The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 638: , snatching people on the way

Chapter 638: Robbing people on the way

  The recruits looked at each other, at the veterans, and then at Qi Yuanming.

He asked cautiously, "General Qi, can we leave?"

Qi Yuanming was angry, "Who dares to leave?!"

It was agreed that they would bring this new recruit. The old guy named Wang dared to rob people in broad daylight. What a beautiful idea!

If he really lets these little soldiers go with them, where will he lose his face?

Jing Shirong also had a cold face, obviously unhappy.

The recruits saw that their faces were not good, so they hesitated.

Logically speaking, their bosses are Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

 But they arrived earlier than Jing Shirong and others. They knew that General Wang had great authority in the military camp, so they did not dare to violate it.

 But the new general didn't say anything, and they didn't dare to follow General Wang openly, lest they be resented one day.

When the old soldier saw that the new recruit refused to leave, he angrily waved his whip and said, "What's the matter? General Wang is kind enough to take you, but you still don't like it, right?"

 “Get out of here quickly!”

The whip was swung to the ground, like a demonstration.

Qi Yuanming was completely angry, "What do you mean?"

He was tall and big, so he leaned over suddenly, and the veteran was also startled.

 “You, what do you want to do?”

 “I belong to General Wang.”

Before he could say anything, Qi Yuanming raised his hand, as if he was about to wave it down.

The veteran closed his eyes in fear, but did not see his fist fall.

Jing Shirong held Qi Yuanming’s fist and told him, “Calm down.”

Qi Yuanming was angry, "They have already swung the whip on our heads, how can we remain calm?"

Jing Shirong didn’t answer him. He walked up to the recruits and asked them.

“Does anyone want to train with General Wang?”

 “If you have one, stand up.”

  The new recruits looked at each other, not daring to stand up.

Jing Shirong said, "If you want to go, just stand up. Gentlemen, I won't blame you for this trivial matter."

It seemed that his words were more credible. The recruits looked at each other and asked in a low voice, "Won't the general blame us?"

Jing Shirong looked indifferent and said, "No matter where you go to train, you are all members of the border guards. There is nothing strange about it."

 When he said this, the new recruits felt more at ease. Just as they were about to stand up, they heard what Jing Shirong said again.

“If you don’t want to go, you can stay and continue training with us. As long as you don’t regret it.”

 These words made the recruits hesitate again.

Just now I said I could go, and now I said I could stay. So should I go or not?

Qi Yuanming snorted coldly and came over to speak, "If you have any hesitation, go if you want. If you want to stay, stay. No matter who you are with, you have to train. It depends on whose training is stronger."

What he means by this is that they are stronger.

The veteran was unconvinced and sneered, "General Qi, you are still too young. Our General Wang has been in the military camp for more than 20 years. Isn't following him better than following you?"

 When the other soldiers heard this, they were really moved.

 But there are still some who are hesitant.

When the veteran saw this, he added, "You know, our General Wang is invincible in every battle. If you follow him, getting promoted and making a fortune in the future will not be a problem."

"On the other hand, how long have General Jing and General Qi been here? Can their training methods be compared with our General Wang? Don't pick the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon."

When the recruits thought about it, this was indeed the case.

No matter how powerful General Qi is, he has only been here for a short period of time.

 But General Wang has been in the military camp for more than 20 years. From an experience point of view, he must have more experience.

So the new soldiers stood up and wanted to follow General Wang.

Qi Yuanming looked at it and almost wanted to punch someone, "You guys."

 He was still showing his emotions and couldn't help but want to use swear words.

Jing Shirong patted him on the shoulder to calm him down.

Jing Shirong looked at the remaining people who had not come forward and asked them, "Why don't you go?"

The new recruits were tall and loyal, and they were inexplicably convinced of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming and wanted to follow him. Jing Shirong confirmed again, "You really don't want to leave? After today, you will have no chance to leave."

  If you dare to leave, that is treason.

 The remaining dozen recruits nodded firmly, "We won't leave! We will follow the general to the death."

Jing Shirong's dark eyes glanced around them and nodded with satisfaction.

 “Okay, I hope you can keep your word.”

 The rest were let go.

The veteran glanced at the remaining dozen and snorted, "I don't know how to appreciate them."

After saying that, he took the group of new soldiers and left.

Qi Yuanming took several deep breaths and was extremely depressed, "Ajing, why did you let them go?"

Jing Shirong looked at him, "If your heart is not here, what's the use of keeping it?"

Qi Yuanming snorted angrily, "How shameless is it to tell people?"

 In front of so many people, all his men were snatched away, and he became a laughing stock in the military camp from now on.

Jing Shirong said calmly, "It doesn't matter."

 It’s training anyway, and it’s the same for everyone.

Qi Yuanming, "How is that the same? Our training is much better than that group of old guys."

"General Wang, who is young but still has old-fashioned ideas, can he train any outstanding recruits?"

Jing Shirong shrugged and asked him, "What else do you want?"

 You can’t start a fight over a group of soldiers, right?

Qi Yuanming was not happy, "Why can't we fight?"

Don’t ostriches rely on fighting to **** the young ostriches?

As long as he beats General Wang to the ground, the new recruits will naturally be his.

Jing Shirong pointed to the dozen new recruits who were left behind and told him, "Training them is the same."

 He has already thought about it, these boys can stay and train as spies.

 The military camp also needs this kind of undercover master.

 Let them sneak into the enemy camp in the future, which will be more effective than any military strategy.

Qi Yuanming slapped his forehead and said, "Yes, why didn't I think of it?"

 The emperor did have this intention before and asked them to quietly train a group of spies.

 When the enemy has any ambitions, just send this group of expert spies over and they will be able to find out a lot of information.

Qi Yuanming thought about it more and more, "I have never trained this kind of spy soldier, and I am a little excited when I think about it."

Jing Shirong saw that he was no longer angry, so he twitched his lips.

"Okay, let's train as usual first, and then bring him for special training in the evening."

Qi Yuanming sighed and asked him in a low voice, "Should I tell the third princess about this?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No need."

 Everyone in the army is the Third Princess's spy, so there is no need for them to report, someone will naturally tell the Third Princess.

Sure enough, when the third princess heard this in the room, she shook her head and smiled.

 “That boy is really difficult to deal with.”

Mr. Zhong also smiled, "I think Brother Jing is quite resourceful."

“But has General Wang been too busy lately?”

 The third princess knew General Wang's ambition to rise to the top and sneered.

"Let him do whatever he wants, as long as he can train the new recruits well."

She will take advantage of this period of time to take good care of her body, and then go out to show some color to those old people.

Young Master Zhong united with her, "Yes, you should take good care of your body and give them some color when the time comes."

When the third princess heard this, she chuckled and stopped being angry.

 (End of this chapter)

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