Chapter 652, heard by Jing Shirong

Sister Ying was ashamed and said quickly, "How do I know this..."

 This, this, this, she is also confused, okay?

 And, “What’s that look in your eyes?”

 Why does she look so hairy?

“Why did you come out suddenly? Did you come out to do a mission?”

Jing Shirong shook his head and asked the nanny to take the child away. He wanted to be alone with Sister Ying for a while.

Sister Ying said "Huh?", but before she could react, the baby was taken away by the nanny.

Since the wet nurse came out of the third princess's house, Sister Ying didn't think anything of it and asked the wet nurse to take the child back to her and Jing Shirong's yard first.

Jing Shirong carried her to a hidden high wall.

The couple haven't seen each other for a long time. Sister Ying misses him very much and is hugging him tightly now.

Jing Shirong saw that she was hanging on him, like a cat. He couldn't pull it off no matter how hard he pulled it off, so he could only let her hold it.

He lowered his head and smelled the fragrance of her hair. The unhappy mood just now was diluted.

But he still asked her, "What's going on between you and Mr. Zhong?"

Just now on the street, he clearly heard a woman pointing at her and Young Master Zhong, as if they were having an affair.

Jing Shirong’s anger was aroused at that time.

 But he believed in his wife and knew that Mr. Zhong was not that kind of person, so he lowered the fire.

However, Jing Shirong still got angry when he heard others saying that Sister Ying was the eldest daughter of Young Master Zhong.

 Gossip must be spread after someone sees it.

 As to whether it is true or false, only the person involved knows.

The reason why people spread the gossip about Young Master Zhong and Sister Ying was probably because they saw Young Master Zhong going to Sister Ying's yard and going in and out with her, so they were misunderstood.

He had asked the secret guard about this just now, and only then did he know that the two of them went out together every day to study the chicken coop.

 So if the neighbors see them leaving early and coming back late together, it is not surprising that they may misunderstand.

 Plus he has never come back and there is no man in the family, so it is normal for people to misunderstand him.

 But when the scandal about the child came out, Jing Shirong was speechless.

Especially when he saw Sister Ying holding her child and standing with other men, blood almost came to her eyes.

It is really unimaginable. The scene of her being with other men and having children can make people die on the spot.

Sister Ying saw that he had a bad face all the time and said with a smile, "What's the matter? His face is so ugly?"

Jing Shirong snorted coldly, stared at her, and asked, "What do you think?"

Sister Ying guessed, "It's not me who has offended you, right?"

The two of them haven't seen each other for a long time, so there's no reason to offend him.


Sister Ying's heart skipped a beat, "No way?"

 Could it be that he heard the gossip from the neighbors?

 If that’s really the case, it’s really an injustice.

Jing Shirong knew from the expression on her face that she had guessed it.

 He raised her chin and asked her, "Say it? Why don't you continue talking?"

Sister Ying coughed, crossed her little fingers, and shook her body, "What, you misunderstood, the neighbor said nonsense, and Mr. Zhong and I have nothing to do."

  She is not a well-fed person, so she wants to provoke a married man.

 Furthermore, she is not a sentimental person and will not fall in love with anyone she meets.

Jing Shirong naturally believed that she would not.

 But I am inexplicably unhappy.

Sister Ying hugged him and pouted coquettishly, "Then why don't you get angry? I didn't do anything wrong~"

 She also helped the third princess reconcile with Mr. Zhong, which can be considered a good deed.

Jing Shirong nodded, "That's true."

It’s been so many days, “Why didn’t you come over and see me?”

Sister Ying huffed and was stopped by the question.

"It's not that I don't want to find you, I'm just afraid of affecting you." After all, the military camp is such an important place that outsiders are not allowed to enter.

  Last time I went up to the city wall, I had to do it for the sake of the third princess.

 It is not easy to get to the military camp, unless you take the back door.

 But Sister Ying didn't want to cause trouble to Jing Shirong, so she naturally didn't bother him.

Jing Shirong said, "Although other women won't come over, they will bring food. Why don't you follow suit?"

 “Can this still deliver food?”

 Sister Ying really never thought about this.

Had she known that she could deliver food, she would have made it and delivered it to him long ago. How could she wait until now?

Jing Shirong looked at her face, which alternated with regret, pity, and guilt, and then she stopped being angry.

He raised his hand to rub her head, inserted his fingers into her hair, and rubbed her scalp, "Are you used to staying here?"

Sister Ying nodded, hugged him, and buried her face in his chest, "I'm used to it, there's nothing I'm not used to."

I have been traveling with him for two or three years, and I have already developed the ability to adapt to the environment.

 In addition, the conditions here are not as difficult as imagined, so it’s not bad.

Jing Shirong thought she would not adapt, but she did not complain at all and instead adapted very well.

 He kissed her cheek and asked, "Are you bored at home?"

Sister Ying shook her head, hugged his neck, and kissed him, "No, I'm busy every day."

Every day I go out with Mr. Zhong to buy a chicken coop. When I have time, I have to study how to grow vegetables and herbs. Every day is very busy and fulfilling, and I don’t have time to be bored.

Jing Shirong felt pity in his heart when he saw how well she had arranged everything.

“You don’t have to be so busy. Just go and help out occasionally. When you’re bored at home, you can do embroidery, play the piano, and write. You don’t have to go out and do it every day.”

Sister Ying chuckled, "It's okay to be elegant once in a while. If I play the piano at home every day, it will be boring. I'd better go out and do things to be more fulfilling."

Jing Shirong didn’t object, “Take Xiaozi with you when you go out.”

 He felt relieved that the girl was here.

Sister Ying laughed and said, "What are you worried about?"

Jing Shirong snorted softly, "There are many beautiful men here, who knows if you will peek at others."

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, "That's not necessarily the case."

Hand-looking skin is always attractive, and her eyes have to follow her appearance, but there is nothing she can do about it.

Jing Shirong clicked his tongue, lowered his head and bit down. With a little temper, "You dare?"

Sister Ying covered her mouth and giggled, "Okay, I just won't look at it."

Even if he saw it, he wouldn’t know even if I didn’t tell him.

Jing Shirong didn't know what she was thinking, so he lowered his head and wanted to bite her mouth again.

Sister Ying was busy covering, "Don't stop, I know wrong, I don’t see it."

Jing Shirong didn't listen to her. He lowered his head and chewed hard.

Sister Ying couldn't break free, so she could only pinch the muscles on his waist and whine twice. Finally, she was so weak from the kiss that she collapsed on him.

Jing Shirong was also panting, trying to calm down.

  The two of them breathed slowly, and then coughed twice with blushing faces.

 “Then what, do you have a day off today?”

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, it will take a few days."

 I have been busy with matters at the military camp these days, so I still have no time.

Sister Ying made a sound of disappointment, "Young Master Zhong said that the Bonfire Festival will be held in a few days. Can you come out then?"

Jing Shirong was unsure, "We'll tell you when the time comes."

The wind is blowing, let’s count the votes (o^^o)



 (End of this chapter)

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