Chapter 593: Do you want to have a baby?

If you are adapted to palace fighting, you can survive in the capital smoothly and fight with wits and courage.

 But neither she nor Jing Shirong liked these intrigues, but they had to become stronger in the enemy camp.

 No wonder he said a few years ago that when he was able in the future, he would take her back to the south of the Yangtze River, and the whole family would go fishing in the south of the Yangtze River and enjoy the moon together.

 It turns out that he doesn't like these court disputes either.

But I can’t leave now.

Chat disputes cannot be withdrawn if he wants to. He has to wait for the opportunity.

Especially now that the Queen wants to harm him. If this hidden danger is not eliminated, the Jing family will not be able to live in peace.

Sister Ying frowned and said, "But the queen is a member of the royal family after all, the queen of a country. It's not easy to deal with her, isn't it?"

 After all, she is the queen of a country. How can she be easily touched? Wouldn't that be a challenge to the majesty of the royal family?

Jing Shirong is naturally not that stupid.

 He touched Sister Ying's cheek flesh to reassure her, "I won't do anything stupid."

 But it is impossible to let him sit still and wait for death.

The queen wanted to use Jing's family to threaten him, asking him to lower his head and bend down a little when he saw her and the second prince in the future, and not to try to deal with them and their son.

Jing Shirong never thought about dealing with mother and son.

 It was always the queen who made things difficult for him.

Sister Ying asked, "But she is the king and you are the minister. How do you want to solve this matter?"

With the monarch-minister system alone, it is not easy to pull down people in high positions.

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth coldly, "I don't know whether it will be easy for others, but I have never failed in what I want to do."

 Having said that, I got up first and started getting dressed.

Sister Ying also came down, came to him and asked him, "What do you want to do? You have to tell me everything, right?"

 She will be able to find a way to deal with emergencies when the time comes.

Jing Shirong paused while adjusting his collar, "Aren't you afraid?"

Sister Ying stretched out her hand to help him adjust his collar and looked up at him, "What are you afraid of?"

Jing Shirong was surprised, "That's the queen. If the second prince succeeds to the throne one day and finds out that I harmed his mother, he will definitely behead our whole family in public. Aren't you afraid?"

Sister Ying tied the belt for him and shook her head, "It's useless to be afraid."

 “You are my man, I will always be with you.”

Even if she doesn't join him, she can't run away from the house raid.

Jing Shirong laughed angrily, "My wife will try to persuade her husband when she sees that she wants to do something wrong. Why don't you try to persuade me?"

Sister Ying grinned and said, "Why should I advise you? It's the Queen who is wrong."

He was so painful when he was poisoned that he almost died, so it was normal for him to stumble the queen.

 She is not the Virgin, and she can't bear it when people bully her man.

Jing Shirong loved her clear love-hate attitude, so he lowered his head and kissed her forehead and asked her to wait at home.

“Don’t wait for me tonight, I’m not sure how soon I’ll be back.”

Sister Ying hummed and asked him, "Then can I go to the main courtyard to find my mother?"

Since the emperor and others know that Jing Shirong is back and the poisoning has been investigated, they should be able to go back to the main courtyard to find Jing.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay. If you're bored, go over and check on your sister-in-law. Last night, my mother said she was pregnant, so you should just go and take care of her."

Sister Ying was stunned, "Are you pregnant?"

Wang Fangning came in later than her. She had never heard from her mother-in-law that Wang Fangning was pregnant before. She didn't expect that she would be pregnant in the blink of an eye. It was quite fast.

Jing Shirong said, "She is already too late, but my mother is very happy. I went over last night and saw her giving children's clothes to her siblings."

Sister Ying glared at him tenderly, feeling sour in her heart.

 “Are you deliberately irritating me?”

Originally, Jingshi hurt her the most, and now she personally dresses Wang Fangning in person, isn't it sad?

 No wonder Jing didn't send any more letters in the past few days. It turned out that he was busy taking care of his younger siblings.

Jing Shirong saw the aggrieved look on her lips, lifted her chin, and said coaxingly, "Otherwise, you can also give mother a grandson. Then she will naturally love you the most." Sister Ying sniffed. He reacted, "Good guy, are you waiting for me here?"

 She just said, why was he so enthusiastic last night?

 Still so proactive.

 Normally he doesn't take the initiative, she mostly seduces him.

 But last night he not only took the initiative, but also used a beauty trick, which shows that this guy has been waiting for this for a long time.

“Say. Do you also want a child?”

Perhaps seeing Jing's happy face made her feel sad, right?

 This guy should be more sad than her.

  They had not thought of having a child so early before. Mrs. Jing understood and did not rush them.

 So the couple thought that Mr. Jing would not be sad.

 But after seeing that Mr. Jing was so happy to have a grandson, as a son, he would feel a little sad and feel sorry for Mr. Jing.

Sister Ying is also a little guilty.

 Although the child is not born for anyone, if the elders are particularly good, they will feel a little guilty.

Jing Shirong touched her chin and asked her, "Are you alive?"

Sister Ying coughed and said, "I have to give birth, but is it okay to give birth now?"

Just when you are about to have a battle of wits and courage with the queen, you have a baby? Aren't you going to be useless at all times?

Jing Shirong shook his head and revealed to her in a low voice, "The third princess is also pregnant. She said that she had a severe reaction to happiness and was afraid that she would not be able to continue her position. She wanted to recommend me to go there."

 It’s a good time to stay away from the court and take the children to play at the border.

Sister Ying smiled warmly when she saw that he had made all the arrangements.

 “Okay, let’s have one.”

But I don’t know whether I can get pregnant so quickly, so just let nature take its course.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, "Well, just let nature take its course."

 He actually liked this woman more than the child.

But he won’t say this.

 Actually, Sister Ying really likes children.

Having just gotten married a year ago, she really didn’t want to have a baby so soon.

Now that her relationship with Jing Shirong is stable and her finances are stable, it is relatively mature to have a child at this time.

Jing Shirong got dressed and was about to go out, "Just stay at home and don't run around. If you're bored, go to the hospital to sit with your siblings."

Sister Ying hummed, "I understand."

 Since Wang Fangning is pregnant, she should also go and take a look.

By the way, I will take Sister Yang to check her pulse and prescribe some medicine to repair the fetus.

When Sister Yang heard that Wang Fangning was pregnant, she was also very envious.

Looking at her with big eyes, "Sister, Sister Wang is pregnant, why aren't you pregnant yet?" She also wanted to be hugged by her nephew.

Sister Ying tapped her forehead and said, "Can't you tell that besides pouring medicinal ingredients, you also like children?"

“Then why don’t I see you playing with our neighbor’s children?”

  When this girl saw the children on the street, she looked arrogant and didn't like to play with those children. Now she's become indifferent now?

Sister Yang smiled and said, "I don't like playing with other people's children. Does that mean I don't play with yours?"

The biological sister gave birth to her sweet baby, of course she liked it.

Sister Ying was really impressed by her. She gave her a gift and told her, "Okay, come on over. I talk too much."

They went to the main courtyard together, and Jing was about to enter the palace.

 “Mother? Are you going to the palace?”

Jing had not seen her for a long time, so he felt strange when he saw her. He took her hand and looked up and down.


It’s almost Mid-Autumn Festival, have your mooncakes arrived? (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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