Chapter 615, Story of Qi Family Couple 2

 Under feudal ethics, if an unmarried man and woman have any physical contact, they will be pointed out.

Especially those like them who have unmarried men and unmarried women.

 If they were seen hugging each other, the family would definitely go to the Qi family to resolve the matter due to pressure.

 Generally, the solution to this kind of problem is for the man to marry the woman.

 Otherwise the remarks would be endless.

After hearing this, Father Qi was silent for a while and then asked, "Then will you marry me?"

 He had no idea of ​​getting married in the past, but after seeing her, he felt that he was willing to get married, as long as that person was her.

Mrs. Qi was puzzled at the time, "Do you know me?"

 Otherwise, why would you want to marry her when you just met her for the first time?

Father Qi nodded shyly.

 Before this, he did meet Mrs. Qi once.

  When he went to suppress bandits, he met her ex-fiancé.

After the man died, he was the one who sent him back to the capital.

At that time, everyone was watching Mrs. Qi’s joke. He was also in the crowd, but he saw her strong side.

 Faced with everyone’s ridicule, cynicism, and jokes. She acted so tenaciously, standing gracefully in the crowd, not being hit by malicious intentions.

 From that moment on, her image has been engraved in his mind.

  A few times later, he met her on the street, and each time he looked at her silently.

But she didn’t see herself.

 For the first time, he felt slightly lost.

 First, I want her to see myself.

But I don’t dare.

This feeling of torment has been tormenting him.

  Until today, when they met, he didn’t want to feel any more uncomfortable, so he opened his mouth and said, “Okay, I’ll marry you.”

Mrs. Qi didn’t know what was going on at the time, but somehow she agreed.

"It's okay to let me marry you. But after marrying you, you have to listen to me in the future, and I have to make the decision in everything in the house."

 The reason why she doesn't want to get married is that she feels that all men in this world are not good, they are all playboys.

Second, I feel that my mother-in-law is not a good person and she only enjoys bullying my daughter-in-law, so I don’t want to suffer at her mother-in-law’s house.

The reason why I am willing to marry the person in front of me is that I want to make things easier for my family, so as not to have people come to my house every day to talk about marriage and make me feel weird.

Qi’s father did not expect that she would make this request, so he hesitated at first.

 After all, he felt that as an upright man, how could he be disciplined by a woman?

 So he hesitated.

Seeing his hesitation, Mrs. Qi said, "I will only give you one chance. After this time, I will agree to the Li family's marriage proposal tomorrow."

Qi's father was stunned, but he didn't expect that she had a backup plan.


Mrs. Qi pressed her harder and harder, pushing him and herself, "Just tell me whether you listen to me or not. If you don't listen, I will marry someone else."

Qi's father has already fallen in love with her. How could he let her marry another man? Thinking about it makes him panic.

He gritted his teeth and admitted, "Okay. I'll listen to you. I'll go to your house tomorrow to propose marriage."

Mrs. Qi said, "No, I'll be here soon."

 She didn't want to wait any longer for fear of something unexpected happening tomorrow.

Qi's father was stunned. He didn't expect that she was more anxious than him.

 Then he reacted, "Do you like me too?"

 When I think about it, I feel a little sweet in my heart.

Mrs. Qi looked at him with a smile on his square, bearded face, and she also smiled.

“Yes, I like you too. So, will you come over this afternoon to propose marriage?”

She admitted, and Qi’s father immediately smiled, with his white teeth exposed under his sloppy beard.

 “Okay, I’ll go get ready and I’ll be back in a minute.”

 Having said that, he rode away quickly.

Mrs. Qi told her family about this matter when she got home. Everyone in the family is confused.

“You said you want to marry into the Qi family?”

The Qi family is not bad, a family of military officers, but the son is a bit older.

Mrs. Qi said, "As long as you are big, you are big. Anyway, I think he is pretty good."


Seeing their hesitation, Mrs. Qi said, "Do you still want me to get married? If not, I will become a monk."

 When she said this, the old man in the family immediately became anxious.

He was willing to go all out and said, "Okay, just marry me!"

 My daughter is almost 20 years old. If she doesn't get married, she really won't be able to get married.

Even if she could get married, she would still be a low-class person, so she might as well marry into the Qi family.

 At noon, before Qi Yuanming came, Mrs. Qi’s parents were already worried.

“Sister, that boy from the Qi family is not lying to you, is he?”

 They were hesitant at first, but they became anxious before they could meet Qi's father.

Mrs. Qi was very firm, "No, he will come."

That man was upright and did not look like a deceiver. She believed him.

 After a while, Qi’s father really brought the official mediator’s parents and several boxes together.

This was the first time he proposed marriage to a girl. He didn't understand anything, and he proposed it in a hurry. He was afraid that something would go wrong at some point, so he simply brought his parents with him.

The two elders of the Qi family did not expect that he would propose marriage right away, and were confused.

 But his son always did whatever he was told, so he had no choice but to come with him.

 Happily, the things I wanted to marry my daughter-in-law were prepared a few years ago, and I will bring them here directly.

“Master, madam, the Qi family has come with the betrothal gift.”

Mrs. Qi was overjoyed and said, "You're really here?"

She ran out happily, and the elderly in her family followed her.

Official matchmakers are good, and when they see the right person, they immediately shout congratulations.

 The people outside the door were all watching the excitement, and they were very curious about who was so impulsive that he actually proposed a marriage and brought his parents over.

Father Qi didn't care about the looks of these people and went over to propose marriage to his mother-in-law and father-in-law.

The couple later got married smoothly. Although there were rumors at the beginning, the couple's relationship has always been very good and they have never separated because of what the outside world said.

Of course, there are quarrels.

But Mrs. Qi had many ways to treat Qi's father. The couple had been stumbling together for half their lives, and their relationship had always been very good. Qi's father had never found another woman.

Sister Ying was very emotional after hearing this.

She felt that the reason why Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong didn't bother was probably Xue's parents.

 Because their fathers are dedicated and their parents are loving, they also have the same requirements for their future married life.

 One husband, one wife, two or three children, living a happy life together as a family.

On the other hand, the children of those whose families have eighteen rooms of concubines will follow their example in the future.

 Because in their consciousness, it is normal to marry a wife, take concubines, and not be devoted to others. After all, this is what the elders in the family are like, so they don't think there is anything wrong with being flirtatious.

Of course, there are no absolutes in this world, and not all children are the same.

 It’s just that most children will follow in their parents’ footsteps.

 Some people go their own way and do not want to follow the footsteps of their parents.

  It’s almost getting dark after talking so much.

The Qi family couple came over as soon as it got dark, and they all brought things with them.

 “Sister Jing, we are here.”

Jing Shi smiled and went to pick her up, "Just come and bring whatever you want."

Mrs. Qi laughed and said, "These are all for the children."

Mrs. Qi’s natal family is a medicine seller. There are many tonics and golden sore medicines at home, all of which are dug deep in the mountains.

This time Jing Shirong and others were going on a long trip, so they brought some with them.

 (End of this chapter)

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