Chapter 252, everyone knows

Mrs. Liang imagined the scene described by Wu.

In the future, Sister Ying's son will marry nearby, and when she has children, she can go and visit them anytime and anywhere. Then I can play and have fun with my great-great-grandson. It’s wonderful to think about it.

So Mrs. Liang was very happy and finally felt at ease.

 The old man raised his chin and said to Mrs. Wu, "Okay, you have more ideas than me, so I'll listen to you."

Wu Shi breathed a sigh of relief. I'm afraid that Mrs. Liang loves her daughter so much that she wants to marry Sister Ying to her eldest aunt's house.

 Fortunately, Mrs. Liang still loved Sister Ying. When she saw that she would not be able to see Sister Ying, she immediately backed down.

Sister Ying also laughed and pulled Old Mrs. Liang to act coquettishly, "Grandma, the weather is very nice today. Let's go to Yipinzhai for dinner."

Old Mrs. Liang was happy in her heart, but she said on her face, "Isn't it good? Our family owns an inn, so why go to Yipinzhai to eat? It's a waste of money."

 But I still want to go.

How could Sister Ying not know what she was thinking and said with a smile, "This is different. Yipinzhai sometimes orders dishes from our inn, and we also go to other people's places to spend money to promote friendship between the two families."

Because of Jing Shirong’s relationship, Yipinzhai sometimes brings some special dishes from Sister Ying’s family.

If a customer asks, the waiter at Yipinzhai will truthfully say that this is the dish of "Yingjia Inn".

 In fact, both ends can be sold at a good price.

Yipinzhai can still make a little profit by buying vegetables from Sister Ying and selling them at his usual price.

 It seems that winter is already here, and the Chinese New Year is almost here.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming are currently hiding in a small mountain villa. Several fugitives from the Guan family have been identified here, and Qi Yuanming has also laid a dragnet early on.

When the time comes to arrest him and bring him back to the capital, Jing Shirong will have to go back to his maternal grandfather's house, because Murong Yun is getting married to his cousin Jing Han, and the wedding day will be about the same time as he arrives in the capital.

After Qi Yuanming caught the man overnight, Jing Shirong rushed back with him overnight.

After arriving in the capital, Qi Yuanming took people to meet with the emperor, and Jing Shirong went home.

Jing’s father and Mrs. Jing had prepared new clothes for him early, and asked him to put them on as soon as he came back.

“You’re back. Go wash up quickly, put on new clothes and go to your cousin’s house.”

Jing Shirong hummed, went back to his house, took a hot shower, put on clean clothes, and then went to Jing Han's house with his parents.

 Jing Han's family is particularly lively today, because their family is an imperial businessman and they have made enough friends. Therefore, there is an endless stream of people coming to congratulate him.

Murong Yun's side has also been arranged.

His current status is the only son of the Murong family to inherit the title. Not only his status is a higher level, he himself is also very outstanding.

Of the two children of the Guan family, one is very ill and is about to die, and the other has married off early, so there are no difficult people in the family. Jinghan can take charge of the family after marrying him.

Even though Murong Yun wanted to take Jinghan to move out, but he was afraid of being criticized, he simply stayed at Murong's house first and then took Jinghan away when he went to Jiangnan.

At this time, the Murong family was also in a happy mood and there was an endless stream of guests.

Although the Murong family is gradually declining, Murong Yun can support the family by himself. Today, everyone who comes to drink the wedding wine is coming to Murong Yun, so there are also many guests.

Murong Zheng smiled from ear to ear when he saw so many guests.

Even though Murong Yun was not close to him, he was always proud of Murong Yun. Now that his son was getting married, he was happier than anyone else.

Jing Shirong came over to marry Jing Han, and there were girls looking at him along the way.

His identity in the capital is that of a rich young man. He occasionally travels around the world with Grandpa Jing. All the girls think that he is just a rich young man with no money but no talent.

But just the beautiful face and the clear and refreshing temperament are enough to make the girls' hearts flutter. "Look, the eldest young master of the Jing family is so good-looking. His face is even more handsome than Pan An's. I'm willing to marry him even if he accomplishes nothing."

 The other girls looked at her nymphomaniacal look and laughed.

  "You think so well, how can the eldest young master of the Jing family get you? My father has a first-class official position and is the royal tutor of the current dynasty. In the future, the future of the eldest young master Jing will be unlimited."

 The Jing family encountered turmoil more than ten years ago, but the emperor could only reuse the family if they were really capable.

Now that Jing's father is the emperor's right-hand man, and Grandpa Jing is also the emperor's right-hand man, Jing Shirong's future will certainly not be bad.

Jing Han's best friend praised Jing Shi Rong and said, "Young Master Jing is not only talented in literature and martial arts, but he also won the first prize. But that year, he seemed to be in poor health, so he traveled around the world with a miracle doctor to find prescriptions. , Now that I’m back, I think my health is better.”

 After hearing this, the other girls widened their eyes.

 “Huh? So that’s it?”

No wonder the eldest young master of the Jing family has never appeared in front of outsiders. Is it because he is in poor health?

Other girls curiously asked Jinghan's close friend, "Do you know what kind of disease Master Jing has?"

The lady shook her head and said, "I don't know about that. Jing Han himself doesn't see Jing Shi Rong very often throughout the year, let alone me. So don't ask me, I don't know either."

 After hearing this, the other girls shook their heads in regret.

“Well, we’re going to sit in the backyard later. I’m afraid we won’t be able to see the eldest young master of the Jing family.”

 It would be nice if I could sit in the front yard.

 The other girls laughed and said, "Do you really want to see the eldest young master of the Jing family?"

The girl smiled and said, "Everyone loves beauty. Master Jing is so handsome. What's wrong with me looking at him twice? Don't tell me you don't like him?"

 The girls all laughed after hearing this.

“I like her, but I don’t know if she is engaged?”

 After all, there has been little news about Jing Shirong in the capital for so many years. It can be said that there is basically no news.

This man seemed to have disappeared. If it weren't for his outstanding appearance, no one would have recognized Jing Shirong.

 Actually, Jing Shirong doesn’t like people talking in his face.

If it weren't for his cousin marrying his good brother, he really wouldn't want to come out.

Now that he has visited his cousin and Murong Yun, he is ready to leave.

Murong Yun grabbed him and asked, "Why are you here and leaving at the same time?"

Jing Shirong said, "Only half of the bribes in Jiangnan have been found, and we still have to find the other half."

 Otherwise the things cannot be found, and the emperor will be furious again.

 But Murong Yun had a slightly different taste.

 “How do I feel that you are not interested in drinking?”

 You said you were afraid that the emperor would be angry, but you actually wanted to find Sister Ying, right?

Jing Shirong coughed and said no, "It's not what you think."

 Why does everyone think he likes Sister Ying?

 Is it so obvious that he behaves?

Murong Yun patted him on the shoulder, "Perhaps everyone knows that you like Sister Ying, only you don't know."

This is the same as when everyone knew he liked Jinghan, but Jinghan didn't know.

However, the obsession with authorities like Jing Shirong is a bit more interesting.

 (End of this chapter)

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