Chapter 60, Liang Qing and Wu Laosi?


As long as you don’t have to do homework, just recite the Three-Character Sutra.

Mrs. Liang was satisfied when she saw that her boss was not happy but did not run away.

Then you read to your grandmother, "In the beginning, human nature is inherently good."

Sister Ying, "Human spider, human nature is an egg."

 He is not yet two years old, and he can just speak three words and three words.

Mrs. Liang didn’t worry too much. She knew she was still young and just let her get familiar with it first. It wouldn’t be too difficult.

Liang Qing listened on the sidelines and felt that he had been here like this when he was a child. Time passed so fast.

 After Sister Ying finished reciting the Three Character Sutra, she ran out to play.

The relatives of the Liang family next door also happened to be here.

“Third brother and sister, are you at home?”

The person speaking is the sister-in-law of Sister Ying's son's grandfather, known as the Second Sister-in-law Liang.

Mrs. Liang heard the sound and came out to see.

“Second sister-in-law? Why are you here free?”

Sister-in-law Liang smiled and said, "Hey, haven't I seen you for a long time? I have free time today, so I'll come to your house to sit."

Mrs. Liang knew that she would not go to the Three Treasures Hall if she had nothing to do. The other party must have something to do, so she said, "Long time no see, what have you been busy with?"

Second Sister-in-law Liang replied, "I'm not at home looking after the shop."

Her three sons are all married, and her grandchildren are all taken care of by their daughters-in-law. She only needs to look after the shop and take care of the money.

The main reason I came here this time was to tell Liang Qing about her marriage.

Mrs. Liang knew something was going to happen, so she asked, "Which family is my sister-in-law talking about?"

Sister-in-law Liang whispered, "It's the Zhang family at the end of our town. Their family is in the fish and meat ball business. Don't you often go to their house to buy fish and meat balls?"

Mrs. Liang recalled, "The Zhang family of fish meatballs? I remember that his son is already engaged to someone else, right?"

Sister-in-law Liang Er said to her, "It was agreed before. The girl behind was said to be sick, so the marriage was called off. The girl took the initiative to cancel the engagement, otherwise the matter wouldn't have been called off."

Mrs. Liang was not very satisfied after hearing this.

“Her son is a ball maker, and we, Liang Qing, can’t carry him with our hands, so I’m afraid it won’t be appropriate.”

 She wanted to marry her daughter so that she could enjoy happiness, but she didn’t want Liang Qing to marry her and get up early and go to midnight to catch fish balls.

After hearing this, Sister-in-law Liang simply changed to another one, "What do you think about the Orange Tree family? He is an only child and has 300 acres of land. In the future, when the old couple leaves, everything will belong to Sister Qing and the others." "

Old Mrs. Liang shook her head, "That old couple loves their son as much as anything. If my sister Qing marries her, she will be scolded to death by that old couple if anything goes wrong."

Second sister-in-law Liang was not satisfied when she saw her, and said, "What do you think of my natal nephew? My natal nephew is a talented person and has a wealthy family. Moreover, he is the eldest son in the family. If Sister Qing marries her, she will become the eldest daughter-in-law directly." ”

 Nowadays, the status of the eldest daughter-in-law is also higher, so there is no need to look at the face of the sister-in-law.

 But Mrs. Liang was not very happy.

This nephew of Liang's second sister-in-law seems to have little fame.

Moreover, the other party’s family has six sons. In the future, so many sisters-in-law will live together, and they will definitely cause trouble and die.

She waved her hand and said politely, "Besides, there have been too many introductions to people these days. I'll discuss it with my wife first, and I'll trouble my sister-in-law to make this trip."

Second sister-in-law Liang saw that she was not very satisfied, so she didn’t say anything and got up to go back.

“Brother and sister, please think about it. If you want to see my nephew, I can ask him to come and check on you.”

 Old Mrs. Liang waved her hand, "Don't be in a hurry, there are too many introduced these days, let me pick more."

