, Mrs. Wu said yes and asked him to take out the cloth and have a look.

The clerk smiled and sighed, and immediately went to get the newly arrived ingredients.

“Madam, look, this is a newly arrived piece of cloth. This is the only one in our store, and no other store has it.”

Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying looked at the piece of cloth. The color was gorgeous and the embroidery was relatively new. It was also made of silk, which was indeed rare.

Mrs. Wu doesn’t wear such pretty clothes herself, so she wants to buy them for her daughters.    So she asked the price.

The clerk smiled and replied, "Madam, this piece of cloth comes from the capital, and the price will be a little more expensive, fifty taels per piece."

  Fifty taels, which is much lower than the other two stores just now, but still a bit expensive.

Wu was diligent and thrifty, so naturally he would not buy such expensive cloth.

The clerk was very discerning. Seeing that she found it too expensive, he immediately smiled and brought over cheaper materials.

“Madam, look at this piece again. The color of this piece of cloth is also very suitable for a little girl. The material is also very silky. The price is cheaper than the one just now. This piece only costs thirty taels. You can also only need half a piece~”

Mrs. Wu touched the material and found that it was indeed quite comfortable and the color was fresh and tender. It looked like something a little girl would wear.

 She nodded and asked for half a piece, intending to make new clothes for Sister Ying and Sister Yang.

 The remaining Kang Geer and Seng Geer also asked for half a piece of blue, which is just right for boys.

Sister Ying also picked out two pairs of ready-made clothes for her and Mrs. Liang, and said generously, "Mom, I'll pay for these two outfits."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, you bought these two outfits for your mother and your grandmother."

Sister Ying covered her mouth with a smile and went to pay the bill happily.

 After buying the cloth, Mrs. Wu bought a pair of beautiful shoes for her and Sister Yang.

 Kang Ge'er and Sen Ge'er didn't like shopping for their daughter's things, so they took their personal servants to the antique store.

Mrs. Wu saw that there were so many children on the street and there were patrols on the street from time to time, so she didn't call them back.

 After the mother and daughter bought clothes and shoes, they went to the jewelry store to have a look.

She doesn't like to buy jewelry for her two daughters, so she basically brings them some silk flowers, otherwise she is afraid that they will lose the jewelry when they run and jump.

 Sister Ying is now twelve years old, so it’s time to buy her some hairpins, earrings or something.

Although Sister Yang is only six years old, she also loves beauty. She can't walk when she sees hairpins and bracelets.

Mr. Wu chose a set for them. The price was moderate and they could wear it when visiting guests.

By the time I finish shopping, it will be dark.


Mrs. Wu called the children to gather together and went back together.

 After returning home, Liang Jin also came back.

The family was having dinner together. Mrs. Liang asked Liang Jin, "How was it? Did anyone make things difficult for you when you went to handover?"

Liang Jin shook his head, "The people in the prefect are very polite, but they are also very cunning and always try to trick me."

If Liang Jin hadn't been shrewd, he would have been tricked.

Although the people in the prefecture are polite, they are very tactful. They can ask you about three generations of your ancestors in just a few sentences. They are really very clever.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liang whispered, "We have also heard before we came here that the prefects and subordinates in Jiangnan are all slippery people, and they are easy to avoid being caught. Such people are generally very smart."

Having said that, he gave Liang Jin numerous warnings and instructions, "Son, please be careful and don't let others lead you around."

Liang Jin reassured her, "Don't worry, I'm not stupid."

 If someone is naughty, he will be too naughty.

He is not a pedantic person who is ignorant of the ways of the world.

Sister Ying was still very relieved about her father and asked him, "Dad, did the prefect give you any tasks?"

Liang Jin shook his head, "Not yet. He asked me to come over tomorrow, and he will probably give me something to do tomorrow."

 Since we’re here anyway, let’s rest for a night and then go on errands tomorrow to avoid lack of sleep.

Seeing how sleepy he was, Mrs. Wu asked him, "Then you go to bed early at night and I'll call you tomorrow."

Liang Jin responded with a smile and went to bed after eating. He was exhausted from traveling these past few days.

 (End of this chapter)

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