Chapter 273, The fairy sheds tears

  Kang Geer used to follow Liang Jin and heard about the life experiences of many poor people.

 You will feel pity at first, but after hearing more, you will become more rational.

Just tonight, after hearing what happened to Mei Xian'er, he felt very distressed and wanted to beat up her **** father. Let her vent her anger!

 It’s a pity that this idea can only be thought about.

Although he practices martial arts every day and is not a master in kung fu, he is not bad either. But knowing martial arts and being able to beat people up are two different things, so I can only suppress this matter first and vent my anger on this young lady when I have the opportunity.

Out of feeling sorry for Mei Xianer, Kang Geer spent the whole night trying to make her happy.

 I would tell her a joke at one time and get her something to eat at another time.

 But Mei Xian'er didn't seem to want to laugh, her cold face remained cold.

 Seeing that she was unmoved, Kang Geer felt powerless for the first time. He couldn't help but become dejected, and his big head drooped.

Mei Xian'er couldn't help but laugh when she saw his dejected look.


 She has a cold face, but her voice is very pleasant.

 Kang Geer smiled happily when he saw that she finally smiled at him.

 “Sister Fairy, are you finally smiling?”

Mei Xian'er saw his handsome face full of innocence and simplicity, reached out to touch his head, and lightly opened her red lips, "Thank you."

 Kang Geer’s ears turned red at her compliment, and something seemed to be beating in his heart.

Especially when those slender little hands were placed on his head, he felt as if he was going to explode. He stood up excitedly and ran out aimlessly.

 Whenever something happens, everyone only thinks of his childish nature.

Even Mei Xian'er was not worried and said to Sister Ying, "Your brother is so cute."

Sister Ying said with a smile, "He's just like that, he can't resist pretty girls."

Kang Geer has been fond of beautiful girls since he was a child. Whenever he sees a beautiful girl, he would be hugged by others.

 It’s been a little better in the past few years. I’ve played a lot with boys, and I don’t care much about pretty girls anymore.

If he hadn't met the cool and elegant Mei Xian'er tonight, he wouldn't have the patience to make girls laugh.

Looking at the way he ran away with red ears just now, he was probably shy.

But Sister Ying didn’t tell anyone else about this, she just laughed in her heart.

She saw that Mei Xian'er was not a thoughtful person, but rather aloof. She must have been hurt by her parents, so she did not dare to have close friendships with others and was more defensive.

Sister Ying felt that she was very close to her and she liked her, so she made friends with her.

“Don’t be discouraged, Immortal, the ending is quite good now. When you come to your uncle’s house, you can also respect your mother in front of your grandmother. You can also feel your grandmother’s love for her on your behalf.”

"If your mother is knowledgeable in Quanxia, ​​she will definitely hope that you and your uncle's family will live well. So don't think too much, be happy. Live a good life for your mother."

Hearing this, Mei Xian'er's eyes suddenly turned red.

Her mother has been bedridden since she fell ill. The most common thing she tells her every day is that she regrets not listening to her parents and not marrying into the Mei family.

 But her mother refused to listen and wanted to get married. In the end, she ended up alone.

Before her death, her mother felt sorry for her and asked her to go back with her uncle, to respect her filial piety in front of her grandmother, and asked her to live well, not to hate her father, and not to fight with the outside wife.

At first she was upset because she felt that her father ignored her mother after she fell ill and even went out to flirt with women. She wanted to poison her father.

 But she remembered her mother’s last words before her death and finally gave up. In the end, her uncle was so angry that he took back all her mother's pretense and belongings. He almost evacuated the Mei family, making the elders of the Mei family curse and curse, and finally passed out. The uncle refused to give up, so she was able to relieve her anger. .

Not only that, her grandmother also taught the outsider a lesson for her, and also described the outsider as the murderer of her mother. The reputation of the two outsiders' sons was not much better.

She should be happy that her uncle's family had done so much for her, but as soon as she thought about her father still marrying the wife home despite everyone's infamy, she became very angry and wanted to go back for revenge.

But my grandmother said that people cannot live in hatred all their lives, otherwise they will lose themselves and their happiness for the rest of their lives.

 So she had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​revenge for the sake of her grandmother.

 She was depressed because she couldn't take revenge and couldn't vent her anger.

At this moment, when she heard Sister Ying saying that she should take good care of her grandmother and show more filial piety to her mother, she couldn't help crying.

  Yes, she always wants to take revenge and vent her anger.

But she forgot that her grandmother was getting older and lost her daughter in her later years, which would only make her suffer more. However, she only thought about herself. She was unfilial.

  If she does something stupid on impulse, and she dies, her grandmother will lose another relative, and she will be very sad. It is because she is unfilial.

 “Woohoo. I miss my mother.”

When Sister Ying saw her crying, she hugged her sadly, "Your mother misses you too. As long as you are well at your grandmother's house, she will be relieved."

Meixian'er cried for a long time, her nose turned red from crying, and then the depression in her heart was over.

 Kang Geer felt uncomfortable listening outside, his brows knitted together, and his eyes turned red.

He waited for Mei Xian'er to finish crying, then asked the boatman for a plate of hot water and brought it in.

 “Sister, lend me your handkerchief”

Seeing him coming in with hot water, Sister Ying took out her handkerchief and said, "I'll do it."

 It’s not appropriate for you to take care of this little girl.

Kang Ge'er didn't listen. He grabbed Sister Ying's handkerchief, soaked it in hot water and wrung it out, and wiped it with Mei Xian'er gently.

Mei Xianer didn’t realize at first that the person wiping her face would be Kang Geer.

 I didn’t find out until Kang Geer wiped her for the second time.

 “Ah, why is it you?”

She cried so selflessly just now that she had no strength to cry, so she leaned directly on Sister Ying's shoulder.

Just now, Lu Xian and others were afraid of disturbing them, so they went out first. She and Sister Ying were the only ones in the cabin on the first floor. She thought it was Sister Ying who wiped her face, but who knew it was Brother Kang.

 “I’ll do it myself.”

Mei Xianer stretched out her hand to get a handkerchief from Kang Geer.

 Kang Geer had just wiped her very naturally, but she refused. Her ears turned red all of a sudden, he stuffed the handkerchief into her hand, and ran out with a blushing face.

Mei Xian'er looked confused and looked at Sister Ying, "What's wrong with your brother?"

Sister Ying smiled and shook her head, "It's okay. Boys at this age are very strange, so ignore him."

Mei Xianer nodded confusedly, "Okay."

 When she was in the Mei family, she had no other brothers, only a group of concubine sisters, so she didn't really understand the thoughts of boys.

She felt that Kang Geer was younger than her, so she just thought of him as a child, so she didn't take it easy and continued chatting with Sister Ying.

“Sister Ying, can I still chat with you in the future?”

 (End of this chapter)

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