Chapter 396, Jing Yu and Miss Wang

Jing was indeed a little surprised to find someone with an unattractive appearance.

After all, that little girl looks dull and boring, her appearance is not very good, and her personality is relatively withdrawn. Jing Yu is really surprised that Jing Yu would like this type.

Jing Shirong was also surprised, "That boy, how quickly did you find him?"

The two brothers have a good relationship, but Jingyu knew that he was busy, so he didn't bother him. Unexpectedly, he found a partner in the blink of an eye.

Jingshi smiled and said, "I didn't know it at first. I was visiting Mrs. Wang's house once and I happened to see your brother talking to Miss Wang in the corner of the back garden. That's when I discovered it."

Otherwise Jing Yu would go out early and come back late on weekdays, and Jing wouldn’t have guessed that he already had a girl he liked.

  When she learned that he had contact with Miss Wang, Mrs. Jing also asked him if he liked her?

Jingyu didn't want to hide it from his mother at that time, so he admitted, "Well, my son likes her quite a lot, but I don't know if she likes me."

Jingyu likes Miss Wang, but Miss Wang does not express her love for him clearly.

 However, he has a proactive personality and will not give up easily, so he naturally wants to pursue it first.

Sister Ying heard this very interestingly, so she came over and asked, "What do you think, Miss Wang? How do they know each other?"

Jingshi was picking up food for her and said, "I didn't know how they knew each other in the beginning, so I asked Jing Yu's entourage."

The attendant did not dare to hide it from Jing, so he revealed everything.

Jing Yu and Miss Wang met at a poetry conference.

At that time, the two men and women had different seats, and they did not sit together. The main reason why they met was that Jing Yu found the poetry conference boring, so he went to the attic to enjoy the breeze.

While he was in the attic, he looked down and saw Miss Wang writing poems for her sister-in-law at home.

Miss Wang herself does not participate in poetry conferences, but her younger sisters at home all participate, but their literary talent is not as good as hers, so she can only be asked to help secretly.

 Miss Wang was reluctant at first, but she couldn't resist her sister's begging, so she could only secretly help write poems.

She is also smart and knows the level of her sister, so she does not write poems based on how good she is, but writes according to her sister's level.

Although the level is average, it is more interesting than anything else, so Miss Wang’s sister became the highlight of the poetry conference for a while.

Jingyu was upstairs watching her writing poems for her younger sister. He frowned while writing, with an unhappy look on his face. It was clear that he was reluctant to write, so he thought this Miss Wang was quite interesting.

So he continued to observe, wanting to see how much she could write.

She was really not happy that she couldn't make a cup of tea, so she directly asked the maid to write for her, while she went back to her room to sleep.

Of course the maid couldn't write, so in the end she had no choice but to copy the gourd, and her writing was terrible, which made everyone happy.

Jing Yu, who knew the truth, even laughed for a long time, saying that Miss Wang looked ordinary, but her personality was so arbitrary, it was really laughable.

Later on, every time he passed Wang’s house, Jing Yu couldn’t help but take another look at the Wang’s backyard.

It happened that one time, Miss Wang came out of the back door and saw Jing Yu looking at her house again, so she came over and asked, "Why do you always stare at my house?"

She asked straightforwardly, with an unhappy look on her face, and everything was written on her face. Jingyu couldn't help but laugh when he thought about the last time she had no patience and asked the maid to write for her.

Miss Wang saw that he was holding back his smile and looked puzzled, "Why are you laughing?" They didn't seem to know each other, right?

Jingyu coughed and said, "It's nothing, I just think you're a bit cute." He couldn't find an excuse at the moment, so he could only say this. Miss Wang was not happy when he praised her. Instead, she looked at him like a fool.

 The expression "I'm afraid this person is not a fool" is written all over his pretty little face.

Jingyu was misunderstood by her, coughed, and wanted to explain, "What, me."

 But Miss Wang went straight into the house.

  The back door closed with a bang, leaving not even a hair left.

Jingyu was offended. Instead of being angry, he felt that Miss Wang was very different from other ladies.

From then on, whenever there were poetry conferences with talented people like this, Jing Yu could not help but look for Miss Wang in the crowd.

Miss Wang's character is considered dull, boring and impersonal in the eyes of other ladies.

She does things based on her mood. She does it when she feels happy and doesn't do it when she doesn't. She is quite out of place among the ladies.

 In addition, her appearance can only be regarded as delicate, not even a beauty, so those ladies do not like to be friends with her.

Miss Wang is also an indifferent spirit. She doesn't care whether people like her or not.

 Even if her parents criticize her, she doesn't care, she still goes her own way and is happy.

 Jingyu was attracted by her charming and individual character, so he looked at her frequently, wanting to see what amazing things Miss Wang would do in this poetry conference.

For example, once, Princess Lianyi invited other wealthy ladies to a garden party, and Miss Wang was also among them.

Princess Lianyi didn't want to ask her to come, but Miss Wang's aunts and concubines all love to compare with each other. She felt that as long as she brought Miss Wang out, they could be made more outstanding, so she always brought Miss Wang with her. Miss Wang comes out.

Miss Wang didn’t want to play with them at first, but her parents wanted her to set an example and behave like an eldest sister, otherwise she would start to think nonsense.

She didn't want to be missed and found it annoying, so she didn't shirk it. The ladies would just scream, and she would just follow them.

When visiting the garden, a group of young ladies would definitely compose poems in front of the beautiful flowers and plants. They loved to tease Miss Wang the most. They liked to watch her expressionless expression while reciting poems, and they often teased her.

Miss Wang didn't take it seriously, they laughed at them, and she continued to be expressionless. Finally, the ladies found it boring and ignored her.

Jingyu happened to meet this group of ladies when he went out to the garden with some friends to relax.

At that time, the ladies were chatting about clothes and jewelry. They happened to see Jing Yu and others visiting the garden, so they blushed and the conversation suddenly changed to getting married.

 A lady deliberately asked Miss Wang, "Sister Wang is also sixteen this year, right? Has your family betrothed you to someone else?"

 All the ladies know that Miss Wang is not favored at home. Her parents prefer daughters with sweeter mouths, but Miss Wang, the legitimate daughter, is not liked by her elders.

For example, she is sixteen this year, and her family has not found a husband for her yet.

 If this happened to another lady, she would probably feel sad.

But Miss Wang doesn't. Her character has been different from other children since she was a child. People would be sad about her parents' indifference to her, but she is not sad at all. Instead, she lives freely every day.

She was at ease, but the other ladies thought she was pretending and deliberately teased her, "Sister Wang, you will be seventeen next year. If your family doesn't find a husband for you, you will become an old girl. You will be laughed at." You should mention it to your parents when you go back, don't waste your time."

 (End of this chapter)

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