Chapter 569: Couple playing around

Jing Shirong raised his head and glanced at her secretly. Seeing that she really didn't care about him, she actually started to pull the rope from her clothes? Then he turned around with his face burning.

 He is not that mean after all, he went out with red ears.

Sister Ying saw him leaving with a blushing face, and raised the corners of her mouth slyly, "Young man."

You are so thin-skinned, why do you still want to take a bath with her?

 It’s pretty much the same after recovering my memory.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes when he heard her complaining in the room.

He turned back, looked at the bathing room, finally went to the closet to get his pajamas and sweat towel, and strode in.

Sister Ying unexpectedly came in again and said with shame, "Why are you here again? Can't you wait for me for a while?"

 She originally wanted to ask Sister Yang to come in and rub her back together.

Jing Shirong came over with a sweat towel and said, "Let me rub it for you."

Sister Ying.

Looking at the joking look on his face, why do you feel that he has evil intentions and is deliberately trying to trouble her?

  “No, my back is not dirty, I can just wash it off.”

Jingshi raised the corner of her mouth in a joking manner, "What's the matter? Thanks to you for taking care of me all the way, I'll give you a rub on your back.

 After saying that, he picked up the bath towel and started to rub her back vigorously.

Sister Ying.

 Hmm, don’t be so strong!

Also, where did this bath towel come from? Why is it so rough, the skin is about to be rubbed off!

Jing Shirong grinned when he saw her in pain. He held back a smile, took her arm, moved it from her back, and began to rub her arm vigorously.

Sister Ying said "I'll go" and was treated like a jerk. She was rubbed all over and finally couldn't bear it anymore. "Okay, okay, I know I was wrong. I won't fight you anymore. Let go, my skin is about to break." ”

The skin was already thin and tender, but after he rubbed it like this, it was probably all red.

Jing Shirong originally wanted to take revenge on her.

Who makes her always angry with herself.

Now that she is begging for mercy, let her be spared.

Sister Ying raised her arm and took a look, and sure enough, it was all red.

  Although the skin is not broken, it is still choking.

She angrily picked up a hand of hot water and threw it on his face.

 “I told you to bully me!”

One handful was not enough, so I poured several handfuls in succession.


Seeing Jing Shirong being splashed into a drowned rat, the bath water dripped from his head, and he looked extremely miserable.

Sister Ying smiled "hahaha", which was very enjoyable.

  "I told you to bully me, but you are not allowed to bully me in the future."

Jing Shirong saw that her face was powdered, her big eyes were full of smiles, her anger was extinguished in an instant, she snorted and said nothing.

Sister Ying thought he would leave angry. Unexpectedly, the person suddenly turned around, picked up the water in the pool, and splashed it on her face.

 “Wow, you!”

What a big bad guy, he actually splashed on her.

Jing Shirong continued to splash like a childish ghost, with a smile on his stern face.

Sister Ying responded in return, holding up water with her two little hands, and had a great time playing with him.

 It wasn’t until they were tired from playing that the two of them stopped to take a breath.

Sister Ying took a breath and looked at him with her big eyes.

Jing Shirong looked at her, and they looked directly at each other.

 Under the warm sunshine of the lamp, the two of them had affection in their hearts and moved closer to each other.

Just when they were about to kiss, Sister Yang shouted outside the door.

“Sister, the food is here, come out and eat it quickly.”

 Seng Geer and the others have brought back a lot of delicious food.

Sister Ying coughed and came to her senses, "What about that? I've washed it, you can wash it too."

 After saying that, he quickly put on his clothes and went out.

Jing Shirong saw her running away, her ears were red, and her handsome face was slightly shy.

Sister Ying went to change her clothes first, and then wiped her hair.

 Finally, he secretly lay down by the door of the back room and peeked in to see if he had washed himself.

Jing Shirong moved his ears, knowing that she was peeking.

 Deliberately joking, "If you want to see it, come in and take a look."

 Since we are husband and wife, there is no need to be secretive. He was so straightforward, but Sister Ying felt shy and hummed.

 “Who wants to see you.”

 After saying that, he went out shyly.

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth, looked at her fleeing back, and smiled.

 When he came out after washing, everyone had already begun to eat in the main room.

 The meal in the evening was very rich.

As soon as Seng Geer went to the delivery inn, the steward heard that he was coming and immediately prepared many delicious dishes for him to bring back.

Sister Yang has not eaten Jiangnan food for a long time. Now there are so many on the table, she is so greedy that she takes a bite of each one.

 “Well, it’s delicious.”

This sweet and sour pork is her favorite, and she never gets tired of it no matter how much she eats it.

Qi Yuanming also immersed himself in eating, and the food was delicious.

 Although Brother Sen was also greedy, he ate very gracefully.

In ancient times, I also tasted wine and ate snacks, which was very pleasant.

Sister Ying even took a big bowl and ate white rice with meat and vegetables, which was not too fragrant.

They ate mostly dry food along the way and almost vomited.

There will be freshly steamed rice and freshly fried meat and vegetables, which are perfect for rice.

Jing Shirong came over and sat down with them to eat together.

   Gu poured him a glass of wine, "Drink something?"


 Qi Yuanming muttered to Brother Sen, "We want it too."

 The four of us don’t usually drink much, but we are good at wine.

On a good and stable day like this, everyone is in a good mood and drinks a drink together.

Sister Ying also said, "Pour me a glass."

 She is happy today and she wants to drink it too.

Sister Yang followed suit, "I want it too."

 But everyone said in unison, "You drink chicken soup."

 What should children drink?

Sister Yang was unconvinced and said, "I'm about to have haircuts. I'm an adult now. Why can't I drink?"

Sister Ying pointed her finger at her forehead, "You said it quickly, but you haven't even finished haircut yet. Why are you so anxious?"

 If you don’t have haircuts, you are not an adult. If you want to drink, there is no way.

Sister Yang pursed her lips, angrily, and said fiercely to Qi Yuanming, "I want to drink!"

How dare Qi Yuanming give her a drink? He wouldn't dare to sit here with his eldest sister.

Seeing his lack of enthusiasm, Sister Yang snorted, "It's a shame that I expect you to protect me, you're a piece of shit."

 If a eldest sister is afraid, how can I protect her in the future?

Qi Yuanming shrank his neck and whispered in her ear, "Your eldest sister is just like your mother, a tigress. I don't dare to offend her."

  Even though this mother and daughter are beautiful, they are very scary when they are fierce, even more scary than his mother. He does not dare to rebel.

Sister Yang was not convinced at first, but when she saw him complaining like this, she immediately laughed.

 “What did you say?”

“My mother and my eldest sister are not tigresses, we are just paper tigers.”

Qi Yuanming chuckled and whispered, "If you're not afraid, then go against her."


Sister Yang murmured, how dare you.

 Normally, no matter how old or young she is, Sister Ying indulges her and dotes on her.

 Sister Ying will definitely not let her get used to something that is really impossible to do.

  After all, I was taught this when I was a child, and the deterrent effect on my sister is still vivid in my mind, so I might as well forget it.

Qi Yuanming saw her wilting and chuckled inwardly, but with a serious look on his face, he stood by her side.

“Don’t worry, when you reach the age of hair extensions, I will definitely drink with you to your heart’s content, and you won’t come home until you’re drunk.”

  Good night babies~



 (End of this chapter)

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