Chapter 546, The Charming Boss Lady

Jing Shirong looked at her closely with his dark eyes. Seeing that she believed in him with all her heart, she said, "Yes."

The couple looked at each other quietly for a while, and then the door was pushed open.

 “Hey, sorry sir, the food is late.”

 It was the waiter who brought the dishes.

He put plates of vegetables on the table and told them, "Eat it while it's hot. The assorted vegetables that have just been fried are so fresh."

After saying that, he stood aside and waited for them to eat.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang both looked at the food and then at Gu Gu.

Seeing Gu Gu nodding, he sat down with confidence.

“Okay, we’re going to eat, you go out first.”

 The waiter did not leave.

“That’s right, these dishes are new dishes launched by our store. We’re waiting for you to give us a review after you taste them so we can make adjustments.”

 It means that you have to watch them eat it with your own eyes before you leave.

● Gu Gu took the first bite, tasted it, and said expressionlessly, "It tastes good." But the medicine was a bit strong.

Sister Yang also smelled the smell of the drug. She picked up a little and tasted it, but did not dare to take too much.

 This dish contains a lot of drugs. Not to mention people, even a cow has been knocked unconscious by medicine.

 Poisons are different in nature from drugs. Even if you take the antidote, you will still feel sleepy.

Sister Yang winked at Sister Ying and signaled her not to eat.

Sister Ying understood, so she didn’t move her chopsticks, picked up the wine glass and shook it, but didn’t drink.

The waiter saw Sister Yang and Gu Gu eating but refused to leave. He wanted to wait until Jing Shirong and Sister Ying had eaten before leaving.

Jing Shirong picked up the wine glass and smelled it. The strong smell of drugs suddenly hit his nostrils. He put the glass down again without drinking.

When the waiter saw that neither he nor Sister Ying was eating, he smiled and said, "Why don't you two guests eat? Are you not satisfied with our food?"

Sister Ying also smiled softly, "No, I just ate noodles when I came here. I'll eat them later."

The waiter sneered at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "If you can't eat, then drink some wine. Is it okay to taste the wine?"

  They were forced to eat something laced with drugs before they would leave.

Sister Ying looked at Jing Shirong. Before she could speak, he gave the waiter a cold look.

The waiter is also a human spirit. He knows that he is not easy to mess with, but he is afraid that he will not be able to complete the task, so he can only ask Sister Yan for instructions.

Sister Yan was smoking a hookah and thinking about her calculations. When the waiter came back, she took a sip of the hookah and asked, "Have you eaten everything?"

The waiter shook his head, took a step back in fear, and cowered, "One old man and one young man ate it. But the man and woman were not willing to eat it. And the two men who came in together just now are also missing."

 Obviously six people came in together, but now there are two missing. I don’t know if they ran away.

Sister Yan took a puff of hookah and sneered, "Run away? I'm on my chassis. Do you really think you ran away?"

 “Go, let Lao Tan look for him, and be sure to find him.”


“By the way, don’t make too much noise. Last time it was a big deal and it didn’t end well. This time, keep it low-key.”

The waiter nodded and bent down to ask for instructions, "What about the man and woman upstairs?"

“The man just took off his curtain hat. He’s really handsome. It’s better than what we sold before.”

Sister Yan paused while smoking the hookah, her big red lips parted slightly, "Really?"

It’s the first time I’ve seen a waiter praise the goods after reselling so many people, which piqued Sister Yan’s interest.

 “Let’s go, show me.”

She wanted to see how that man looked so that the waiter could praise him.


 After the waiter left, Sister Ying poured down a small portion of the food, making it look like she had eaten it.

As soon as they sat down, they heard the sound of "tapping" coming from the stair planks going up the stairs.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong looked at each other.

Jing Shirong calmly waved his hand to tell her not to panic.

The waiter walked ahead, knocked on the door a few times, and then opened the door and came in.

"Guests, you just said that the food is not delicious, so our landlady said to come over and have a look and listen to your opinions." Sister Yan walked in with a hookah in her hand and heavy makeup.

“Guys, which dish just made you dissatisfied?”

He was asking about the food, but his eyes were staring at Jing Shirong.

Sister Yan's eyes really lit up when she saw Jing Shirong's cold and charming face.

She glanced up and down at Jing Shirong as if looking at the goods. Seeing that his tendons were strong and his body and face were so good, she raised her big red lips with satisfaction.


Jing Shirong was looking at her nakedly, his eyebrows were displeased, but he ignored her and didn't even bother to say a word to her.

Seeing that he was so aloof, Sister Yan didn't even look at her, but instead aroused her interest.

She came over with heavy makeup and stretched out her hand to lift Jing Shirong's chin, but he dodged it.

 “Sister, respect yourself.”


“You, you, you, what did you call us Sister Yan?”

You know, Sister Yan hates people talking about her age.

Even a woman who is full of evildoers doesn’t like to be called eldest sister.

 This guy is so bold, he is looking for death.

Sure enough, Sister Yan’s heavily made-up face was pulled down by his “eldest sister” call.

 But the amazing thing is that instead of being angry, she was aroused to conquer.

The big red lips were raised. The more he looked at Jing Shirong, the more excited he became, and he even licked his lower lip.

Sister Ying.

 “Sister, this is my husband-in-law.”

  Don't look at her man like a prey in front of her, okay?

Sister Yan gave her a cold look and instantly felt that she was an eyesore.

She winked at the waiter and told him to get rid of these people and not delay her from seeing the man.

Sister Ying naturally cannot leave, Sister Yang and Gu Ye Laoshen are sitting there.

Jing Shirong paid no attention to her and didn't even look at her. He shook the wine glass with his slender fingers, wondering whether he wanted to drink or not.

Seeing that they were not leaving, Sister Yan lowered her head, breathed into Jing Shirong's ear with her big red lips, "Little brother, I have fine wine and food, why don't you come and sit in my room?"

Jing Shirong didn't like the rosy look on her body. He lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment. Finally, Xiexie raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Go to your place?"

 “What good stuff do you have there?”

Seeing that he was willing to pay attention to her, Sister Yan's mood improved. She smiled brightly and said, "There are many good things. As long as you ask for it, I will satisfy you."

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth like an old fox, "Okay, let's go and have a look?"

Sister Yan curled her red lips and winked at him coquettishly, "Please."

Jing Shirong stood up and told Sister Ying, "I'll come as soon as I go."

Sister Ying grabbed his sleeve and asked with her eyes, "Are you really going?"

This girl is not a good person at first glance, she is really bold.

Jing Shirong squeezed her little hand with his slender fingers and said with his eyes, "Don't worry, I'll go take a look."

 Since there is something fishy about this store, I have to go find out.

Especially this boss lady, she must have a lot of secrets hidden in her.

Sister Ying knew what he meant, but she had no choice but to let go, "Then you come back soon."

Before Jing Shirong could answer, Sister Yan rushed back to her, "If I'm tired, just sleep in the room for a while. I'll talk to your husband about something and I'll bring him back soon."

Sister Ying smiled softly, "Haha, thank you then."

 Thank you all my family.

Sister Yan

If it weren't for the fact that this man was good-looking, she wouldn't have so much patience.


 Take care of this woman later.

Thank you for your votes~



 (End of this chapter)

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