Chapter 383: Want to find Jing Shirong

"you dare!"

Murong Yun was so angry that he grabbed Jing Han's hand, lowered his head and kissed it.

Sister Ying covered her eyes and began to miss Jing Shirong.

 Originally, she had someone she could kiss.

But that guy went away to control the insect infestation, so she could only stay here to watch other people show affection.

 Alas, I miss Brother Rong so much.

Jinghan turned around to see her with a disappointed look on her face, and immediately kicked Murong Yun away, wiped her mouth, and came to comfort her.

“Sister Ying, what’s wrong? Do you miss A Jing?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yeah, I thought about it."

“I don’t know how he is now. Do you think I can go find him?”

I just got married and I really can’t bear to be separated from him.

Jinghan saw that she was staying alone in an empty room after her wedding, which was really pitiful. He immediately felt pity for her and turned around to ask Murong Yun.

“I want to take Sister Ying to find A Jing. Please help me and send us there.”

Murong Yun naturally knew where Jing Shirong was going, but he also knew that the environment where Jing Shirong went was very harsh, and there was no way he could let these two spoiled little ladies pass by.

  When we get there, not to mention not having enough to eat, we will be scared to death when we see the bugs all over the ground.

So he declined politely, "Madam, it's not that I won't send you there. The main reason is that the environment over there in Ajing is very bad. Have you heard about the insect plague? There are so many insects crawling towards you. Don't you feel scared just thinking about it? ?”

Jinghan imagined the insects crawling all over the ground and felt a little scared.

So she discussed with Sister Ying, "Sister Ying, how about I take you to the suburbs tomorrow? Eat barbecue and drink some wine."

"Don't worry, I will stay with you until A Jing comes back and I won't let you be alone. Just don't go to Banxi, okay?"

Sister Ying sighed, "But I still want to go."

 Her mother said that it is better to spend more time together with the newlyweds to cultivate their relationship.

It's a pity that she didn't insist on going there with Jing Shirong that day, otherwise she would have been able to control pests with him now.

 Maybe she could have helped a lot in the past.

Jing Han saw her sighing, scratched his head, and glared at Murong Yun, "I don't care. Anyway, you send Sister Ying to A Jing, or I will take her there myself."

 She is afraid of insects, but she is willing to risk everything for her friends.

However, the newlyweds wanted to stay together. She understood how they missed her, so she wanted to help Sister Ying.

Murong Yun did not agree very much. Based on his understanding of Jing Shirong, he probably did not want Sister Ying to suffer hardship there.

He tactfully advised, "Brother and sister, A Jing has been away from home for many years and has gradually gained experience in the world. Don't worry. He will come back to reunite with you after he has dealt with the insect plague."

"Otherwise, I'll take care of the garden tomorrow, so you and Jinghan can go to the suburbs to eat roasted mutton? The roasted mutton over there is particularly delicious."

Sister Ying thought for a while and was about to agree when the entourage around Murong Yun suddenly came in in a hurry.

 “Sir, it’s not good.”

 After saying that, he whispered a few words in Murong Yun's ear.

Murong Yunting frowned, "How is the situation over there?"

 When he said this, he couldn't help but look at Sister Ying, which made her suddenly uneasy.

"What happened? Did something happen to Brother Rong?"

 Otherwise, why would Murong Yun look at her?

Murong Yun secretly thought that it was not good. He didn't expect that she could guess it at a glance, so he quickly said no, "It's about my business, don't worry, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

But Sister Ying stopped him, "Cousin-in-law, don't lie to me. Has something happened to Brother Rong? Tell me quickly?"

Jinghan also asked, "What's going on? Tell me quickly!" He was really anxious.

Murong Yun looked at Sister Ying, thought for a while, and decided to tell her. "It's not a fatal thing. Even if A Jing was bitten by an insect in the forest, he has swollen hands and doesn't know whether the insect is poisonous or not."

Sister Ying was frightened when she heard this. She secretly thought that if the bugs were not poisonous, their hands would not be swollen. They must be poisonous.

So she looked at Murong Yun with a firm gaze, "Cousin-in-law, please send someone to send me to Banxi. I have a way to treat Brother Rong's hand."

Murong Yun was dubious, "You? Can you detoxify?"

Sister Ying nodded. "I have learned something from Gu Gu. If it is not highly poisonous, it can usually be cured."

Although she is not as talented as Sister Yang in making poisons, she can detoxify ordinary poisons.

Murong Yun didn't know whether he should believe her or not. If he sent her there and she got hurt again, A Jing would be angry with him.

Jinghan, however, trusted Sister Ying very much and said to Murong Yun, "Just send her there. I believe Sister Ying will be able to detoxify."

Her best friend is so smart, she must be capable of literary and military skills. A little bug is nothing.

Murong Yun also felt that the wife A Jing was looking for was not stupid, and because he was worried about Jing Shirong, he thought it would be good to send his wife there.

Even if Sister Ying cannot treat him, at least seeing her beloved wife by her side will make her feel better.

Hence Murong Yun did not hesitate and immediately escorted Sister Ying there in person.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you there.”

Jinghan saw that they were leaving and insisted on following them.

How could Murong Yun let her go there with a pregnant belly? Of course he would not.

"You are well at home. I will send her there and then come back. Don't cause any trouble for me."

Jinghan was not happy, "No, I won't rest assured until I see Sister Ying achieve her goal with my own eyes." Otherwise, she is not a good friend.

Murong Yun had nothing to do with her, so he could only let her get into the carriage together.

So the three of them went forward together, and the Jing family also went to inform them.

The river is not far from here, but it is not close either.

But Murong Yun is a walking map. Over the years, he has traveled extensively, visited many places, and memorized many roads.

So he took a small road and went to the nearest place.

They hurried all the way, taking shortcuts and small roads before arriving at the inn where Jing Shirong lived.

 The inn here was filled with smelly pesticides due to an insect infestation, and the smell made Jinghan feel sick to his stomach.

Murong Yun did not dare to let her stay any longer, so he quickly sent Sister Ying to the inn. Seeing that Jing Shirong was not unconscious, she quickly handed Sister Ying over to him.

“Ajing, your wife insists on coming to you, so I have no choice but to send her here.”

"Well, Jinghan is here too. He is vomiting now, so I won't stay any longer. If you have anything to do, write to me again."

 After saying that, he quickly went back to find Jinghan and took her back.

Jing Shirong was lying on the bed now, with a red, swollen and bruised pen on his hand, thick eyebrows and big eyes, looking at his wife whom he hadn't seen for a long time in astonishment.

 “Sister Ying??”

 The couple had been separated for a few days, and they would meet again. They did not expect it to be like this.

Sister Ying's heart ached when she looked at the pale man lying on the bed.

 “Brother Rong?”

She came over with a distressed look on her face, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Jing Shirong's red and purple lips, and quickly showed him the wound.

 “Don’t speak first, let me see your hands.”

Jing Shirong knew that she had learned medical skills from Gu Gu, so he took off the bandage without saying much and showed her the pus-filled wound.

 (End of this chapter)

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