Chapter 170, Deja vu

The flower girls had long been accustomed to the tigress’s warning eyes, so they didn’t take it seriously at all and continued to entertain guests happily.

Liang Jin stood beside Wu obediently, not daring to look aside at all.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang laughed like little mice when they saw how cowardly their father was.

Liang Jin was not annoyed when his daughter laughed at him, and even said proudly, "I am called a henpecker."

 “It means having a wife to take care of it.”

Sister Ying.

 In this era where husband is the most important thing, her father is also a strange person.

Most men hate being disciplined by their wives and feel they are losing face.

Only Liang Jin liked being controlled by Mrs. Wu and looked cheerful.

Sometimes colleagues would ask him to go out to drink wine, and he would look horrified and say, "That's not okay. If my wife finds out about this, she will be outcast in the evening."

Mrs. Wu looks lively and cheerful, but if she is serious about it, it is possible to take away the four children directly.

 No, I might take my mother away too.

 When the time comes, he will be left alone in the south of the Yangtze River. Thinking about it, he feels miserable and naturally refuses to drink flower wine.

When those colleagues saw that he was so afraid of his wife, they even encouraged him, "A woman cannot be pampered. The more she is pampered, the more she will get on top of you. If you should be beaten, you must change so that she knows what it means to be the head of the family."

After hearing this, Liang Jin felt that these people were really rubbish.

How dare you hit the person next to you?

How many children have you had, how can they say this?

He despised the other party in his heart, but said on his face, "That won't work. My wife is so beautiful, but I am the one who will suffer the loss."

 Other colleagues saw that he described his wife as so beautiful and were curious, "Is your wife really that beautiful?"

Liang Jin said of course, "Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you don't understand."

 After saying that, he left directly.

 I met those colleagues by chance in the evening. They took a look at Mr. Wu from a distance and were really surprised.

Not to mention, Mrs. Wu is naturally beautiful. Even after becoming a woman, she still has a lotus face and a beautiful smile.

She has fair skin and was very pretty when she was young. Now that she is a mother, she has the charm of a beautiful young woman. Both men and women like her.

Liang Jin was unhappy when he saw them looking at Mrs. Wu like this, so he directly led Mrs. Wu forward.

Mr. Wu looked back and knew it was his colleagues, so he said, "Your colleagues are so rude. Why are they staring at women like that?"

  Even at this old age, I have no shame at all.

It's really outrageous to ask Liang Jin to drink flower wine.

Liang Jin also said, "Those people are used to messing around, so we just ignore them."

Mrs. Wu asked, "They still drink flower wine even when they are old, and they are not afraid of their children becoming bad imitators."

If you have a son at home and still drink flower wine like this, be careful that your son follows suit.

Liang Jin shared her hatred and said, "That's right, those people are just crooked at the top and crooked at the bottom."

It is said that their son drank flower wine at a young age, and he really learned how to be a father.

Mrs. Wu glared at Liang Jin and warned him, "You have two sons, you must set a good example for them."

Liang Jin said of course, "That's natural. I am a good father with twenty-four filial piety."

Mrs. Wu was so amused by him that she stopped being angry.

 This head.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang had just come over to look at the silk flowers when they bumped into Jing Shirong again.

This guy is so weird, why does he always appear in front of her?

Sister Ying thought it was a coincidence at first, but he always followed her, and she immediately became serious and wanted to talk to him.

 She looked at Sister Yang and saw that she was looking at other toys. She sent the maid to buy dried red dates for her, and then she told Jing Shirong.

 “Why do you always follow me?”

Jing Shirong looked behind him and saw that Mrs. Wu and the others had not arrived yet, so he lowered his head and said in her ear, "I am not familiar with the place here. I want to feel some intimacy with you, so I might as well go shopping with you."

 Sister Ying? ?

Is there any other way to say this?

Have they only met once? That’s twice today. We have only met twice, where is the sense of intimacy?

Jing Shirong looked at her with a smile but said nothing, and finally said deliberately mysteriously, "Don't you think I look familiar?"

Sister Ying hummed and glanced at him up and down.

“Really, I think you are a bit familiar. But I have never seen you before, so I really wonder where this sense of familiarity comes from.”

Jing Shirong lowered his head and smiled slyly at her, "Idiot."

 Having said that, he left again.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue, and just when she was about to say something about him, she saw Mrs. Wu and others coming.

She looked around and saw that the guy was gone again.

 It seems that he is deliberately hiding from her parents because he is afraid of being seen by her mother.

Sister Ying couldn't help but want to laugh. For such a tall man, he was still afraid of her parents. This showed that he still knew himself.

However, Sister Ying is still not sure what he thinks about herself.

You may say that he has evil intentions, but his eyes are clear and he doesn't look like an irregular person.

 But if he has no intention, why does he always follow him?


 What did he just say?

 Say that it looks similar to her?

Sister Ying suddenly remembered that when the other party said this, his eyes were teasing.

 So, does he know himself?

 Probably, otherwise he wouldn't be so familiar with me.

The eldest daughter and the concubine of the Lin family both liked him and said they admired him in the college every day, but they never saw him go to the prefect's house.

 It can be seen that he is not interested in those two little girls.

 It happened that the first time he met me, he gave him a hairpin, and in the evening he wanted to give him other things, which shows that he must know himself.

The more Sister Ying thought about Jing Shirong’s face, the more she felt like she had seen it somewhere before.

When Liang Jin came over, he saw her in a daze and asked, "Sister Ying, what are you thinking about?"

Sister Ying looked at her father and suddenly thought.

 “Dad, do you still remember Uncle Jing’s face?”

 If I remember correctly, the outline of the guy’s face just now really looks a bit like Uncle Jing.

If he looks like Uncle Jing, isn't he Jing Shirong himself?

 Speaking of Jing Shirong, Sister Ying almost forgot about this person.

 Six years of not seeing each other is enough time to forget someone.

 At first, they still missed Jing’s family in Lihua Town.

 But the other party never contacted them. As time passed, this kind of longing was temporarily put aside elsewhere.

 After celebrating the New Year this year, it will be seven years.

 In seven years, it is not surprising that the family has forgotten the faces of the Jing family.

What's more, when she and Jing Shirong were separated, the other person still had the face of a child.

 Now that you have grown up, it is normal for your appearance to change.

Liang Jin heard her suddenly talking about the Jing family, recalled it, and frowned, "Not to mention, I haven't seen each other for so many years, I really forgot the other person's face."

But their family, the Liang family all remember it.

Liang Jin also missed Jing Shirong's father, but he had no contact address, otherwise he could still send letters and so on.

Wu said, "I guess it's inconvenient for them."

It’s been so many years. I’ve contacted him long ago if I wanted to. It must be inconvenient that I didn’t contact him.

Liang Jin thought so too.

 He asked Sister Ying, "Why do you suddenly think of your Uncle Jing?"

 (End of this chapter)

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