The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 541: , Qi Yuanming wants to make money

Chapter 541, Qi Yuanming wants to make money

 Qi Yuanming is not a stingy person. He has always paid little attention to money and basically spends as much as he has.

Until this time when I took Sister Yang on the road, I needed to spend money everywhere. In the end, I couldn't even buy an orange, which made him very frustrated.

 Otherwise he would really like to buy something for Sister Yang to eat.

Sister Yang is not stupid either. She can see that he is discouraged and rarely comforts him, "If you run out of money, you can make more. It's not a big deal. Don't you think I don't have much money either?"

 She practices medicine and treats people, almost all of which makes no money.

 Because the people treated along the way were all poor people, so it was hard to ask for their money.

 Even if you ask for it, no one will have it, so it’s all free.

Her mother gave her the pocket money before she went out.

Moreover, Qi Yuanming paid for all the food, drinks, and diarrhea. She knew that he was not stingy, so she would not make fun of him.

Qi Yuanming didn't expect that she still had a little cotton-padded jacket, so he smiled warmly, "Okay, you can treat me to this meal, and I will make good money to treat you back."

For the first time, he had the concept of making money and the motivation to make money. He thought that after returning to Beijing, he should buy his own property.

 Otherwise, I won’t have money to buy oranges for Sister Yang when I go out.

 Sister Yang.

  Earn money from co-authoring just to buy oranges for her?

Qi Yuanming laughed like an emotional novice, "Let's go up the tree and pick out big oranges. I'll pick out ten kilograms for you."

After saying that, he put her on his shoulders like a child, and with a quick step, he took her up the tree easily.

Sister Ying glanced at Jing Shirong and raised her chin at him, "I want to go up too."

Jing Shirong refused coldly, "Go up by yourself."

Sister Ying.

 I originally wanted to give him a chance to develop feelings, but he didn’t cherish it?

 Pull down, whether you like to hug or not.

Sister Ying stood under the tree and deliberately shouted to Qi Yuanming, "Brother Qi, please carry me up."

She knows how to do Qinggong, but she doesn't want to do it by herself, just to make him angry.

Sure enough, after Qi Yuanming heard this, he looked under the tree, turned around and looked at Sister Yang. Seeing Sister Yang nodding, he said "Oh~" and jumped down lightly.

As soon as he came down, he secretly glanced at Jing Shirong and slowly approached Sister Ying.

While looking at Jing Shirong, he stretched out his hands as if to hug Sister Ying.

But it was like slow motion, stretching out his hand slowly, just waiting for Jing Shirong to come over and stop him.

Incidentally, Jing Shirong was also competing with Sister Ying. His eyes were obviously on fire, but he just couldn't pass. It seemed that Qi Yuanming didn't dare to hug her, and just wanted to see how Sister Ying would end up.

Sister Ying looked at him and saw something in her eyes that she didn't understand.

 Hehehe, do you really think she dare not let Qi Yuanming hug her?

She snorted, and seeing that Jing Shirong couldn't come over, she walked towards Qi Yuanming, circled her two small hands, and directly held Qi Yuanming's wrist.

 Qi Yuanming turned back to look at Sister Yang, and when he saw her blinking, he gritted his teeth and took the risk. Just as he was about to reach out and wrap his arms around Sister Ying's waist, a gust of wind flashed by his ears.

 When I opened my eyes again, Sister Ying was gone.

Qi Yuanming said, "I'll go!" He looked around and saw that the couple was gone.

 He climbed up the tree, patted his chest, and said to Sister Yang, "I was scared to death just now."

If Jing Shirong really couldn't come over, he would still carry Sister Ying in his arms, and she would have to carry her around without food.

Sister Yang laughed loudly, "Really or not? Why are you so cowardly? Can't you beat my brother-in-law?"

Seeing her laughing at him, Qi Yuanming raised his chin to save face, "Of course not. I can definitely beat A Jing."

