The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 603: , the emperor’s connivance

 Chapter 603, The Emperor’s Connivance

 In recent years, the Jing family’s performance in the court has been remarkable.

They are neither partisan nor do they engage in small tricks. They have been working diligently and providing him with money and efforts. They can be regarded as his capable ministers.

Even if Jing Shirong cultivated a small power of his own behind his back, the emperor could still turn a blind eye.

After all, as long as the Jing family is in the capital, Jing Shirong will not draw a sword against him.

As long as they can get along happily, Jing Shirong will continue to work for him.

Who would have thought that the Queen, a fool, would do stupid things over and over again!

Even if she secretly colluded with Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen, this time she also dealt with the Jing family, which is beyond stupid!

The **** in charge saw that he was angry and did not dare to make any random comments. He only whispered a word of advice, "Your Majesty, calm down and take care of yourself."

The emperor snorted angrily and threw the book away.

“The queen has become more and more stupid over the years, and she uses all kinds of unscrupulous methods. The key is that her hands and feet are not clean. She is simply an idiot!”

  She thinks she is smart, but she doesn’t know that all the stupid things she does are seen by others.

  Everybody just turned a blind eye because she was the queen.

 She really offended everyone, and she didn't have a good life either.

The **** in charge asked in a low voice, "Since it was the Queen who poisoned Mrs. Jing, why did Mr. Jing ask you for the antidote?"

 Shouldn’t it be from the Queen?

The emperor looked outside the palace with shrewd eyes and snorted coldly, "That boy is so smart that he is frightening. He must have doubted me."

The **** in charge didn't understand this very well. He looked at the emperor and didn't dare to ask.

The emperor was not afraid that he would know, and said to himself, "When the queen poisoned him, I knew about it, but I didn't stop it. Do you know why?"

How could the **** in charge know what he was thinking? He shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The emperor turned the ring on his hand and snorted softly, "It's my fault that I was distracted for a while."

 Originally, he thought that Jing Shirong was a good seedling, so he focused on cultivating it.

When he was assigned to do things later, he did an excellent job indeed.

 Among the experienced officials in the imperial court, none of them did a better job than him.

At that time, the emperor was also very satisfied and felt that he had chosen the right person and had a good vision.

 Later on, Jing Shirong lost her immaturity, became mature, and became more and more capable.

 I don’t know why, but the things he does are obviously becoming more and more perfect, which almost makes him worry-free.

 But something went wrong for him, and suddenly he felt that he was too powerful and might be a threat to him.

If one day, this kid turns his cleverness on him, something serious will happen.

 So when the queen poisoned him, he was fascinated for a moment, opened his eyes and watched, but didn't care.

 He knew that the duration of Nymphaeum was three years.

 In three years, Jing Shirong has been able to do many important things for him.

As long as all the difficult things are solved, even if he dies, it won’t be a big loss to him.

 Because of this idea, he didn't care about it.

Unexpectedly, Jing Shirong was lucky enough to survive.

Even though all his memories have not been restored, his intelligence has not been lost along with his amnesia. It is really amazing.

It can be seen that it is not easy for smart people to harm him.

Jing Shirong was at the window of the Imperial Study Room. When he heard the emperor's self-narration, he twitched the corner of Bo Liang's mouth. All the doubts in his heart had been answered.

In fact, before he even entered Beijing, he already suspected that this matter had something to do with the emperor.

However, he did not alert the snake, nor did he intend to go against the emperor so early, so he did not pursue him and question him.

The reason why he and the emperor broke this layer of paper at night was mainly because the queen was getting more and more excessive, and the emperor was afraid that he would not be able to help but take action if he didn't care anymore.

The emperor understood what he meant and had no intention of breaking up with him so quickly. He asked the **** in charge to say, "Go down and ask the queen and others to restrain themselves. Don't make me angry!"


 The **** in charge hurriedly went to give instructions.

At this time, the personal **** came in, poured hot tea for the emperor, and said, "It's late at night, does your majesty want to rest?"

The emperor shook his head and said, "Wait a moment." Over there at the border, the third princess said that she was very pregnant and could not guard her and asked him to select a few more young and promising generals. The emperor is worried about this matter.

The personal **** didn't know who he wanted to go, and didn't dare to ask.

The emperor thought for himself and said, "Originally, I planned to let Cao Ping and his son go."

 But General Cao is nearly sixty years old and his physical strength is not as good as before.

His son is young and strong, but not very smart.

As for the other newly promoted juniors, none of them can compare with the third princess.

 I didn’t think so in the past, but now after choosing again and again, I found that the third princess is actually the most suitable person to be at the border.

 She has a lot of experience.

 Secondly, the girl's IQ matched his. She was smart, bold, and strategic. She was a good material to be a general.

 He had been forcing her to get married and have children before, but now that she actually got married and had children, he couldn't find a replacement.

 The personal **** whispered, "How about choosing one of the princes?"

 After all, guarding the border is a big deal. You can't just choose anyone to go there.

 The emperor sat down, twirled his fingers, and sighed.

“I know how much my sons weigh.”

Those princes looked majestic in appearance, but in reality they were all embroidered pillows, and none of them could compare to the third princess.

 At that time, he disliked the fact that the third princess was a daughter.

Now that I think about it, apart from being a girl, she is better than the princes in everything.

If that girl is a prince, she will probably be the first to be selected for the heir apparent in the future.

It's a pity that the girl is pregnant now, so it's impossible not to send someone over.

 The military camp needs a strong person to manage it.

 If it is not managed well, it will definitely lead to chaos.

  As for this strong man, he didn’t have a good candidate at the moment.

 The personal **** originally wanted to say, "Master Jing and Master Qi are good candidates."

 But seeing the emperor's defensive look on Jing Shirong, the personal **** did not dare to say anything.

 The emperor knew what the old man was thinking and snorted.

"I do everything to those two brats. I don't know why I thought I couldn't do without them."

The personal **** said in his heart, it’s not that we can’t live without him, he really can’t live without us.

 In recent years, the emperor has also recruited many talented people and military officers.

 But there is only one academic master in a thousand people.

The emperor can meet a top-notch person like Jing Shirong, and it would be extremely difficult to find another one who is exactly the same.

 Including Qi Yuanming who is also very good.

 The two of them work together like a tiger with even more wings.

 Why doesn’t the emperor know their abilities?

 But I don’t want to rely on them for everything.

 Lest those two boys get into trouble with their noses.

The personal **** whispered, "I remember that when Mr. Jing and Mr. Qi were young, you took them riding horses. What a good relationship the three of you had at that time."

The emperor was also a man of literary and military ability. When he saw Jing and Qi Yuanming, he was particularly fond of these two boys, so his relatives went to the racecourse to race horses with them.

At that time, Qi Yuanming's admiring look made him very happy and felt that he was really a strong man.

 I especially like to take those two boys to hunting grounds.

National Day is coming again~



 (End of this chapter)

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