The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 610: , mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talk

Chapter 610, Conversation between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

 “Don’t worry, I will pay extra attention next time.”

This time it was mainly because she was careless, thinking that she would be fine if she didn't drink the wine rewarded by the Queen.

Who would have thought that that glass of wine could be the antidote?

 At the beginning, the queen expected that she would not drink any wine because she was on guard against her.

So everyone drank the cup of wine with the antidote, so everyone was fine if they smoked the smoke in the temple.

 It just so happened that Jing didn't drink anything, but was drugged with some spices.

It seems that her experience is not rich enough, and she can easily be manipulated.

If it were her son, he would not follow the Queen's advice. She is indeed naive.

Seeing her blaming herself, Sister Ying comforted her, "This is not your problem. If bad people want to harm us, there is nothing we can do to prevent them."

Seeing her comforting herself, Jing felt warm and pinched her little face.

“Brother Rong said that you will leave again the day after tomorrow. Mom really can’t bear to leave you.”

Sister Ying leaned in her arms coquettishly, "I can't bear to leave you either. Otherwise, I won't go? Will I stay with you at home?"

Jing Shi smiled warmly, "I know you have this filial piety. But I am embarrassed to compete with Brother Rong. With you by his side, I feel more at ease."

“Also, my mother understands that you said you didn’t want to have a baby so soon, but it’s not good to have a baby too late.”

"You are still young now. If you give birth to the child earlier, your body will recover faster."

“Mom doesn’t want to rush you. The main reason is that your grandmother came here just now and actually guessed that you and Brother Rong were sick. She wanted to give you medicine, but I was worried to death.”

 If Sister Ying doesn’t get pregnant again.

 Don’t talk about Mrs. Jing, the neighbors have to start talking about it.

Jing is very open-minded, but she is afraid that other people will look at Sister Ying in a strange way. She is afraid that her new daughter-in-law, who is thin-skinned, will not be able to stand the strange looks from others.

Sister Ying is very open-minded.

“Having children is our husband and wife’s business. We have no control over what others say, and we don’t want to.”

 Similarly, no one else can care whether the couple has children or not.

Jing's temperament seemed to suit his taste.

"Yes, having a child is your and Brother Rong's business. You can make your own arrangements."

“But you will be leaving the day after tomorrow. Do you want to bring more things with you?”

 I don’t know what the environment is over there at Bianguan, but I don’t think it will be too favorable.

Sister Ying told her not to worry too much, "The third princess wrote a letter saying that the environment there is not bad, not as bad as we imagined."

 After all, the emperor has been rich in recent years, the treasury is full, and there is sufficient food and grass, so the life at the border will not be too bad.

Especially since the emperor had already transported all the cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and vegetable seeds, as long as they are put to use and the big cows give birth to calves and the big sheep give birth to lambs, life will definitely improve.

Jing was relieved knowing that she was smart.

“I feel more at ease when you come with me. I feel sorry for you because you are so pampered, but you have to endure hardship there.”

As a mother-in-law, she is naturally relieved that her daughter-in-law is capable.

But from the perspective of the in-laws' family, the Wu family would definitely be reluctant to let their pampered daughter go to the border with her son-in-law to endure hardships.

  "I am ashamed of your mother's trust."

 Instead of letting this girl enjoy happiness, she was forced to follow Brother Rong everywhere to suffer hardships.

Sister Ying leaned on her and comforted her, "No. Brother Rong is very good at taking care of me now."

Jing Shirong didn’t know how to take care of her on the road at first. The carriage rarely stopped on the road, and she was too embarrassed to stop when she needed to urinate.

Sometimes when passing by the lake, he just went to get water and didn't know to stop to let her take a bath.

But the two of them had experienced so much on the road together, and he gradually accumulated experience and knew that he should get her more delicious food and take her to a clear lake to wash herself.

I also know how to boil brown sugar water for her during her menstrual period, and my care for others has improved a lot.

 Jing was also happy for Sister Ying when she saw that her son had made progress.

"He has recovered more than half of his memory now. If there is anything wrong with him, please communicate with him more and don't quarrel all the time. It will hurt your feelings." She asked Qi Yuanming about the situation on the road before. Qi Yuanming, a big talker, told Jing that Shi Rong told Sister Ying about their quarrel.

Jing was worried about this for several days.

 But at home, the couple had always behaved well, and she thought they were trying to show her affection. I have always felt bad.

Sister Ying was ashamed and said to herself, Brother Qi, you have a big mouth. He really talks about everything outside.

She explained to Jing, "Mom, we were bickering, not quarreling. The nature is different."

Although the two often bickered, they were not really angry with each other.

  Every time we had a few quarrels and then made up after a while.

 Either it’s a quarrel at the head of the bed or a quarrel at the end of the bed.

 In the past, she mostly coaxed Jing Shirong, but now he mostly coaxes herself.

Even though he didn't know what to say sweetly, as soon as his face came closer and he tried some beauty tricks, she immediately couldn't resist him.

 So it is useful for a man to be good-looking.

Every time I see that handsome face, and then look at that perfectly sculpted upper body, I feel so angry that I want to rush over and wipe off some oil.

Jing saw her smiling face and felt relieved knowing that she had a good relationship with Brother Rong.

“Okay, you eat first, and then go pack your things after eating. I’ll find some supplements for you, and you can take them over there to eat.”

Sister Ying hummed and went to the room to ask Jing Shirong to come out for dinner.

Jing Shirong finished writing the letter, said yes, and came out with her.

The two of them went hand in hand to the dining hall to have breakfast.

 Sister Yang also got up.

 Come over yawning.

 “Sister, brother-in-law, morning~”

Sister Ying looked at her strangely, "Did you stay up late last night? Are you still sleepy after sleeping until now?"

Sister Yang smiled and said, "No, the big guy came to see me last night and said he wanted me to have a meal at his house today."

 “Brother Qi?”

Sister Yang sat down and nodded, "Yes. He said he was going to the border and wanted me to say goodbye to his mother."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then you can wear men's clothes."

 The girl's house is not convenient to go directly to their house.

 It’s more convenient to wear men’s clothes.

Sister Yang hummed, "Okay, I understand."

“But by the way, do you want to send me Jiangnan specially?”

 Originally, she could wait until Kang Geer finished his exam before going back together.

Sister Ying hummed, "The main thing is that I miss my parents and I want to see them."

Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take to go to the border, and I will definitely not see my parents for a long time. It would be more peaceful to go over and have a look, otherwise I would always be panicking. "

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay, let's go there together."

 “What about Brother Seng? Do you want to come together or stay with the second brother?”

Sister Ying, "Let him be with Kang Geer."

 That kid Kang Ge'er has a big heart and is carefree. He is not as alert as Sen Ge'er.

Especially since the Queen is not getting along with them now. If the Queen knows that Kang Geer is his younger brother, she may not be able to embarrass Kang Geer, but it would be better to let Sen Geer take care of it.

Sister Yang nodded and took a sip of peanut soup. "It's okay, then let's go back first."

 Gu Gu also stayed with Kang Geer and the others, and the three of them took care of each other.

 (End of this chapter)

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