The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 222: , the gentle one is the big fox

Chapter 222: The gentle one is the big fox

Murong Yun's sharp eyes spotted the hairpin on Jing Shirong's head, and he exclaimed, "Isn't this the universal unlocking key of Dong Ji, the great thief sixty years ago? Where did you get it?"

Jing Shirong saw that he could tell at a glance, and immediately raised Qingjun's chin triumphantly, "This is a gift from our sister Ying. How about it? Do you have good taste?"

 When he was investigating a case, he happened to need such a common key, which kept the corrupt officials' boxes from being opened.

This key is really helpful.

Murong Yun saw the stinking look on his face and started laughing.

“By the way, a group of officials will come down for review recently. You have to seize the opportunity to find out the account books of those corrupt officials.”

I have been in Jiangnan for so long, and I still haven’t found the complete account books of those corrupt officials.

Jing Shirong was also troubled by this.

“Prince Commissioner Huang has also talked to me before. He comes to investigate every year, but he can’t find a real account book.”

Those corrupt officials are very good at making false accounts. With so many account books mixed together, it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Jing Shirong searched many places and peeked at many account books, but none of them were authentic.

Murong Yun also went on an unannounced visit with him. He casually turned through a few pages and knew that the account book was fake.

It can be seen that those corrupt officials are really smart. No wonder that successive imperial envoys cannot find the real account books.

Jing Shirong said, "While the imperial envoy is here, we can eavesdrop on the conversations of those officials so that we can find clues to the real account books more quickly."

Murong Yun..., "You are sent by the emperor to find me. Why are you dragging me here? I still have business to do."

Jing Shirong glanced at him and said, "Sister Han sent me a letter a while ago. I don't know what I want to reply to. Otherwise, can you help me think about it?"

Jinghan is Jing Shirong’s cousin, and the two have a very good relationship.

Jing Han is cheerful and informal, just like a boy, carefree.

 She had traveled around with Grandpa Jing since she was a child. She believed that women were not inferior to men. At one time, she wanted to start her own business and be the master of her own family. Her mother was so angry that she gave her a stick.

Later, Grandpa Jing also felt that this granddaughter was really a bit wild, so he simply stopped taking her out. In the future, she would not be able to get married if she didn't look like a girl.

Jinghan was so angry when he saw that his grandfather did not take him with him that he vowed to travel all over the country by himself.

Finally her mother discovered her and beat her again, and then she calmed down for a while.

Recently, she heard that Jing Shirong came to Jiangnan. She wrote to Jing Shirong every day and asked Jing Shirong to lend her a sum of money. She wanted to run away from home.

Of course Jing Shirong couldn't listen to her. His aunt was a typical northern tigress.

 She gets mad, and all the men in the family are afraid of her.

 So he hasn't had time to reply to Jinghan's letter.

Murong Yun's cold face turned red when he heard it was a letter from his sweetheart.

He instantly changed his face and said to Jing Shirong, "Ahem, what about that? You need to find the real account book. I'll go with you. At least the emperor has given me an official position. After all, we are all officials, and we need help from officials." Yes or no?"

 For the sake of the one you love, you don’t even have to save face.

Jing Shirong was amused by him.

 “You like my cousin so much?”

Jinghan’s appearance is similar to that of his aunt, a tall girl from the north.

 Generally men do not like tall women, especially those who are carefree.

  Mu Rong Yun fell in love with Jing Han very much.

This guy has grown up with Jing Han since he was a child. The two get along day and night. In the eyes of others, they get along like brothers.

Only Jing Shirong knew that this guy had a crush on cousin Han since he was a child, and he didn't dare to confess it.

Jing Shirong didn't understand, "Since you like cousin Han, why don't you tell her? Be careful one day she falls in love with someone else."

 By then it will be too late to express your feelings. Murong Yun couldn't hear this and immediately glared at him.

   “You don’t have a crow’s mouth.”

Jing Shirong, however, said seriously, "My cousin has an unstable personality, and she always comes up with ideas. If you really hide it like this, it's not necessarily true that you will miss it. You'd better tell her. Try at least once."

  Always hide it like this, don't let someone get there first.

When Murong Yun heard this, he immediately grimaced.

“But, I’m afraid that if I say it, Hanhan will ignore me, and what will happen if we don’t even become friends?”

Jing Shirong comforted him, "No, my cousin is shallow-minded, so you should tell her first and see what she thinks. If she doesn't agree, you can continue to tease her. Anyway, my cousin can't take the hard way. It will definitely happen by then.”

Murong Yun still didn't dare to take risks.

 “How about you tell me for me?”

Jing Shirong was waiting for his words. Like an old fox, he raised his eyebrows and said, "I can help you, but you have to find a few more account books for me."

Murong Yun. "Boy, were you waiting for me here?"

 He has business ambitions, but has no idea of ​​becoming an official or investigating cases.

As long as you have an official position and can do things conveniently, it will be fine.

 But if he really wanted to investigate the case, he would feel a headache.

Jing Shirong knew about his bad habits, so she was waiting for him here.

Although Murong Yun doesn't like to investigate cases, this guy's mind is very sensitive and his eyes are very sharp. He can survey the scene better than ten men.

It would be a loss if we don’t use such a good helper.

Murong Yun was really convinced by him.

“Everyone in the world says that Jing Shirong, the eldest son of Jing, has a quiet and gentle personality. Who would have thought that your special mother is a wolf with a big tail!” Treacherous and cunning!

 As expected, you can’t judge people by their superficial appearance.

He is standing with Jing Shirong, no matter how you look at it, he is cunning and cunning.

Who would have thought that the seemingly gentle Jing Shirong is the most treacherous one.

Especially if this guy doesn't show off his integrity, pretends to be innocent, and then puts the chips in front of you, even if you don't listen to him.

 “I know, I’ll help you.”

"But I agreed in advance that you have to help me put in a good word to Hanhan."

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his lips and said successfully, "Don't worry, I promise to say a lot of good things to you."

 After saying that, he started to take paper and pen to write a reply to Jinghan.

Murong Yun was watching with fear.

 “Write it more tactfully, don’t.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Jing Shirong writing on the paper, "Cousin, I drank with Murong Yun yesterday. When he was drunk, he started talking nonsense, saying that he was in love with you, wanted to marry you, and only loved you in this life. , I will never take a concubine, and I only care about you. What do you think about this? Let’s talk quietly, and I won’t tell anyone else.”

Murong Yun.

 “You, you are too straightforward, aren’t you???”

 Just you two whispering?

 Can I still tell others about this?

Jing Shirong looked at him expressionlessly, "Actually, everyone in our family knows that you like Cousin Han, she is the only one who doesn't know."

Murong Yun:

 “Me, am I that obvious?”

Jing Shirong looked at him like an idiot, "Every time you go to cousin Han's house, as soon as she arrives, you start blushing and stammering. Anyone who is not blind can see it."

 “Is it possible that you think you’re hiding it well??”

 (End of this chapter)

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