Chapter 293, Eating hot pot

Although the twins have different personalities, Mrs. Jing still liked them very much after seeing them.

“Children, come here, my mother-in-law has brought you gifts, see if you like them.”

  This time when they went to Jiangnan, Mr. Jing and Mrs. Jing both brought plenty of gifts.

The children are all back now, so naturally I have to give them gifts.

 “Come, take them all, one by one.”

 Brother Kang, Sister Yang and Brother Sen received the gifts and thanked them politely.

 “Thank you, mother-in-law.”

Mrs. Jing said with a smile, "No thank you, as long as you like it."

After saying that, he happily pulled Sister Yang over to take a look.

“This is Sister Yang, right? She’s so handsome. I’ll follow your father.”

Sister Yang looks a bit more heroic, but she is also beautiful, but her boyish appearance cannot hide it.

 She originally wanted to be shy, but when Mrs. Jing praised her, she showed her secret and laughed loudly, "Oh, you are so polite. You are good-looking. It shows that you were also a great beauty when you were young."

 Mr. Jing was so praised that she burst into laughter and was very happy.

 “You girl, you have such a sweet mouth, so cute.”

Jing Shi also said, "Children are good, no matter how you look at them, they are cute."

 Next is Seng Geer.

Mrs. Jing saw him standing there motionless and thought he was shy, so she raised her hand to wave him over.

 “Come on, kid, come and sit over here.”

 Although Seng Ge'er doesn't like to socialize, he still has some basic courtesy.

 As long as there are no people he dislikes, he can still deal with them in business.

 “Hello, mother-in-law.”

Mrs. Jing saw the clear look on his face and couldn't help but praise, "This kid looks really gentle, much quieter than our Jing Yu Jing Xin. He must have followed your Liang Qing."

Liang Qing is the quietest member of the Liang family. She rarely goes out and stays in her own room. She is the one with the lowest sense of presence in the family.

Mrs. Jing saw that Brother Sen was also quiet and thought he was following his aunt Liang Qing.

Mrs. Liang also said, "There are many nephews who look like aunts and uncles. Brother Seng was also a little naughty when he was a child, but he is so quiet when he is older."

 In any case, in Mrs. Liang’s eyes, her grandchildren are all good.

As for the fact that Brother Seng doesn't like to move or socialize, the old man just thinks he is quiet.

     Mrs. Wu sees through things without telling them, so she won’t criticize her son in front of his in-laws.

 When Liang Jin comes back in the evening, he will also come over to reminisce with Mrs. Jing and the others.

    Mrs. Wu had the food served, and the whole family gathered around to eat together.

“Come, sit here, madam, and let’s talk and eat.”

 A copper pot for dinner. That was later called hot pot.

The golden copper pot is placed in the center of the table. There are vegetables, meat, meatballs, fish, shrimps and crabs on the table.

 The bottom of the pot is made of large tube bones that have been cooked all night. The soup base is bright white and smells delicious.

Mrs. Jing smelled this familiar smell and missed it very much.

“When I came to your house, I always ate copper pots. After so many years, the taste has not changed and it’s still so fragrant.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "If you like it, we can add a spicy pot base."

“Don’t worry, you can stay at home during these days. I’ll make delicious food for you every day, so you can change the taste every day, so you’ll never get tired of it.”

Mrs. Jing was very happy to see her being so filial to her.

 Chrysanthemum face is smiling brightly.

  "Oh, this is so embarrassing. No wonder your mother-in-law always praises you. You are so good in the hall and in the kitchen that you are much better than many daughters-in-law."

After saying that, he glanced at Mrs. Jing and deliberately scratched her, "Unlike some daughters-in-law, who can't even cook, let alone make snacks. Anyway, I'm not as good as Mrs. Liang." Jing Shi clicked her tongue and slipped back, "That's right. Other old ladies are very good at making snacks and taking care of their children. Unlike some old ladies who can't make snacks or take care of their children, Sister Wu , I am not as lucky as you."

Mrs. Jing glared at her, "There are so many delicious things that I can't even stop your mouth."

Jingshi smiled and said, "The pot hasn't boiled yet. Once it boils, I won't have time to talk."

Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang looked at each other and thought that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were quite noisy.

But it’s also fun.

Jing Shirong has long been used to it. When the pot boils, he starts to add the mutton slices.

Mrs. Wu remembered that he seemed to like spicy food, so she simply asked the kitchen to bring another spicy pot bottom.

The spicy pot bottom came over, and everyone sniffed.

 “It smells so good~”

 As expected, the spicy ones are the most appetizing.

Even Mrs. Jing said, "I want to eat spicy food too."

 They can't tolerate spicy food, but they also like spicy food.

"This is not spicy for us, but it might be a little spicy for you," Wu said.

Mrs. Jing still wanted to try it, "Then I'll drink the bottom of a bowl of clear soup first, and then rinse the spicy bottom of the pot with mutton."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Okay, then you can sit in the middle. You can eat both."

Mrs. Jing was not polite to them and moved over with a smile.

 Generally in wealthy families, this kind of moving stool rarely happens during meals.

 Everyone attaches great importance to rules. Basically, they eat and sleep without talking, and they are very quiet.

The Liang family has a civilized personality and likes to be lively when eating.

Mrs. Jing also likes the atmosphere of the Liang family very much. As soon as she came here, she quickly integrated into it. Sometimes she ate clear soup, and sometimes she ate spicy food.

Even Jingshi had a big bone soup, and then washed it with something spicy.

 The children were not restrained and enjoyed eating very happily.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying smiled warmly when they saw the lively scene of the family.

Sister Ying gave Jing Shirong some meat, "Here, here you go, eat more and see how thin you are."

This time he was traveling back and forth, and his thin cheeks were sunken, and Sister Ying felt distressed and wanted to make them up for him.

Jing Shirong saw that she felt sorry for him, so he pretended to be pitiful.

 “I don’t have enough to eat every day on the road, so I can only eat dry food.”

 “My stomach hurts after eating dry food.”

 After saying that, he also covered his stomach.

Sure enough, Sister Ying felt very distressed when she saw his pitiful appearance.

 The little hand touched his belly on the bottom of the table and comforted him, "I will never let you eat solid food again in the future."

From now on, she will have to prepare a supply of delicious dry food for him at any time, the kind that tastes delicious when tested over fire.

Even if it is a pancake, it should be covered with a layer of meat and roasted over a fire to make it soft and fragrant.

 Lest him feel sick to his stomach just looking at the dry yellow pancakes on his business trip.

“Before you go out, please tell me so that I can prepare food for you.”

 Including some hot tea slices and some dried pork, bring them all for him.

Jing Shirong saw that she cared about him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his heart felt warm.

Under the table, his big hand held her small hand, his deep eyes were smiling and his eyebrows were crescent.

Sister Ying's little hand was warmly held in his, and her big peach blossom eyes were smiling sweetly, and her dark eyes were full of his shadow.

 (End of this chapter)

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