The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 485: , men really like beautiful ones

Chapter 485, men really like beautiful ones

Qi Yuanming laughed, casually, and sat down with them to wait for the orange cake to come out of the oven.

Sister Ying noticed the time and took out the orange cake.

  “Okay, take a knife and cut it and then you can eat it.”

Sister Yang came over and took a sniff, "It smells so good~~"

Sister Ying took a knife and cut a small piece for her, "Taste it and see if it's sweet."

Sister Yang took a sip and tasted it carefully, "It's not sweet, not bland, and the texture is soft. I like it."

 Sister Yang doesn’t eat much old-fashioned snacks on weekdays, because they are too sweet and can irritate her teeth.

 But the food her sister makes is always just right, making people want to take another bite after one bite.

Sister Ying saw that she liked it, so she also cut a piece for Qi Yuanming and Mei Xianer.

Mei Xianer took a small bite and savored it carefully.

 “Not bad, the taste is neither sweet nor bland, and there is an orange aroma.”

Qi Yuanming chewed the peony like a cow. After chewing it for two times, he swallowed it. At the end, he said, "It's delicious."

Sister Yang couldn't help but laugh when she saw how stupid he was.

Sister Ying packed up the fragrant cakes and prepared to take them back to her parents to try.

She told Mei Xian'er, "The sugar content must be controlled well. If it's too sweet, it will be greasy, if it's too light, it will be fishy. You can know the amount of sweetness by making it a few times."

Mei Xian'er benefited a lot, "I know, I'll try again tomorrow."

The four of them went back together, with Qi Yuanming following them as a bodyguard.

 When he got home, Mr. Wu was already braised pig ears.

The meat was eaten at night, and Wu made a lot of pork heads, and planned to let them eat on the road.

Jing Shirong was in the study giving advice to Brother Kang. Brother Sen was still waiting in line. When he saw Qi Yuanming coming back, he gathered around and asked Qi Yuanming to teach him some tricks.

Qi Yuanming was also open-minded and responded immediately, "Okay. Let's go up to the tree and fight."

Seng Geer was very happy. He immediately tapped his toes on the ground and went up to the big banyan tree in the courtyard to beat him.

Mrs. Wu had prepared the meal, and they were still having a heated fight on the tree. Mrs. Liang and the others shouted several times, "Brother Sen, Brother Ming, come down to eat."

But neither of them seemed to have heard anything, and they were so distracted by the fight.

 In the end, Mrs. Wu got mad, "You two, get down here!"

 Brother Sen and Qi Yuanming stopped because they were instinctively afraid of the tigress.

 “You know it, come here.”

The tigress Wu glared, "Now, immediately, immediately, get down here!"

Brother Sen had no choice but to say oh and come down with Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming complained softly behind him, "How come your mother and my mother have the same temperament? They are beautiful, but they are both tigresses."

 Seng Geer nodded in agreement, "So beautiful women are like tigresses. You must avoid them when you meet them."

Qi Yuanming agreed, "Yes. Then from now on we will find someone who is not beautiful as our wife."

 Seng Geer. "Forget it, I still like pretty ones."

Qi Yuanming scratched his head, "I also like pretty ones. Just be fierce."

The two looked at each other and smiled in a mean way.

 Sister Yang, Sister Ying, and Mei Xianer who heard it on the sidelines;…

 “Haha, men are indeed ungrateful.”

Mrs. Wu also rolled her eyes at the two men and called them, "It's time to eat, please sit down."

 The group immediately sat down obediently.

Mrs. Wu served them rice one by one, feeling very good.

“Hurry up and eat with meat and vegetables. I’ve braised the pig ears very crispy. It’s just right for rice.”

Old Mrs. Liang took a bite first and said, "Yes, not bad. You guys should also eat quickly."

 When everyone saw that she had eaten, they started to eat vegetables.

Qi Yuanming took a bite of the pig head meat and his eyes widened in surprise, "Isn't this delicious?" It was much more fragrant than his mother's braised meat.

 His mother's food is basically pig food.

Mrs. Qi.

Seeing that he liked it, Mr. Wu said kindly, "If you like it, eat more. I'll fill a few jars for you. You can take it with you on the road tomorrow and eat it as meat buns."

Qi Yuanming scratched his head in embarrassment, "It costs you too much."

Mrs. Wu said generously, "Silly boy, why don't you be polite to your aunt? Eat some braised pig's trotters, they are very tender."

Qi Yuanming envied Jing Shirong while eating, "Ajing, your life is really good. You have a beautiful daughter-in-law, and your mother-in-law is so good at cooking. I really envy you."

If he could find such a good wife in the future, he would laugh out of his dreams.

After hearing this, Mrs. Liang joked, "That's just right. My sister Yang hasn't found anyone yet. If you marry her, you can get closer to us in the future."

Sister Yang rolled her eyes speechlessly and said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense."

 She doesn't like this big stupid guy who is so stupid that he beats Brother Seng while eating and sleeping.

 She wants someone like her brother-in-law, who is smart and good-looking.

How could Old Mrs. Liang not understand her and pour cold water on her, "Your brother-in-law only comes once in a hundred years. Your sister is just lucky enough to meet such a man. How can you meet another one again?"

“Besides, Brother Ming is quite good, with a good height and big eyes. How can he not be worthy of you?”

Qi Yuanming scratched his head and smiled, "Yes, I am still the top scholar in martial arts, and I have been re-elected."

 Although the number one scholar is any one.

But the emperor asked the new military champion to fight with him every time. If he won every time, wouldn't he be re-elected?

 Sister Yang, a yellow-haired girl, actually dislikes him? You simply don’t know how to recognize a hero.

Sister Yang made a sound and rolled her eyes at him again.

Qi Yuanming couldn't understand it and said to her, "Children, don't roll your eyes all the time. It's like a dead fish. It doesn't look good."

 Sister Yang.

 You are the dead fish.

   Silly big guy! Stinky man! Will he be able to speak?

Old Mrs. Liang couldn't stop laughing, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Eat quickly, it will get cold soon."

Sister Yang snorted before starting to eat.

Qi Yuanming had already finished half a bowl of rice. Seeing that Sister Yang hadn't eaten yet, he gave her a piece of pork belly.

Sister Yang wrinkled her little nose, took the pork belly and returned it to him.

 “I don’t eat fat meat.”

Qi Yuanming was not worried and said, "Then you should eat lean meat."

 Having said that, continue eating.

After dinner, Liang Jin took everyone to make tea. While making tea, he asked Jing Shirong, "How long will your trip take? How is the environment there?"

Jing Shirong took a sip of tea and replied, "It will take about half a year. Or a year, I don't know."

The jade mine is so big, but I don’t know if there is too much or too little jade in it?

It would be a bit difficult to dig them all out.

Especially the deeper you dig, the more dangerous it becomes.

In addition, there are many people who stole jade mines and they have to be reorganized, so he is not sure about the specific time of returning to Beijing.

Liang Jin only cares about their safety.

“I’ve heard people say before that the mine is unsafe and may collapse. Don’t stay too long when you go in, or try not to go in.”

“There are masters who specialize in mining, and they are all experienced. This is the most suitable name.”

"Don't be too curious. Come in with others. It will be too late to cry by then."

Jing Shirong knew that his father-in-law was worried about him, so he nodded sensibly. "I know, I'll be safe."

Liang Jin finished giving instructions to him, and then gave instructions to Sister Ying.

 “Take good care of yourself when you get there and try not to cause trouble to Brother Rong.”

“If there is a situation that cannot be solved, ask someone for help immediately, and don’t be afraid of losing face.”

 (End of this chapter)

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