Chapter 31: I want a grandson

Seeing her sullen old face, Sister Ying finally smiled, and her mood obviously recovered. Then he hung it on Mrs. Liang, pinched her earlobe, and then pinched the flesh on her face.

 Old Mrs. Liang's mood improved, so she became more generous with her actions and took her out to pick persimmons.

There has always been a persimmon tree in the backyard of the Liang family, but it has never produced any fruit.

This year, for the first time, we produced several fruits.

Mrs. Liang came out with Sister Ying in her arms, pointed to the orange persimmons on the tree and said to Sister Ying, "Look, what is that?"

Sister Ying thought to herself, isn’t it just a persimmon?

 But she couldn't say anything, so she could only click, click, click, pointing at the persimmons on the tree with her little hand, "click, click, click." She wanted to eat it.

Old Mrs. Liang asked Nanny Xu, "Go get the net and pick a few."

Xu Yan also kept his mouthful, "唉", took the tree on the net, and made four or five of the gas nets.

Those five persimmons were heavy. After Mother Xu washed them, she brought them to Mrs. Liang’s room to eat together.

Mrs. Liang cut a small piece, removed the skin, crushed a little with a spoon and fed it to Sister Ying.

 “Try it, this is called persimmon.”

Sister Ying opened her little mouth, eager to be fed. She took a small sip and it was indeed very sweet.

Her little fat finger pointed at the remaining persimmons and said, "Da da da." She still wanted to eat them.

Mrs. Liang refused ruthlessly, "No, it can only be so much. Your mother left some batter for you to put in the steamer. If you eat too much persimmons, you won't be able to eat the batter."

    Mrs. Wu is now doing mixed feeding. Her daughter is greedy and wants to eat everything she sees. She can only make more complementary foods every day.

Although they are all made of batter and rice, they are all made with chicken soup or pork ribs soup, so they taste delicious.

Sister Ying can’t help but salivate when she thinks of delicious food.

She tilted her round little head and came up with an idea, "Ah da da da da da?" How about eating persimmons first and then eating rice cereal at night?

Mrs. Liang didn’t understand, but she still lectured her, “If you say no, you can’t.”

Sister Ying climbed on top of her and said, "Da da da da." The little fat girl pointed her fingers as if she was quarreling with Mrs. Liang.

Old Mrs. Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pretended to be aggressive with her, "You still dare to be aggressive with me? Be careful, I'll beat you up."

Even though he said this, he still fed her a few more mouthfuls.

She knows that children in this month are very curious about food and want to put everything in their mouths, so she is naturally more tolerant.

Sister Ying doesn’t put everything in her mouth. After all, she has a tender heart and won’t eat anything that doesn’t taste good.

 Once there is something delicious, she will just hold it and eat it.

Sometimes, in order to avoid family members taking away her delicious food, she would crawl behind the door to hide and gnaw on the food.

When Mrs. Wu turned around and couldn't see her, she knew, "The child is so quiet, he must be acting like a monster." He immediately went over to catch her.

Just like this moment, Sister Ying looked at Old Mrs. Liang with her big round eyes, and hid a persimmon herself while Old Mrs. Liang was not paying attention.

 But Mrs. Liang knew what this little thing was doing as soon as she rolled her eyes.

She raised the corner of her mouth, but smiled without saying a word. She took out the persimmons that Sister Ying had hidden with her big hand.

 “You are the only one who still wants to deceive me?”

Sister Ying's persimmons were robbed, and they were small and dwarfed. They were complaining to Mrs. Liang with "ah da da da da".

Mrs. Liang said proudly, "I won't give it to you."

Mrs. Liang was also childish. She ate the persimmon directly in front of her. Sister Ying was so angry that she climbed on top of her and pulled her mouth.

 “Ah da da da da!” Bad guy.

Old Mrs. Liang was very proud and snorted, deliberately making Sister Ying angry.

 “No, hahaha.”

Mother Xu laughed and said, "You are too bad."

Mrs. Liang hummed and said gracefully, "Give the rest to Mrs. Wu."

Seeing her like this, Aunt Xu shook her head and smiled, "I know." Just be arrogant.

 It was not until night, when it was dark, that Wu and Xiao Hong came back.

 Every year when winter comes, the business of the bacon shop is at its best.

 People have been busy for a year and want to have something good to eat during the Chinese New Year. Naturally, they will buy meat that they are usually reluctant to buy.

  Rich people buy them to give away during the New Year.

No matter which way it is, the business of the bacon shop is good, and Mr. Wu is also making a lot of money.

 This is the most profitable time of year, and I am happy even if I am tired.

Mrs. Liang didn’t object to her going to the shop. It would be good to make some money for the family, and Mrs. Wu didn’t go out every day. There was a shopkeeper in the shop, so she only went to help during the Chinese New Year period. There was nothing much to say.

 On the eve of the New Year, Liang Jin came back.

    Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Liang picked him up outside with smiles on their faces early in the morning.