“I think back then, when we competed in martial arts, I defeated him.”

Sister Yang was dubious, "Is it true or not?"

 Why does she not believe it so much?

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Qi Yuanming patted his chest to assure her.

"It's true. Back then, A Jing took the exam for the top prize in literature, and I took the exam for the top prize in martial arts, so my martial arts skills are naturally higher than his."

 But the truth is that Jing Shirong was busy taking the exam for the top prize in essays and had no time to take the top prize in martial arts.

But it is true that Qi Yuanming has great martial arts skills.

He is not good at reading, but he is very talented in martial arts, which is not a boast.

Sister Yang has never seen how powerful his martial arts is, but she expects it to be good. But compared to my brother-in-law, I don’t know this.

She suggested, "Why don't you compete with my eldest brother-in-law someday? Let's see who of you two is better in martial arts." But Qi Yuanming coughed, looked away with a guilty conscience, and said pretentiously, "How can that be so embarrassing? We are brothers, and fighting between brothers hurts the friendship.”

The main thing is that Jing Shirong has a bad temper now and he doesn’t want to be beaten.

Sister Yang laughed and exposed him, "It's not because you're not good at martial arts, right? If you're not good at martial arts, just say so. No one will laugh at you."

Qi Yuanming refused to accept it and wanted to save face, "How could I not do it? Just wait, next time, I will definitely show you the signs next time."

Just a little girl, how can you look down on him like that?

Next time, I will definitely knock Ajing down and show her what a martial arts master is.

 Sen Ge'er chuckled at the side and said, "Count me in."

 He also wanted to compare with these two.

Sister Yang clapped her hands and said, "Okay, okay, you three will come together. Let's see who has higher martial arts skills."

 For such a lively thing, of course we have to do it together.

Seeing how lively she was, Qi Yuanming shook his head helplessly and smiled fondly.

“Okay, if you want to see it, I’ll show it to you later. Now pick the oranges, they look quite sweet.”

Sister Yang snorted childishly, "Then I'll pick more. My sister also likes to eat."

Qi Yuanming fondly touched her head and said, "Okay, pick it up, I've got the bag."

 They are picking fruits on this side, but Sister Ying is in misery on the other side.

Jing Shirong just saw that Qi Yuanming's hand was about to touch Sister Ying's waist, and he became angry.

At this moment, I carried Sister Ying to a small alley, her handsome face was very smelly.

Sister Ying was pushed against the wall by him. There was no one around her and it was difficult to call for help.

She struggled hard, and his big hands slapped her harder, until her waist was almost broken.

 “What are you doing, let go!”

 Who had sworn before that he would not care about her? You won't be seduced by her, why are you still so angry? ?

Jing Shirong had a cold face, his black eyes locked on her fiercely, and finally raised her chin, lowered his head to cover her, and blocked her mouth.



Sister Ying struggled twice, but he held her down tightly.

                   if people don’t get up at all.

She stretched out her hand and beat him, but he couldn't move even if he was missing a thread.

 She was almost breathless from the last kiss, and then he let go.


Sister Ying took a few deep breaths and almost lacked oxygen.

She glared at him angrily, "Jing Shirong! You want to murder your own wife!"

Jing Shirong smiled and said nothing. After kissing her, his mood obviously improved.

Especially because of her soft waist and soft and fragrant hair, no wonder he would be tempted.

 Such a goblin is so beautiful that it is normal for him to be seduced.

Sister Ying gave him a fierce look, and when she saw that he was not only not ashamed, but also looked like a yuppie with endless aftertaste, she stepped on him angrily.

 “I see you are itchy!”

They dared to bully her.

Jing Shirong looked like a swinger, with the corners of his mouth raised in a sly manner. He raised his hand to touch the warmth on his lips, obviously still thinking about it.

Sister Ying.

 Are people after amnesia also so greedy for beauty?

 Do you still think about it?

 (End of this chapter)

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