The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 647: , I don’t want the child anymore

Chapter 647, I don’t want the child anymore

 He suddenly roared, and the third princess was shocked.

 She stopped and really let go of him.

 But he also used his strength and pushed the person staggering.

Mr. Zhong didn’t expect that she would actually push him. He felt aggrieved and staggered a few steps, his eyes turning red.

 “You pushed me?”

The third princess did not expect him to have such an expression. She pouted and suddenly felt a little regretful.


She seemed like she shouldn't use so much force. She knew that he was not in good health, but she still used force irrationally.

 She wanted to apologize, but when it came to her mouth, she didn't know how to say it.

Young Master Zhong felt really sad. He glared at her angrily with red eyes, "I hate you!"

 After saying that, he ran away.

 Looking at the direction he was going, it should be the military camp.

The third princess was worried and asked someone to follow him.

Sister Ying is also very worried at home, wondering how the couple is doing.

She was holding the third princess's son in her arms, fearing that he would cry and make no big move to chase him out.

 Fortunately, the little guy is very good and plays with his little hands while eating.

Sister Ying thought for a while and decided to go out with her child to see if they really got into a fight.

As soon as she walked into the courtyard with the child in her arms, she heard the sound of chirping outside the door.

She was suspicious and asked Xiao Zi, "What's the sound outside the door?"

Xiao Zi originally went to the kitchen to pick vegetables and was washing them.

 Hearing the noise, he came out to see.

She opened the door and went out, and saw a group of ladies pointing at their yard.

She was confused and asked, "What are you talking about?"

The group of ladies shrank their necks when they saw her strong body, but did not dare to say nonsense in front of her, and dispersed in a hurry.

Xiao Zi was confused and didn’t know why.

 Close the door and come in, and talk to Sister Ying.

“That group of people didn’t know what was going on. They all ran away before I even asked them to question them.”

Originally, she wanted to ask where the third princess and the Prince Consort had gone.

Who knew that the crowd would run away when they saw her? Where could I go to ask?

Sister Ying sighed and didn’t think much about it. She felt a little dizzy holding the child.

 “So what should we do now?”

 Leave the child here with her. She will be hungry soon, so she has to take her back.

Xiao Zi followed her, "Okay, I will hold an umbrella and we will send the young master back together."

Sister Ying put on her cloak, hugged the child, and then went to the third princess's residence.

 The residence of the third princess is not far away, just a short walk away.

She came over with the child in her arms and asked the guard, "Are the third princess and the prince consort in there?"

The guard shook his head, looked around, and whispered, "The prince-in-law has gone to the military camp, and the third princess is practicing her sword in the yard."

 Looking at this situation, it’s really a quarrel.

Sister Ying has a big head, she didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

She and Jing Shirong were only quarreling verbally, and they were not serious enough to run away from home.

Originally, this matter was just a misunderstanding. I wonder how the two of them made the matter such a big deal?

Sister Ying went in with her child in her arms. As soon as she reached the yard, she heard the sound of chopping wood.

Before anyone got close, some wood was chopped off, and sawdust flew towards Sister Ying.

Sister Ying tapped her toes and held the child to avoid it.

She looked down at the child and saw that he was not scared at all. He yawned and looked very happy.

When the third princess saw them coming, she snorted coldly, "What are you doing here?"

 Sister Ying? ? ?

 “What am I doing here? I’m giving you my son.”

 Didn’t you see her holding the crystallization of their love in her hand?

But the third princess snorted angrily and said childishly, "Whoever wants that boy, you can send it to him. He will take care of his son himself." Sister Ying.

“But the prince-in-law doesn’t have any milk to feed the young master.”

The third princess snorted, "That's his own problem, let him find a way to solve it."

 Why should she have to take care of such nonsense after she gave birth to a son for him?

Sister Ying saw that her face was angry and awkward, so she probably regretted it.

She walked over with the child in her arms and said gently, "Did you get rough with the prince-in-law just now?"

 Given the straight temperament of the third princess, it is probably not easy for her to speak well.

Especially because she was so angry, she was probably against Young Master Zhong. Young Master Zhong couldn't bear it and ran to the military camp.

Sister Ying said on behalf of Young Master Zhong, "Everyone sees how good the prince-in-law is to you, and you know it yourself. Why can't you trust him?"

 How could Mr. Zhong, who loves his wife and son so much, have **** with other women outside?

 The Third Princess convicts others without listening to their explanations, which will really chill Mr. Zhong’s heart.

 The third princess has long regretted it.

   Since young master Zhong looked at her with red eyes, he already regretted it.

 But she had to be strong for half her life, never bowed her head to anyone, and didn't know how to coax people, so she could only watch him run away.

Besides, she was angry too.

Angry that he said "hate her" so easily.

 She is almost autistic. Does she think he really hates her?


She is not like a man, nor is she like a woman. She has hard muscles, a wheat complexion, and a cold face all day long. She has no white skin and beauty at all.

 Don’t blame him for hating her.

 Perhaps he doesn't like her at all.

 It's just that he had to marry her due to imperial edict.

 Thinking about it, I feel even worse.

Sister Ying did not expect that the third princess would have such a desolate day.

It seems that love can indeed cause great changes in people's temperaments.

 She sighed and asked the third princess, "How about you guys calm down for a few days first?"

“I’ll take the child back first and let the nanny go back with us. When you feel better, we’ll come back?”

The third princess glanced at her son and saw that he had closed his eyes and fell asleep. She sighed, nodded, and agreed.

 “Go ahead, don’t let this kid go hungry.”

Sister Ying nodded, "No. You practice sword practice today, and I'll come see you tomorrow."

The third princess waved her hand helplessly, not wanting her to see her fragile appearance, and motioned for her to leave.

Sister Ying took the wet nurse back, her hands were very sore.

Xiao Zi took the sleeping child over and discussed with her, "Shall we just do this and ignore it?"

Sister Ying was helpless, "Let them calm down first."

 Both of them were in a bad mood at the moment, and trying to persuade them in the past was of no use.

 Wait until they calm down before going over to reason, so that they can listen.

 Xiao Zi held the sleeping child in her arms, feeling a little dumbfounded.

"The young master is really pitiful. His parents quarreled, but they didn't want him anymore. It's so miserable."

Sister Ying gave her a cute look, "Don't talk nonsense."

 The third princess didn’t want a child. She just gave her the child because she didn’t know how to take care of it.

 “Just wait, she will definitely come over to see the child tomorrow.”

 Some people just have a cold face, but have a soft heart, just like her brother Rong.

Xiao Zi didn’t believe it, “I don’t think either of them is soft, they are just being soft to the people they care about.”

 Otherwise, the third princess and the uncle are essentially the same cold-blooded people.

  Doesn’t know how to be gentle and considerate, nor how to coax others.

 Otherwise, you wouldn’t be as cold as a piece of wood every time you quarrel, not knowing how to look for the other person.

 (End of this chapter)

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