“You’re back?” Liang Jin smiled and hugged his mother’s hand, bent down and saluted, and said with a smile, “Yes, my son is back. Is it okay for my mother to be at home?”

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "Okay, okay, everything is fine at home. I'm just looking forward to your coming back."

Liang Jin has worked very hard to study this year. He has lost a lot of money but is in good spirits.

 “The son also wants to come back and spend time with his mother.”

Old Mrs. Liang felt distressed when she saw that he had lost weight. "Look at how thin you are. Are you exhausted from studying?"

Liang Jin nodded, acting like a spoiled child in front of his mother, "No, my son is in the academy and eats cabbage every day. He has long been greedy for the meat at home."

The academic requirements for attending the academy are not low, and accommodation and food all cost money.

Liang Jin also knew that most of his family's income came from his mother's two shops and his wife's dowry shop, so he didn't want to spend a lot of money and eat whatever he wanted in the academy.

 Fortunately, Tongxi comes back every now and then to get some meat, otherwise he would really have eaten like a cabbage.

Old Mrs. Liang felt distressed and immediately asked Aunt Xu to serve meat. The lunch was all meat.

Liang Jin also ate two large bowls of bacon rice, which made his stomach bulge.

Sister Ying looked at it with her eyes wide open, thinking to herself, Dad, are you really that hungry? so poor.

She eats and drinks well at home every day. She didn't expect that her father's food in the academy was so poor. She immediately felt distressed and wanted to crawl into Liang Jin's arms.

Liang Jin just went back to the house to talk to his mother, and he didn't have time to interact with the little thing.

 He smiled and took his daughter over and put her on his lap, "Sister Ying, do you still remember who I am?"

He went to the academy to study when the child was still young. Since he didn’t come back often, the child probably didn’t even remember him.

Sister Ying knew the baby's reaction and didn't act smart. She opened her eyes and looked at Liang Jin first. She held her father's big face in her two chubby hands and looked at it for a while before resting her head on his shoulder. , as if trusting him.

Liang Jin was warmed by her move and shook the child in his arms.

He was moved and said to Mrs. Wu, "Look, it is indeed my seed. He is naturally close to me."

Mrs. Wu also laughed, "No, you are her father."

These words made Liang Jin happy, and he held Sister Ying high and played with her for a while.

Sister Ying is wearing a thick cotton jacket and cotton trousers. She is as round as a rag doll.

Liang Jin felt happy when he saw her chubby look, "It looks really good on a kid like this."

Before he had children, he found the chubby babies on the street interesting. Now that he has a daughter, he immediately feels that his daughter is the prettiest.

Old Mrs. Liang rarely denied it and said, "I've been feeding the girl the whole time, so she's just as good as water, isn't she?"

  Meaning that Sister Ying’s good looks are all due to her.

Liang Jin and Wu looked at each other and smiled.

Mrs. Wu also flattered Mrs. Liang, "Yes, yes, our sister Ying is so good-looking that she has followed my mother. I heard my husband say that my mother was very handsome before."

Liang Jin laughed loudly, "Exactly. I still remember that when my mother was young, her eyes were big and bright, just like Sister Ying."

Old Mrs. Liang was flattered by their flattery. She raised her chin proudly and made a sound.

Sister Ying burst out laughing when she saw it, and the child’s silvery laughter made the whole family laugh.

In the evening Mrs. Wu went back to the house with Liang Jin, and Sister Ying was sitting between her parents. When the family of three was about to say some thoughtful words, Nanny Xu suddenly came over, bent over, and pulled Sister Ying out from between the three of them. Take it out.

Just about to whisper to her parents, Sister Ying:...? ? ?

 The baby looked confused, why did you take me away? ?

Mother Xu did not answer her. She carried Sister Ying into Mrs. Liang's room in a few steps, as if she were stealing a child.

 “Madam, the child is here.”

Old Mrs. Liang hummed and pinched Sister Ying's fleshy little face with her big hands.

“Let Sister Ying sleep with me these days. It’s time for the young couple to have a good time together.”

 How can we have grandchildren if we don’t get together again?

Seeing that her eldest daughter is also going to give birth in the next few days, and she has almost three grandsons, Mrs. Liang naturally hopes that Mrs. Wu will give birth to her grandson as soon as possible.

Sister Ying looked ashamed.

 It turns out that the reason why you brought me here was to help my parents have a second child...

Mrs. Liang saw her baby's confused face, which was very funny, and deliberately teased her, "Why are you curling your lips? Do you want to cry? If you cry, I will throw you to the end of the bed at night and won't hold you to sleep. You can sleep by yourself." ,snort."

Sister Ying:…

Is it really okay to bully a child so blatantly?

She opened her mouth and was about to cry when Old Mrs. Liang hurriedly said, "Oh, oh, oh, ok, ok, grandma was just joking with you."

It’s really hard to take care of a little kid, she will cry even if you say a few words to her.

After a while, my son will hear the crying, and he will probably come to hug me again.

 No, for the sake of the birth of my grandson, I have to endure hardships and coax this girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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