The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 562: , the scholar can be killed, but the hair cannot be lost.

Chapter 562: Scholars can be killed, but hair cannot be lost

Jing Shirong saw that she had understood, and remained silent, standing high on the top of the boat.

Sister Yan gave him a cold look, "So what if you come with me? Do you think I will catch you without mercy?"

Jing Shirong stood in the wind, like a master, "I won't catch you."

 Let the people sent by the imperial court handle her arrest. He is only responsible for bringing those people over to punish her.

Sister Yan heard another meaning and was moved.

 “You won’t arrest me? Why?”

Is it possible that you really fell in love with her?

 Or did you feel compassion for her?

Jing Shirong had his hands on his back and said nothing. Let Sister Yan not see through him.

 “Who are you, you say? Why are you so mysterious?”

 It is said that he is a member of the imperial court, but he does not look like it.

 After all, the fire was so big just now, and he was not seen saving anyone. He didn't care about the life or death of the innocent girls inside, so how could he be a member of the imperial court?

 But if he is not, then why has he been following her?

Out of curiosity, Sister Yan did not rush Jing Shirong off the boat.

Jing Shirong knew what she was thinking.

 He did not save those people because he knew Qi Yuanming would save them.

He just needs to keep an eye on this old woman and don't let her run away, and Qi Yuanming will follow.

 This may be the subconscious trust in Qi Yuanming.

 At this time, the cargo ship went all the way to the path.

 Looking at the direction, we should go to Sister Yan’s hiding place first, and then go to the north.

Jing Shirong followed on the top of the boat all the way.

 The people below were all watching him eagerly, fearing that he would suddenly attack.

 After arriving at the place, Sister Yan shouted to stop and went down to the shore to get her things.

Jing Shirong glanced around and saw a dilapidated earth temple nearby.

I saw Sister Yan walking all the way towards the Earth Temple. She stayed in the Earth Temple for a while and then took out a bag of things.

 It doesn’t take much thinking to know that there must be a lot of treasures hidden in that baggage.

 Then she continued to board the boat, taking the baggage herself and not giving it to anyone, which showed that she did not trust other people.

 The ship continued to go north.

Jing Shirong looked around and saw that she had not gone anywhere else, so she probably had all her things.

 He looked behind him, trying to estimate the speed at which Qi Yuanming was coming.

 If you don’t come over, this old woman will run away.

 Fortunately, after Qi Yuanming received his news, he immediately went to deliver the news to Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen.

Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen rushed over as soon as they heard that Sister Yan still had a huge amount of banknotes on her.

They arrested people just for the reason, but what they really wanted was the money from Sister Yan.

Seeing that the big ship was about to launch into the river, Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen arrived late.

 “Fire the arrow!”

 Since we are still some distance away from the big ship, we can only shoot arrows first.

Qi Yuanming thinks they are really stupid.

 The boat is swimming, so what is the use of shooting arrows? Won't people hide in the cabin?

Sure enough, as soon as the group heard the sound of arrows being fired, they immediately hid in the cabin and speeded up the boat.

In the end, Qi Yuanming rushed to the front gate and destroyed the bottom of the boat with a machete.

Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen also realized that firing arrows was useless, and immediately chased after them and destroyed the bottom of the boat.

 Sister Yan’s eyes with eye lines were slightly narrowed, and she was in a very bad mood.

 “Kill me!”

No matter who you are today, don’t try to stand in her way!

 Finally got so much money, as long as she goes to the north, she can find a mountain to become a king. How could she let these **** from the imperial court block her path to happiness?

 “Come on, there will be a heavy reward for killing me!”

When the group of men heard this, they immediately became energetic, waved their swords and rushed over to fight with Zhao Jie's men.

Sister Yan also took the opportunity to spread poisonous powder.

Jing Shirong watched from the top of the boat, took a bow and arrows, five in a row, and drew the bows together.

Five bows and arrows were aimed at the enemy, and flew out with a "咻!" sound, hitting five people at once.

The five people fell to the ground in response. Sister Yan turned around and found that it was Jing Shirong who did it, and she immediately became angry. "What do you mean!"

Doesn’t it mean that he is not from the imperial court?

Jing Shirong did not answer, but continued to take the bow and arrows, this time there were still five.

Sister Yan is showing off her skills. This stinky man is just pretending.

She angrily threw out the black whip soaked in poison and swung it towards Jing Shirong with all her strength.

Jing Shirong was very good at martial arts and avoided it by tapping his toes.

Sister Yan was unwilling to give in and rushed to the top of the boat to fight with him.

When Sister Ying and Sister Yang came over, they saw the place being mixed together from a distance.

The two sisters hid in the dark. Sister Ying took out the tickling powder and tied it to the crossbow.

 Aiming at Sister Yan’s knee, with a “whoosh” sound, he shot over.


Sister Yan was busy sparring with Jing Shirong, but she didn't expect that there were hidden arrows.

She looked around with angry eyes and menacingly, but found no one.

 “Who? Come out!”

How could Sister Ying come out? The cat continued in the grass and added another arrow at the right moment.

This time the shot missed, but the location was exposed.

"It's you?"

Sister Yan recognized her figure immediately and glared at Jing Shirong fiercely.

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust."

 After saying that, he picked up the poisonous whip and killed Sister Xiang Ying.

How could Sister Ying catch her? She dodged left and right very quickly with her Qinggong skills.

 She is usually weak and unable to take care of herself, but at critical moments, her explosive power is still very strong.

Even Sister Yan couldn't catch up with her in this skill, and she gasped in anger.

 “You little bitch, stop right here!”

Sister Ying quickly ran back to Jing Shirong, hugged his waist, exposed her little head, and challenged Sister Yan slightly, "Just stop when you tell me to stop? Why? Are you old?"

These words directly angered Sister Yan, and she shouted angrily.

"you shut up!"

She hates people talking about her age the most. She is only forty years old, how can she be that old. "

However, Sister Ying deliberately provoked her, "You look older than my grandmother. Your skin is almost falling off the ground. You don't want to talk about it."

Sister Yan's eyes were red with anger, "I'll kill you!"

 She came over in anger, but was blocked by Jing Shirong.

 He will use it when he doesn't take action. Once he does, his internal power is extremely strong.

With strong internal force in his palm, he punched out like a burst, knocking Sister Yan off the boat and vomiting black blood.

  Guben had given her poison, but now she was hit and became so angry that the poison took effect immediately.

Sister Yan wanted to stand up angrily, but found that her whole body was weak and her hands were covered with spots.

 “What is this? What have you done to me?”

Sister Ying blinked at her and said, "It's nothing. I just gave you a little poison that will make your hair fall."

 “What? Hair loss?”

Sister Yan's eyes suddenly widened and she gritted her teeth angrily, "Bitch! I'll kill you."

 She got up, but fell down again. It can be seen that the poison is extremely volatile.

Jing Shirong took the opportunity to tell her, "If you want to avoid losing your hair, you should cooperate with the people in the court and reveal all the evil things you have done over the years. Otherwise, even if you die, you will still be bald."

 For a vicious female devil, a scholar can be killed but cannot be humiliated.

 She can die, but she cannot be hairless.

Jing Shirong did not rush her and waited quietly for her answer.

 After waiting for a while, Sister Yan said with a look of hatred, "Okay, I'll say it. But you have to give me the antidote."

Qi Yuanming came over at this time and snorted, "I'll give you the antidote when you finish talking. Or I'll give you half the antidote after you tell me half of it. Otherwise, do you think we are stupid?"

 (End of this chapter)

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