The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 539: , the flying eagle’s preference

Chapter 539, Flying Eagle’s Preferences

Jing Shirong's dark eyes were slightly cold, and the corners of his mouth raised in a sly manner, "That's better."

 If the news of his poisoning leaks out, those who want him dead will reveal their lies, and it will be easier to investigate.

Qi Yuanming suddenly reacted, "Yes."

“If Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen want you dead, they will definitely send someone over to confirm it.”

If you follow those informants, you can get the stolen goods together.

Jing Shirong said nothing and asked them to continue their journey without saying anything further.

This time the flying eagle did not let it go back, but carried it with it all the way.

Sister Yang saw such a big eagle for the first time, so she came over to take a look with interest.

Qi Yuanming told her to be careful, "A Fei is very fierce. Be careful, don't get too close, or he will peck his eyes."

Sister Yang didn't quite believe it, "No way? It doesn't look fierce. My brother-in-law even touched its head just now."

Qi Yuanming told her like a parent, "That's different. Ah Fei was raised by A Jing, so of course he will kiss him."

 But apart from Jing Shirong, Fei Ying has no relatives. He will peck people if he gets too close.

The eunuchs next to the emperor were pecked several times.

 Finally, I changed it to something nicer, so I didn’t get pecked.

That little **** actually won the favor of Fei Ying because of his beauty, and was later promoted and received a salary increase.

Sister Yang laughed when she heard this, "Really or not? The flying eagle is just like the fat cat, do you care about appearance?"

Like the fat cat raised by Jing Shirong, he is also a guy who cares about his appearance.

Only get close to beautiful girls and ignore others lazily.

A cat can do this, and so can an eagle? ?

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Qi Yuanming asked Sister Ying and Gu Gu to try it at the same time. Let’s see who the flying eagle will choose.

Sister Ying smiled slightly and stretched out her hand toward the flying eagle to see if it would fall on her shoulder.

 An ancient child would bring meat to tempt him, saying, "Come here, I'll give you meat to eat."

Fei Ying first glanced at them from above, then glanced at the meat in Gu Gu's hand, not taking it seriously at all.

It turned its head and looked at Sister Ying's little face, which was more delicate than flowers. Finally, it flapped its wings and actually landed on Sister Ying's shoulder, and even used its beak to rub her face.

Sister Ying was startled, smiled and hid, thinking it was pecking her.

 Happily, the eagle just touched her face with its beak, as if it was getting close to her.

Qi Yuanming said to Sister Yang, "Look, this guy really cares about his face."

 Especially like beautiful people.

Sister Yang laughed and wanted to give it a try, "Flying Eagle, come here, I'll take you flying."

Feiying glanced at her, unmoved, and continued to stay on Sister Ying's shoulder.

He even put his head close to Sister Ying and patted Sister Ying with his wings, asking her to scratch her head.

Sister Ying's eyes widened in surprise, "Does it want me to touch it?"

Qi Yuanming hummed, "It wants you to scratch its head. It likes this."

Sister Ying stretched out her hand to scratch the eagle's head. The eagle closed its eyes so comfortable that it made Sister Yang feel discouraged.

 “Why doesn’t it like me? Is it because I’m not good-looking?”

Qi Yuanming looked her up and down and said straightly, "It's not that you're not good-looking, but you're not as good-looking as your sister."

Sister Ying is as beautiful as a flower, but this little girl is like a molting duck. She is just tall, but her beauty has not yet transformed.

Sister Yang glared at him angrily, "You're such a loser. I don't look good, and neither do you."

Qi Yuanming was very confident, "I'm much prettier than you. Which woman doesn't praise me a word or two when she sees me? Can you be praised like this?"

It’s not him who blows. No matter where he goes, wherever there are women, he will definitely look at him more.

 Some even took the initiative to ask him if he was married.

If you are not married, you will want to marry him, which shows that he is very charming. Sister Yang looked him up and down and hummed, "That only shows that you are suitable to be someone's son-in-law. It has nothing to do with being good-looking."

 Women like strong men because they think they can take care of their wives and children.

 Qi Yuanming, a tall man with a strong body and a daughter at home, would just fall in love with him.

 But this has nothing to do with beauty.

Qi Yuanming was unconvinced, "Why doesn't it matter? In addition to my good figure, I also have a great face. Look at my big eyes, I'm bigger than you."

It's not his fault. In addition to his good figure, he also has the best face among men. Does this little girl understand?

Sister Yang said "chew~" and didn't want to praise him.

Singing the opposite tune to him, "Anyway, you are not as good-looking as my brother-in-law."

 “Oh, no, you’re not as good-looking as my father!”

Even if her father is middle-aged, he is still better-looking than a big guy like Qi Yuanming, hum!

Seeing that she refused to admit that he was good-looking, Qi Yuanming got even more excited, "What you said is wrong. You just deliberately said that I'm not good-looking, but in fact, you just think I'm good-looking in your heart and you just refuse to admit it. I know that."

 Sister Yang.

 “You are too narcissistic.”

It is really stinking and childish to insist on being told that he is good-looking.

Qi Yuanming stared at her with big eyes, "Both each other. You are also duplicitous. You clearly think I am good-looking, but you have to admit it."

The little girl is indeed unreasonable and wants to save face.

 Sister Yang. “You.”

 “Humph, I’m too lazy to tell you.”

She ran away angrily, and Qi Yuanming chased after her.

“Okay, I’m not the same as you. I’ll buy you whatever you want to eat tonight.”

There is no one who refuses to give in when he is angry and shamelessly tries to please someone after a quarrel.

Sister Yang ignored him and didn't talk to him the whole way.

Qi Yuanming didn't need to pay attention to her and kept talking to himself for a long time.

Sister Yang was originally angry with him, but after hearing his loud noises, her anger quickly dissipated, and she started playing with him again. The two of them were like children, fighting back and forth every day.

It's easy to get along quickly, and it's easy to quarrel quickly, and everyone is used to it.

Jing Shirong was actually interested in the flying eagle.

 He liked it very much when the flying eagle landed on his shoulder naturally.

At this moment, the flying eagle landed on Sister Ying's shoulder. She looked at the flying eagle with her black eyes and motioned for it to come over.

Feiying understood the meaning in his eyes, but did not pass by. He still stood on Sister Ying's shoulder, holding on tightly with his claws.

 His head kept rubbing against Sister Ying, asking her to scratch it.

Sister Ying smiled and scratched its head, and then touched the feathers on its body. They were fluffy and felt good.

 The flying eagle closed its eyes as if enjoying it, and even chirped in its mouth, looking very lustful.

Jing Shirong couldn't see it coming, so he said a threatening "huh?" before the eagle reluctantly flew to his shoulder.

It flew over, but turned its head away, not looking at him at all, as if it was angry with him.

Jing Shirong laughed angrily and thought to himself, is this only a male?

Qi Yuanming came over and said, "It is a male." He usually only likes beautiful girls, but he doesn't have much contact with other girls.

 It depends on fate that Sister Ying can be touched today.

 Animals also have their own favorite humans, it all depends on their feelings.

Sister Ying walked towards it with a smile, and the eagle flapped its wings excitedly, as if she really liked her.

Qi Yuanming laughed when he saw Jing Shirong being ignored by Feiying, "Ajing, you are not popular anymore, hahaha."

 (End of this chapter)

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