The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 398: , Jingyu wants to propose marriage

Chapter 398, Jing Yu wants to propose marriage

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Mrs. Jing sighed, "I'm afraid that you two got married on impulse. If there are too many conflicts, I'm afraid that if you break up again, I'll have a headache."

Jingyu pondered for a while, and after thinking about it, he felt that he had nothing to regret, so he stood firm.

"I do not regret."

 The moment he confessed his love to her, he knew he wanted to marry her.

 Even though her character is not pleasant and she is not beautiful, he still likes her.

  Sometimes you don’t have to be beautiful to like this kind of emotion. Love can make people not mind about beauty or ugliness, let alone life experience, they just want her.

Jing asked, "Are you sure you like her? What about her? She is also sure she likes you?"

Jing Yu was also unsure about this issue at the beginning.

  After all, after he confessed his love to Miss Wang, she never responded. It was because he was unwilling to accept it and kept going to catch her before asking her clearly.

Miss Wang was not shy and directly admitted that she liked him.

But I like her, but living a life married to Jingyu is another matter.

If Jing Yu hadn't stopped her today, I'm afraid she would still want to escape.

Jingyu didn't want to cause trouble, and was afraid that something would happen to her family, so he decided to act first.

 After all, if the girl he likes doesn't marry home early, he will probably be married off by someone else. This is what Jing Shirong told him.

 “I’m right, brother?”

Jing Shirong was suddenly called out and coughed, "If you can manage not to dislike others after marriage, not to run away from home when quarreling, and to be able to calm down when others are angry, then you can propose marriage."

Sister Ying saw that what he said sounded like that, so she gave him a cute look.

Jing Yu watched their show of affection from the sidelines, and wanted to marry Miss Wang home as soon as possible, so he acted coquettishly with Mr. Jing.


"Just accept my request and come with me to the Wang family to propose marriage tomorrow."

Jing glanced at her husband who was silent and asked him, "What do you think about this?"

Jingfu stroked his beard, thought for a while, and then said, "Master Wang's character is not bad. Although he is old-fashioned, he doesn't have any bad intentions."

“I met Miss Wang once from a distance. Although she is not clever, she is kind-hearted and an honest and good girl.”

 What he said was that he actually agreed.

Jing Yu was overjoyed and quickly looked at Jing.

Seeing that her husband agreed, Mrs. Jing no longer objected.

"Okay, since you both agree, it's okay to propose marriage. But would it be too soon to propose marriage tomorrow? At least choose a good day."

But Jingyu was very anxious, "No, I'm afraid she will change her mind, so let's do it tomorrow."

Look at his anxious look, as if he is afraid that others will regret it.

Jing had no choice but to accept the offer.

 “I know, let’s go tomorrow.”

Anyway, this boy will get married sooner or later. Although the daughter-in-law she is not satisfied with is not married to her, as long as Jing Yu likes it, it will be fine.

Jingyu knew that his father and mother were civilized people, and he immediately went back to choose the wedding gifts very happily.

Jing didn’t have time to eat either, so she hurriedly prepared the marriage proposal.

Sister Ying saw that she was so busy, so she scraped together enough to help.

 “Mom, let me help you.”

Jingshi said, "No, you just came back and you are still tired. Go to bed first. I will call you tomorrow if I have something to do."

Sister Ying quickly said it was okay, "I'm not sleepy, so I'll just stay and help you."

Jingshi opened her mouth and was about to say something when Jing Shirong pulled Sister Ying over and said, "You should have some rest tonight. If you need anything, get up and help tomorrow."

After saying that, he dragged Sister Ying back.

Sister Ying looked at Mr. Jing and couldn’t think of leaving, “Oh, mother~”

Danren was dragged away by Jing Shirong. Jing was speechless when he saw it, "Tsk, that boy A Jing is really good enough."

She is not the kind of inconsiderate and evil mother-in-law. Seeing how he protects his calf makes me really angry.

Jing’s father had a drink and laughed when he heard this.

 “They are tired from traveling, let them have a good rest.”

Jingshi snorted, "I didn't want Sister Ying to help me in the first place. Isn't it because that brat A Jing doesn't know a good person's heart?"

 What's the point of having a son? He might as well run away with his wife in the end.

After Jing’s father heard this, he couldn’t even laugh or cry, “Forget it, let them go, that way the house will be lively.”

Especially after Jing Yu also gets married, and both daughters-in-law will have children in the future, the house will be lively.

Jingshi is also looking forward to it, "As long as they can live a harmonious and beautiful life, I will be relieved."

Both sons have become talents. If the marriage is settled, half of their parental tasks will be completed.

Jing's father nodded and asked her to worry less, "You just worry too much, and that's why your life is so tiring."

“Children have their own mistakes, let’s just take good care of ourselves, don’t worry so much, it’s not good for our health.”

Jingshi snorted at him and said, "You can say it." I don't know who was worried about her son's safety in the middle of the night. She couldn't sleep all night and went to the temple to pray for blessings the next day.

It's okay to tell her not to worry about it.

Jing's father was exposed, so he coughed and changed the subject, "Okay, since we are going to propose marriage tomorrow, let's get ready."

Seeing his embarrassment, Mrs. Jing smiled.

 “Huh, I’m too lazy to pay attention to you.”

She went to sort out the things she wanted to propose, and the official media also invited one of them to explore the way first. Ask people what they mean.

 This house.

After Jing Shirong and Sister Ying had freshened up, they lay down on the warm quilt.

The couple were hugging each other and lying down. Sister Ying asked, "I will go to the Wang family to propose marriage tomorrow. Should I go?"

 She has never been involved in this kind of thing.

I don’t know what the etiquette is like here in the capital.

Jing Shirong has not attended many weddings. He doesn’t know the etiquette and rituals of women, and he can’t answer. He only said, “Ask your mother tomorrow and see if you want to follow.”

“If you don’t understand anything, just ask your mother, she will explain it to you.”

Middle-aged Jing is still very talkative. Jing Shirong is busy on weekdays and has no time to talk to her. It just so happens that Sister Ying also likes to chat, so the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can chat in the capital.

Sister Ying leaned in his arms and yawned while saying to him, "I wonder if Miss Wang is easy to get along with?"

 If you are easy to get along with, you will have one more playmate in the future.

If it's not easy to get along, the two sisters can only do superficial things.

But from Jing Yu’s description, the girl in question should be pretty good, maybe the one with more personality.

Jing Shirong touched her head and comforted her, "It's okay. If you don't like living with my sister-in-law, there is a courtyard next to us that is fully decorated."

 Sister Ying shook her head, "There's no rush yet."

 She was indeed a little anxious when she came to Jing's house, fearing that she would not be able to handle the relationship between mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, and sister-in-law.

But Jing felt very comfortable with people and treated her as her own child, so Sister Ying didn’t feel any discomfort living with her mother-in-law.

 On the contrary, I feel that it is quite good to live with my mother-in-law. We can discuss everything on weekdays.

 So my parents-in-law are good, and there is really nothing uncomfortable living with the whole family.

 If the parents-in-law are not good, it will indeed make people feel that they are dependent on others.

 Fortunately, Mr. and Mrs. Jing are very nice, and Sister Ying also likes to live with them.

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 (End of this chapter)

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