The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 405: , show affection and abuse dogs

Chapter 405: Showing affection and torturing the dog

Jing Shirong saw her frowning and frowning, looking embarrassed, so she said.

“Otherwise, don’t meet her, otherwise you will be upset after seeing her, and she will come to quarrel with me in the end.”

Sister Ying gave him a charming look, "It's not you who caused the peach blossom debt, but you have the nerve to be afraid of me quarreling with you?"

Jing Shirong was not afraid when the young lady went crazy. Instead, she laughed for a long time.

“Yes, yes, it’s not good for my husband. Next time I go out, I will paint my face black to prevent girls from falling in love with me. Madam, do you think this is feasible?”

Sister Ying took a look at his handsome and chiseled face, and she liked it no matter how much she saw it.

 She likes it herself, let alone other girls.

People are all about good-looking people, and children all like good-looking people, not to mention those girls who are waiting for marriage.

Jing Shirong has handsome features. When wearing a white robe, he looks like Pan An, clean and pure.

  When wearing black clothes, he looks evil, like a bad person, and he is so bad that people are convinced.

Especially when he curls up the corners of his mouth, he has that evil expression that no girl can escape.

Sister Ying thinks that no one who is calm can stand the temptation of his beauty, let alone a stupid person like the Twelve Princesses.

Jing Shirong was half scolded and half praised by her, and she was a little bit dumbfounded.

“Do you want me to praise my good looks? Or are you calling me a disaster because of my poor looks?”

Sister Ying was amused by his shameless narcissism.

"screw you."

Look at this handsome face, it’s really troublesome, but it’s also really good-looking.

Seeing that they were busy flirting, the maid hurriedly said, "Master, the twelve princesses are still outside the door."

 Just leaving people alone will make the twelve princesses angry after a while.

Sister Ying snorted, "Get angry when you're angry."

 Having said it all, let the maid invite the people in.

Jing Shirong glanced at her, "Do you want me to avoid it?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No. Just show affection in front of her and make her mad, haha."

This kind of tactic of showing affection and torturing a dog is perfect for dealing with a simple-minded and stupid person like the Twelve Princesses.

Jing Shirong supported her unconditionally and said with a smile, "Okay. Then I will stand here and barbecue. If you need my cooperation, I will understand with just one look."

Sister Ying was dubious, "Is it true or not? You can tell with just one look?"

Then shouldn’t the expression of tacit understanding happen among old couples? They are just newly married and they understand each other so well?

Jing Shirong said confidently, "Don't underestimate me. I've been observing you all day long, so I naturally know what you want to do with just one look."

 Small, if you stick your **** out, I’ll know what you want to do.

Sister Ying.

"You are so disgusting. You are not my mother. Why are you saying this? You are so disgusting."

 Only mothers would say this kind of old saying, "You are a big boy trying to imitate your mother's old sayings."

Jing Shirong laughed out loud after being scolded by her, and did not forget to put some sauce on the barbecue.

While they were talking and laughing, the twelfth princess came in with the maid.

 As soon as he entered the backyard, he saw the tall figure of Jing Shirong.

The Twelve Princess was overjoyed and said happily, "Brother Ajing?"

 But as soon as he turned his eyes, he saw Sister Ying next to Jing Shirong.

In particular, Jing Shirong cut off a small piece of roast meat and fed it to the little vixen's mouth, which made the twelve princesses extremely jealous.

The Twelve Princess was so angry that she scratched her head off, but she still remembered the purpose of coming here today.

She took a deep breath and walked over aggressively. When she was almost in front of Jing Shirong, she softened her posture and said, "Brother Ajing, are you back? I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much."

This is inappropriate to hear.

  It is inappropriate for an unmarried girl to say "I miss you" to a married man.

 But the Twelve Princess was confident that there was no one else here and the servants of the Jing family did not dare to say nonsense. Hearing this, Jing Shirong pretended not to hear, simply greeted her with fists, and continued to grill Sister Ying.

 He lowered his head and cooked the meat seriously, with a cold attitude and an expression of refusing to talk.

When the Twelve Princess saw his cold expression, instead of being angry, she felt that Brother A Jing’s appearance and temperament were really good-looking.

 She just looked at it like that, her little face looked very enchanting.

Sister Ying looked on and thought that the princess might be a little naive and she didn't have any bad intentions.

But it’s wrong to worry about her man.

 So she walked over and saluted the twelve princesses, "See you, princess."

The Twelve Princess was originally a nymphomaniac. When she saw her sudden noise, she immediately felt it was an eyesore and waved her hand unluckily, motioning for her to go aside.

How could Sister Ying go to the other side? This is her home, okay?

So she walked over and asked Jing Shirong to bring the meat to her.

 “Sir, I want to eat meat and roasted sweet potatoes.”

Jing Shirong sighed, his attitude was as warm as heaven and earth in front of the Twelve Princesses.

His handsome face was sunny, he put away his previous indifference, smiled very gently, put the barbecue on the plate, cut it into pieces, peeled the roasted sweet potatoes, put one piece on the plate and brought it to her.

 “Here, eat it while it’s hot, it’s still hot.”

Sister Ying hummed and gave him a lazy look.

Jing Shirong really understood immediately. He immediately sat down and put her on his lap, letting her lean against him while he fed her roasted meat.

 “Ah~open your mouth.”

Sister Ying leaned against him and lazily opened her mouth to eat the barbecue he fed.

 “Is it delicious?”

Sister Ying nodded, "It's not bad."

Not only did she sit on her lap, lazily speaking, but her calves were still dangling, and she commanded, "It's too salty, I want to drink sweet wine."

Jing Shirong wiped her mouth and coaxed, "Sweet wine will make you drunk. Can you drink almond dew?"

Sister Ying curled her lips and reluctantly said, "Okay, you feed me."

Jing Shirong nodded fondly and asked Xiao Zi to go to the kitchen and bring over a bowl of almond sweet dew.

The couple were chatting with each other, as if they didn't see a jealous and sour person standing in front of them, showing off their affection as if there was no one else.

 The twelve princesses’ nostrils were so angry that their nostrils were on fire.

 “Brother Ajing! How unbecoming you are!”

It is so unfeminine to be so immodest in broad daylight.

The Twelve Princess angrily pointed at Sister Ying's nose and lectured her, "I'm telling you, you sit on a man's lap in broad daylight. Do you know that I'm ashamed of you?"

Who is a woman who flirts with men like this outside in broad daylight? That is something that only an unscrupulous woman would do!

Sister Ying said expressionlessly, "We are husband and wife, not an unmarried man and an unmarried woman. What are we afraid of?"

“Besides, if you don’t want to watch it, Princess, don’t watch it. Who is bothering anyone if they are not loving and affectionate at home?”

 The Twelve Princess said in her heart, "It's bothering me."

 But they are a serious couple. She has no reputation or status, so there is really no reason to refute her.

But she was angry if he didn't refute her.

So she walked over and pulled Sister Ying up.

"Come here, I'll chat with you. We women are talking to each other, so don't call us men. It's not appropriate."

“Let brother Ajing do his work and we can talk among ourselves.”

 (End of this chapter)

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