After hearing this, Sister-in-law Liang had no reason to refute, so she had no choice but to go back.

 “Okay, I’ll go back first.”

When Mrs. Wu came back, she met Liang Ersao who was about to go back. She nodded and said hello to her before entering.

 When Mrs. Liang saw her coming back, she asked her to prepare lunch. During lunch, Mrs. Wu held Sister Ying in her arms and asked Mrs. Liang, "What are you doing here?"

Old Mrs. Liang ate a chopstick of green vegetables and said, "Nothing. I told Sister Qing that the matchmaker was here. I was not satisfied, so I asked her to go back."

After hearing this, Mr. Wu also felt that those people were not suitable. Then he comforted her, "It's okay, just look for it slowly, there will always be a suitable one."

 Liang Qing hesitated for a while and spoke on his own.

 “Mom, I think my sister-in-law’s younger brother is pretty good.” This refers to Wu Laosi.

Mrs. Liang glanced at her in surprise, "Who are you talking about?"

Liang Qing replied shyly, "I said Wu Laosi."

Last time she went to the Wu family as a guest, she accidentally looked at each other and was amazed.

She usually doesn’t go out very often, and even when she does go out, she only hangs out with women and can’t see other men at all.

 That time when I went to the countryside, when I entered the house, I happened to see Wu Laosi coming from the corridor.

The two looked at each other and nodded to each other. Liang Qing was shocked and her face turned red instantly.

She knew that Mrs. Wu was beautiful, but she didn’t expect Mr. Wu to be so good-looking.

Her brother is also a good-looking man, but compared to his brother, Wu Laosi's Qingjun is even more charming.

From then on, when she was embroidering, she would always think of Wu Laosi's face, as if she was shyly in love.

Especially in the past few days, matchmakers have been coming to talk to each other. Liang Qing was worried that her mother would betroth her to someone else, so she simply used this stall to tell her the truth, lest her mother would be too late to betroth her to someone else.

Mrs. Liang never expected that Yaonv, who had always been shy, would tell her about the marriage on her own, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Even Mrs. Wu didn’t expect that her sister-in-law would fall in love with her brother?

But think about it, her fourth brother is handsome, has a gentle temper, and has good parents. Liang Qing is not too beautiful to marry.

 In the past, Mrs. Liang would not have thought of this.

 But now that Liang Qing mentioned it, she also thought seriously about Wu Laosi.

 In fact, apart from being from the countryside, the Wu family has no shortcomings.

 The old couple of the Wu family are a kind-hearted couple who are well-controlled in their advancement and retreat.

 In addition, Mr. Wu is also a very upright person and is not someone who would bully his younger brother.

Furthermore, Wu Laosi himself is handsome, and now he is also a scholar. When his daughter gets married, he doesn't have to do any work and can just enjoy happiness at home.

Thinking about it this way, the Wu family is really good.

In the future, if Wu Laosi gets the second place or the top prize in the exam, then her daughter will also be an official's wife.

Moreover, the Wu family and his wife are not people who would bully their daughter-in-law, which Mrs. Wu is very satisfied with.

 So she nodded with satisfaction and looked back at Mrs. Wu.

 Ask her, "What do you think about this?"

Wu Shi said "Huh?", obviously he hadn't thought about it.


 It’s not that she is unwilling, it’s mainly that she hasn’t thought about it and is still a little confused.

Sister Ying’s eyes widened and she thought this was a very good thing.

Her little aunt is kind-hearted, and her grandmother has a good personality. If this couple can form a family, it won't be perfect.

Mrs. Wu used her brain and imagined the scene of her sister-in-law marrying into her natal family.

 The sister-in-law is shy and filial.

She was also afraid that Wu Laosi would make her parents angry to death if she married a bad wife.

 But if she had been married as a sister-in-law, this would definitely not have happened.

 So this marriage is actually quite perfect.

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 (End of this chapter)

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