Chapter 656, there is an ambush

 “Little Piggy? Are you there?”

Sister Ying shouted several times, but she didn't hear the child's cry. Sweat broke out on her forehead.

 She felt distressed and guilty, and her nose was a little sore.

 “Little Piggy? Are you there?”

 If something happens to her child, she will really be in trouble for the rest of her life.

She held back her tears and lay on the ground as much as possible to listen to the noise.

When she leaned against the wall and knocked, she finally heard a faint cry.


Although the voice was small, she heard it.

 “Brother Zhong, this way!”

 She hurriedly continued to knock on the wall.

 Knock once and then lie down against the wall and listen to the sound.

 It wasn’t until the crying got louder that she hurried to find the police.

 Luckily, the mechanism was on the wall. She groped upwards, found a rope, and pulled it down.

 As soon as the rope is pulled down, the mechanism opens.

 The child was put down in a cabinet on the wall.

"Little Pig?"

Sister Ying was frightened to death. She quickly took the child out and kissed his little face to see how he was doing.


  The child must have been suffocated and hungry. He would have been unhappy for a long time and was crying very loudly.

 For him to cry so loudly means that nothing is wrong.

What a blessing.

Mr. Zhong came over to look at him with tears in his eyes, "You brat, you scared me to death."

 After saying that, he picked up the child and couldn't stop crying.

Sister Ying asked him, "Go up first, the air below is not good."

Mr. Zhong sniffed and said, "Okay."

 The two of them carried the child up and once they reached the ground.

 I saw those masters still fighting.

Qi Yuanming also felt energetic and took off his shirt.

 “I haven’t met a master for a long time, and this time I just want to practice my skills.”

Sister Ying knew that they were both highly skilled in martial arts, so she didn't dare to go far. She was afraid that there would be an ambush by experts when she went out, so she could only hide aside.

 But the child will be crying from hunger, and there is no other option if he doesn't go back.

 But we don’t know if there is an ambush outside, and it’s not safe to go out rashly. We can only wait first.

 Master Zhong felt sorry for his son, but he also knew not to be reckless.

 He handed the child to Sister Ying, "I'll go to the kitchen and take a look."

 At least make some rice porridge and drink it.

 “Then go quickly.”

 At this meeting, Shi Rong and the third princess have not returned yet. I wonder if there are other situations outside?

Qi Yuanming was fighting fiercely with the three masters at the moment, and even the incense sticks were burned before the winner could be determined.

Sister Ying threw a medicine bag and said, "Brother Qi, catch it."

Qi Yuanming reached out to take it, but the opponent's quick eyesight and quick hands slashed the powder package with his sword.

It doesn't matter if you don't split it. Once you split the medicine bag, the soft tendon powder inside will be scattered out immediately.

Qi Yuanming had known this trick for a long time and quickly dodged it.

The remaining three assassins were struck by the road, their bodies swayed, and they fell limply to the ground.

Qi Yuanming took the opportunity to tap the acupuncture points of three people, and asked the secret guards to gag and tie them up.

Sister Ying asked the secret guard, "Go outside to see what's going on and bring the dairy goats back."

The secret guard didn't leave at first, but Qi Yuanming said, "It's okay, go ahead, I'll watch here."

The three assassins were also knocked unconscious by him, and they were unable to cause any trouble for the time being.

When the secret guard saw this, he left quickly.

After a while, he came back with a dairy goat.

Sister Ying asked Young Master Zhong to milk the goat and boil it for the child to drink.

Mr. Zhong hurried over to help. It happened that the pot was still hot, and the goat milk could be boiled and fed to the child. The little guy just cried a lot and stopped crying. He was just hungry, in a bad mood, and his face always smelled bad.

Mr. Zhong hugged him and felt sorry for him while feeding him, "Hurry up, son, look at your stinky face, just like your mother's." The fierce little face.

 The third princess who just came back.

 “Who are you talking about?”

 When Young Master Zhong heard the news, his face lit up with joy.

 “Madam? Are you back?”

He ran over happily and looked at her up and down, "Are you okay?"

The third princess shook her head and looked at him. She saw that the clothes on his body were cut into strips, and she frowned, "Who did this?"

Young Master Zhong pursed his lips, looked towards the ground, and complained, "It's just the three of them."

The third princess narrowed her eyes and looked unhappy. She walked over and kicked the three of them.

The three people were unconscious, but after being violently kicked, they groaned and passed out again.

"take away!"

She gave the order, and soon, large troops came in and pushed the people down.

The third princess asked Mr. Zhong, "You will go home later. If you have nothing to do, don't come out. Sister Ying will come with you."

Sister Ying looked outside and asked, "Where is my husband-in-law?"

The third princess got on the horse and took Young Master Zhong with her. She took the time to answer Sister Ying, "He has gone to arrest someone. He will come back later. You go back with us first."

Sister Ying knew that she should have her own arrangements, so she went back with her and took Xiao Zi with her when she got home.

Qi Yuanming went to find Jing Shirong.

With him helping, Sister Ying felt relieved.

 After returning to the third princess’s yard, Xiao Zi was also confused and asked her in a low voice, “Miss, what’s going on?”

How come there was such a big commotion in just one afternoon?

Sister Ying doesn’t know either.

 I wonder if spies are coming here to cause trouble? Do you want to take this opportunity to take away the third princess's child and threaten the third princess?

 Or the third princess’s enemy, or something else.

 Xiao Zi was stunned when she heard this.

“Are all the spies sneaking in?”

This is too scary.

 Fortunately, the child is okay, otherwise it would have been really scary.

Sister Ying was also frightened.

 “I’m glad the child is okay, otherwise I would die of guilt.”

 She thought that the child would be safe on the third princess's chassis.

In addition, the people here don't have any bad intentions. Most of them are gossipy, but there are very few people beating and robbing people on the street.

 There are so many masters hiding in such a peaceful area, which shows that the opponent's plan is very secretive.

If they hadn't taken the child away, they probably wouldn't have been exposed so early.

Mr. Zhong also had lingering fears.

Hold the child without letting go.

The third princess is busy at the moment. The whole courtyard is surrounded from top to bottom, and she looks very safe.

 Little Piggy will have eaten and drank enough by now and should be asleep without being affected at all.

 It was only when it got dark that Jing Shirong took the time to come back.

 He rushed back to see Sister Ying.

Even though he knew from Qi Yuanming that she was fine, he still wanted to come back and take a look for himself.

As soon as Sister Ying saw him coming back, she ran over happily.

 “Brother Rong?”

Jing Shirong took her and hugged her waist, looking at her up and down, "Are you hurt?"

Sister Ying hugged him and shook her head, "No, I'm fine, not hurt at all."

 Happily she carried the medicine bag with her, it was a good habit.

Jing Shirong took a deep breath and said to her, "I will add more secret guards for you next time."

 Otherwise, what might have happened if Qi Yuanming had not arrived today.

Sister Ying listened to him so as not to worry him.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. What did you gain outside today? Were they spies sent by neighboring countries?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. I can't explain this matter in one sentence or two. I have to go to the dungeon and pick you up later."

  Sit in front of the computer for a long time, and I feel frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, and low back pain. Hey, occupational disease~



 (End of this chapter)

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