The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 601: , no right to choose a concubine

Chapter 601: No right to choose a concubine

 The Queen glanced coldly at Jing in the crowd, and when she saw her looking at her, the corners of her lips raised proudly.

She knew what Jing was thinking, but she wanted to hang her up and make her worry because her son was always against her!

Jing Shirong thought she was easy to bully if he didn't show her some affection at night.

Jing didn’t know what the queen wanted to do.

Ever since she found out that her son's poison was caused by the Queen, Mrs. Jing was extremely disgusted with the Queen and wished she could avenge her precious son.

But she is not stupid. She knows that the queen cannot be killed and can only wait and see what happens.

Didn’t the Queen want to see her worried expression?

 She doesn’t!

As long as she is not in a hurry, it is the queen who should be in a hurry.

Whoever is unable to sit down first will naturally make the first move.

 And the queen is also watching her reaction.

The two looked at each other quietly for a moment, until the fifth prince broke in, and the queen had no time to look here.

 “Why did you come in?”

There are all female relatives here, how does it look like for him, a grown man, to barge in so boldly?

 The fifth prince only found out today that the queen was going to choose a princess for him.

 He usually plays outside the palace and doesn't care about the affairs inside the palace, so naturally he doesn't know about this.

 It was only when I entered the palace at noon that I couldn't find the queen, so I was told that the queen had come to Lingxiu Villa.

  She came as soon as she came, and brought a group of ministers’ daughters with her, typically to choose concubines for him.

The fifth prince was furious, "Mother, my son and I didn't say that I wanted to marry the prince's concubine. Why didn't you warn me about such a big matter?"

 At least you should ask his opinion first when choosing a wife for him.

The queen looked at him with a look of disdain and said, "This is none of your business, go back to your mansion."

The fifth prince was unwilling and said angrily, "Why don't I have anything to do with you? You are looking for a concubine for me, shouldn't I be allowed to choose it myself?"

 Why is there nothing else?

 It’s not like his mother married a daughter-in-law.

The queen took a deep breath, fearing that she would quarrel with this scoundrel in front of everyone.

“If you want to sit with us for a while and listen to music, just sit quietly.”

"If you dare to speak nonsense, don't blame me for being rude."

 The last sentence was said through gritted teeth, but the voice was very low for fear of being heard.

The fifth prince saw her fierce face and shrank his nose in fear, "I know, I know."

 “My son and ministers are just sitting there.”

 After all, he was afraid of being beaten. He who knows the current affairs is a handsome man and sat down.

 The other ladies saw that the fifth prince was quite handsome, and they glanced at him shyly.

The fifth prince sat on it and glanced at the rich ladies below. He felt that their appearance was a bit too ordinary, not good-looking at all, and not as good as his sweet lady.

He met that pretty girl when he was on a boat trip.

That little girl was as beautiful as a tofu Xi Tzu, and she was so pretty that it touched his heart.

However, his mother refused to let him marry her, otherwise the girl would have been his long ago.

However, if you can’t marry, how can you accept it?

 That’s why he came today.

The fifth prince quietly approached the queen and said, "Mother, do you still remember the sweet lady I told you last time? I really like her, so why don't you help me accept her?"

The queen glared at him, "Do you think you can take a concubine casually?"

  Ordinary people can carry a concubine in any sedan chair.

 But when a prince takes a concubine, he also pays attention to the girl's status. Not just any ordinary girl can be admitted.

The fifth prince ignored him and begged softly, "I let you choose the main concubine, but I should let me choose the concubine, right?"

After all, he is marrying a wife, so can't he be allowed to choose the one he likes?

The queen glared at him angrily, and the more she looked at him, the more upset she became.

But she couldn't quarrel with him in front of all the female relatives, so she could only let him come over and tell him in a low voice, "You don't even have a choice as a concubine or a side concubine." "If you really like that fisher girl, take her home and become a concubine. A roommate or a maid, don’t even think about the rest.”

The fifth prince was unconvinced, "Why? I can't choose the main concubine, nor can I choose the side concubine?"

 Are they biological?

The queen was too lazy to argue with him and stabbed him, "If you have the ability, let alone the concubine, I will let you choose the main concubine yourself, but do you have it?"

"Your second brother is so capable, I have to make the decision as to the concubine. You have no skills at all, how dare you choose your own concubine?" What about your face?

 The fifth prince felt guilty, "Me."

Well, he really doesn’t have much ability.

“Can I take that girl back with you?”

The queen glanced at the pairs of eyes below that were staring at them, and whispered, "Don't take her back yet. The main wife hasn't even passed the door yet, and you are playing around with women outside. Be careful to make your in-laws annoy you."

The fifth prince disagreed, "He's just a roommate, what's there to be jealous about? He's so small-minded?"

The queen glared at him, "Just do as you are told. Why do you talk so much?"

 The fifth prince did not dare to disobey her, so he could only keep silent.

When the ladies in the audience saw this, they looked at their mother with puzzled faces and whispered, "Mother, what are the fifth princes talking to the queen?"

The ladies told her to be silent, "Don't ask here, talk about it when you get back."

Although the rich ladies were curious, they were too reserved to ask any more questions.

 After a while, the queen let the fifth prince leave so that the ladies would not feel uncomfortable.

"Are the children hungry? I asked the kitchen to prepare some copper pots to cook, and we will prepare some mutton-boiled meat later."

It happened that the girls were also hungry, so they stood up and thanked her.

 The queen saw that they were gentle and polite, and nodded with satisfaction.

 Soon the copper pot came up.

 Because of the heat from the copper pot, the temperature in the room suddenly rose.

Jing suddenly felt a little hot and even felt a little dizzy.

 She didn't drink the wine on the table just now, nor did she drink tea, nor did she eat anything. Logically speaking, she shouldn't be dizzy.

She smelled the smell of burning copper pots in the house and wondered if she was dizzy because of body heat.

 She slapped her cheek with her hand, and her face was indeed a little hot.

 My head is also a little heavy, and I feel tired all of a sudden.

Jing felt something was not good, so she stood up and reported back, "Go back to your Majesty, I'm a little dizzy. Can you go back and rest first?"

 She felt like she was going to faint if she didn't leave.

The Queen was waiting for her to make this move, and she twitched her lips with satisfaction, "Go ahead."

Jing quickly went down, and the palace maid supported her.

 Originally, she brought a female secret guard with her when she entered the palace, but the queen used the excuse that the villa was a small place and did not allow the maids to follow her. She only asked the maids to serve her, so all the ladies called the maids back.

Upon seeing this, Jing had to let the secret guard leave first.

At this moment, the palace maid supported her and led her all the way to the pavilion in the lake.

Jing was top-heavy and half-conscious. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was going in the wrong direction.

 “Where are you taking me?”

The palace maid didn't answer, but pulled her arm hard and walked to the center of the lake.

Jing's head was dizzy, and she vaguely knew what she wanted to do, but she didn't have the strength to struggle.

She obviously didn't drink any water or eat anything, so why was she still dizzy?

Before she could think of the reason, the palace maid had already grabbed her hand and was about to pull her into the cold lake.

 “Madam, I’m offended.”

 Having said that, he was about to push her down.

 (End of this chapter)

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