Chapter 631, to the border

Jing Shirong shrugged proudly, "Look at the local people, everyone is so generous."

  Meaning “I don’t ask you to do it, other people do it too, you have to follow the mainstream.”

Sister Ying looked around and found that indeed, everyone was doing this.

 Firstly, it is for sun protection, and secondly, there is indeed a lot of sand and dust. If it is not wrapped, the wind will blow and there will be fine sand on the head.

This side is already considered a small border town. Although the terrain is wide, the air is gray.

But the streets in the town are very lively.

 There are not only camels, but also cattle, sheep and horses.

 The streets are lined with small vendors selling goods.

 Vegetables, fruits, and mutton are all available.

Sister Ying was surprised, “It seems like it’s not bad here.”

Although the environment is a bit crude and the sun is a bit harsh, there is plenty of food and drink, and it is not as barren as others say.

Jing Shirong rode over and walked side by side with her. Seeing her adaptability, he asked her, "Do you like it here?"

“If you like it, I’ll give you a courtyard here, and you and Xiao Zi can live here.”

 The streets of the town are more lively than those on the other side of the city wall, so she can live here.

Sister Ying asked, "What about you? I live here, and you come with me?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

He is here to be a general. In addition to patrolling, he also has to train new soldiers every day. He probably won't have time to leave.

Even if you come to a small town, you still have to take some time.

Sister Ying sneered at him and pursed her nose, "You can't even come, and you still want me to come. If I don't want it, I'll go over there with you."

Jing Shirong felt happy when he saw her clinging to him so much. He held the corners of his lips and said, "Okay, if you want to follow, just follow."

Sister Ying gave him a cute look and said, "You are the only one who can speak."

The two of them said "drive~" together and rode over to the city gate.

Qi Yuanming and the others followed closely behind.

When they arrived at the foot of the city gate, the guard saw them and stopped them, "The gate is an important place, so don't break in."

Jing Shirong issued an order and asked them to report to the third princess.

 “Just say Master Jing and Master Qi are here.”

The third princess had told the guard before. When she saw them coming, she immediately went to report them.

"Please wait."

Soon, Mr. Zhong ran down exhausted.

“Brother Jing, you two are here.”

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at Mr. Zhong up and down, and saw that there were black and blue under his eyes. They didn't know how many nights they thought he had stayed up.

 Ask him, "What's wrong with you?"

  Why do you look exhausted and exhausted?

Mr. Zhong led them up, sighed, and said as he walked, "Then the third princess is pregnant. She has been vomiting and uncomfortable in the past few months. I have been waiting for her, so I am naturally tired."

Qi Yuanming asked, "Didn't you let the doctor take a look?"

Young Master Zhong sighed, "Look, I had a lot of vomiting in the first three months, and I would vomit whatever I ate. The doctor said that this is what happens when you are sick, and he didn't let you take medicine. You can only take some sour stuff to see if you can stop it." vomit."

If he vomited, he would feel distressed just looking at it.

 I also survived morning sickness, frequent urination, urgent urination, and constipation in the later period.

The key is that now my belly is big, I can’t breathe even when walking, and I can’t breathe at night due to the pressure.

The body was also swollen, and her feet were swollen like steamed buns. Young Master Zhong felt distressed when he saw her. He couldn't sleep well at night, fearing that she might be uncomfortable, so he slept lightly every day and got up at any time to turn her over.

Jing Shirong frowned slightly. He didn’t expect being pregnant to be such a torture?

If Sister Ying's pregnancy was so uncomfortable, he would feel even worse.

Mr. Zhong said as he took them upstairs and asked them to wait while he went to the back room to help the third princess.

The third princess took off her military uniform and wore ordinary people's clothes. Her belly was already very big, and it was almost time to give birth. She was swollen and pale. She looked much weaker than the cold and solemn look before. Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong were shocked when they saw her.

 “What are you?”

You can’t tell just by listening, but you can tell by looking at me that Mr. Zhong is not exaggerated at all.

  What a majestic and majestic person he was before. How could he be so weak due to his big belly?

If the enemy comes, not to mention going into battle to kill the enemy, escaping is a problem.

Seeing the surprised expressions on their faces, the third princess felt helpless and laughed at herself, "I am getting older, and I almost exhausted myself to death after having a child. I will never give birth again."

It’s not just a matter of age, some people don’t react well to pregnancy in their forties. The main reason is that the third princess has suffered a lot of injuries in the past few years.

Going up mountains of swords and going down into seas of fire, soaking in cold water in freezing weather, and continuing to go to the battlefield without taking good care of yourself even when you are sick, your health is ruined.

 I didn’t feel any discomfort when I wasn’t pregnant, but when I became pregnant, all the symptoms appeared.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming both looked silent.

They think they rarely come across pregnant women, and even if they do, none are as pale as the third princess.

 The third princess saw them in a daze, but she was in a good mood.

"Okay, don't look at it. Just weaken for a while and nurse yourself back to health after giving birth."

She also didn’t like how fragile she looked. Young Master Zhong had to help her turn over when she slept at night, which simply detracted from her tall and mighty majesty.

Especially now, I feel out of breath even after sleeping, and I want to unload the goods quickly, otherwise I won’t be able to breathe.

“You’re going to come here by yourself this time, without taking Sister Ying with you?”

 Yijing Shirong is so sticky, it is strange not to take Sister Ying with her.

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "I brought it with me. It's outside."

They originally came in first to explain what the emperor had told them, but Sister Ying consciously refused to come in and waited outside.

The third princess waved her hand, "Let her come in."

At this moment, she was out of energy and didn't want to listen to political affairs. Instead, she wanted to talk to Sister Ying.

Mr. Zhong knew what she was thinking, so he went out to open the door and invited Sister Ying in enthusiastically.

Sister Ying was also shocked when she saw Young Master Zhong’s panda-like dark circles under her eyes.

 “What are you?”

Like a novice father, Mr. Zhong smiled silly, "My little brat is so troublesome that the princess can't sleep well in the middle of the night. I can't sleep well either, and the whole family can't sleep well, hahaha."

Seeing that he was still energetic, the third princess smiled and rolled her eyes at him, "Go and arrange accommodation for them."

 “Let me talk to Sister Ying.”

Mr. Zhong sighed, "Okay. You guys can chat and remember to eat some honeydew melon."

Sister Ying walked in and was shocked when she saw the third princess with a big belly.

 “Are you pregnant with twins?”

 Your belly is so big?

The third princess shook her head, "It shouldn't be the case. The doctor came to see her and said it was edema."

Her whole body is now swollen, not only her hands and feet, but her face is also particularly swollen.

Sister Ying saw her leaning on the chair and knew she was uncomfortable, so she went over to give her a squeeze.

 “Did the doctor say when the baby will be born?”

 The third princess touched her belly and felt a little breathless, "It's only been the past few days."

Sister Ying asked, “Have you invited all the midwives?”

Third Princess, "I've invited them all. That guy prepared it early in the morning and was more meticulous than me." She pointed to Young Master Zhong.

Sister Ying nodded, "Young Master Zhong is more attentive. With him taking care of you, your confinement period will be better."

The two people have complementary personalities. They are active and quiet, and they can take care of each other when they get along.

 (End of this chapter)

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