The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 220: , a comparison of the two sons

Chapter 220, Comparison of two sons

When Murong Zheng heard this, he frowned and said in doubt, "You said Zhou'er and Qing'er teamed up with the Guan family to frame you?"


 In my impression, those two children are quite honest.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Murong Yun sneered, "Is it possible that I would lie to you?"

Of course Murong Zheng didn't mean this, and said quickly, "Don't be anxious about this. I'll go back and check first, and I'll give you an answer later."

After saying that, he got up and went to investigate the matter.

Murong Zheng originally wanted to ask the Guan family's two children, but those two children had been very responsible recently and did not look like they would harm their brothers.

Moreover, they have recently lost their mother, so it would be inhumane to question them.

 So Murong Zheng did not ask at all in the end, but went to the dock to check on the matter.

 The steward at the dock was almost a member of the Guan family, and it was useless for Murong Zheng to ask.

 In the end, no problem was found at all.

Murong Yun didn't expect him to be so useless, and in the end he didn't bother to look for him again.

 He originally didn’t want to go to Grandpa Jing, for fear of injuring him.

 There is no other choice but to find Grandpa Jing.

Grandpa Jing also heard about this matter recently and has been working on solving it for a long time.

As soon as Murong Yun arrived, he took him to the palace, intending to let Murong Yun participate in the imperial business.

 The emperor naturally welcomed such talents who could make money for the national treasury.

Grandpa Jing described what happened at the dock to the emperor, but did not mention the Guan family at all.

He has spent time with three emperors and understands the psychology of these emperors very well. He only talks to the point and does not go into too much detail.

Murong Yun saw that Grandpa Jing was talking so lightly about the goods being intercepted and embezzled at the dock. He wanted to say something, but he knew that Grandpa Jing had his own reasons.

  Until the two of them left the palace, the emperor did not give them any guarantee.

 Grandpa Jing knew Murong Yun’s doubts, so he explained to him.

"When you get along with the emperor, you don't need to say too many things that are beneficial to yourself, and you don't need to belittle others."

“That pier is, to put it bluntly, the private property of the royal family. If the Guan family dares to embezzle the private property of the royal family, they are stealing the emperor’s money.”

 No one can watch their money being swallowed up and remain indifferent.

 Especially for a business as big as the wharf, the emperor naturally attached great importance to it.

Perhaps the emperor has already been investigating this matter.

Murong Yun listened to Jun's words, which was better than ten years of reading, and he was no longer worried about the cargo being pressed at the dock.

 The next day, the emperor really took action.

 He called Murong Yun into the palace, and at the same time he called Murong Zheng.

Murong Yun didn't know why the emperor asked Murong Zheng to come over, but he waited patiently.

Murong Zheng was shocked when he saw his son as soon as he came in.

 He thought that the emperor knew about his relationship with Murong Yun. He was about to explain, but felt that something was wrong.

No matter how majestic the emperor is, he will not interfere in other people's private affairs.

Especially since the emperor has his own sons and grandsons among the people, how can he interfere with others?

So Murong Zheng was waiting for a decision again, and the fool asked the emperor, "Your Majesty, are you looking for me? Do you have anything to tell me?"

 He has an innocent personality. He was not pampered by his family when he was growing up. He has been an official for many years and does not understand people's hearts very well.

 The emperor had a thorough understanding of Murong Zheng's temperament and knew that this man was a fool.

Three generations of marquises in the Murong family, but each generation is worse than the last.

The older generation of the Murong family was still decent, but now that it has been passed down to Murong Zheng, they are really ordinary everywhere.

Murong Zheng's abilities and brains were average, and his legitimate son was also average, and he was also a sick child.

If the title is passed on to Bingyangzi in the future, the Murong Yun family will basically be ruined.

 Fortunately, there is Murong Yun as a substitute.

This boy not only looks like a member of the Murong Yun family, but his ability to do things is also like the men of the Murong family's ancestors. Not only has outstanding ability, he is also resourceful and courageous. He is nothing like Murong Zheng, who has mediocre qualifications.

Perhaps he has the qualities of his grandfather, and is more promising than the current legitimate son.

The emperor thought that if Murong Yun was trained, his treasury would be sufficient in the future, and the national treasury would be full.

So he chatted with Murong Zheng, "I heard that your legitimate son has been very unwell recently?"

Murong Zheng was stunned. He didn't expect that the emperor would care about the children at home. He respectfully replied, "Thank you for your concern, your majesty. The child is indeed feeling a little unwell today, but he will be fine if he takes care of him."

Although he is not close to this son, he is still his biological son after all. Murong Zheng also hopes that he will live well.

 But this son is very frail and sick, and he cannot raise him well no matter what.

 The doctors all said that he would not live to be thirty years old. Murong Zheng felt particularly melancholy when he heard this.

 When the emperor saw him like this, he knew that he was forcing himself and made a pretense.

“Oh, what a pity. Once your title comes to you, you don’t have many sons to inherit it. Originally, I wanted to cultivate your son, but it seems that I can’t.”

 A sick young man cannot do anything, so he is naturally not worthy of his cultivation.

Murong Zheng also felt it was a pity when the emperor said this.

He has only one son, and he has been ill since he was a child. He doesn't know how long he can live.

 If this son is gone, there will be no successor to the title in the future, and their family will really decline from now on.

Thinking of this, Murong Zheng suddenly panicked and wondered if it was too late to give birth to another child.

 When he was anxious to get angry, he suddenly saw the figure of Murong Yun.

The current Murong Yun is only in his teens, but he is tall and strong. At first glance, he looks like a healthy child.

Especially his stern face that resembled his grandfather's, which gave Murong Zheng new hope.


Murong Yun was waiting aside without even looking at him.

 The emperor looked at the interaction between father and son, and felt relieved. He waved his hand and asked Murong Zheng to go back.

The main reason I came here today is to let Murong Zheng take Murong Yun home.

 After all, Murong Yun was a good young man, and the emperor wanted to pave the way for him. It can be used for your own use in the future.

Murong Zheng thought the same way. After comparing his sick eldest son, he also wanted to take Murong Yun back.

He went to discuss with his parents to see if they could bring Murong Yun back first and recognize their ancestors.

 Otherwise, he would have no other sons. If they die in the future, the Murong Yun family will have no heirs.

Once Mr. Murong and the old lady heard that there was a grandson outside, although they didn't like the Yun family, the grandson was indeed in poor health, so they agreed to take Murong Yun back.

 But they agreed, and Murong Yun was not interested.

However, the emperor gave Murong Yun the intention to train him. Murong Yun knew that he had no way to say no to the emperor and could only act according to the situation.

 Actually, he also understands a truth after doing business in the past few years.

 Businessmen will encounter a lot of setbacks more or less when doing business.

 But the biggest setback is when passing the checkpoint and being inspected when crossing the pier.

Some corrupt officials rely on this to make a fortune.

While they hate the rich, they also want money.

 He hates merchants on his lips, but he still collects no less money.

Murong Yun didn't want to look for Grandpa Jing as soon as something happened, for fear that one day he would be implicated.

Moreover, even if Grandpa Jing is approached, Grandpa Jing will still have to discuss the matter with other officials.

 So Murong Yun understood that if he wanted to be an imperial merchant, he must also have the privilege of being an official.

 So he was also considering returning to Murong Yun's house.

 (End of this chapter)

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