Chapter 67, Little Birthday Star

On the day of Sister Ying's birthday, Mrs. Wu got up early to prepare meals.

Today she has cooked many local specialties, including garlic pork ribs, sweet and sour pork loin, bacon braised rice, and soy sauce pig ears.

There are also charcoal grilled lamb chops, candied meatballs, lotus leaf chicken, and assorted stir-fried vegetables.

The rest was fried sesame twists, small puff pastry, and lotus paste buns. These are all snacks that Sister Ying loves to eat.

Sister Ying was drooling on the sidelines.

The lotus leaf chicken, the marinated chicken is wrapped in lotus leaves. When it is freshly baked, the chicken is mixed with the aroma of lotus leaves. It is really fragrant and tempting.

There is also the charcoal-grilled lamb chops. The edges are charred and crispy, but the inside is soft. The smell makes Sister Ying's mouth water.

 “Mom~ I want to eat that.”

Mrs. Wu turned around and saw her squatting holding her thigh. He lovingly gave her a small piece of mutton chop, blew it on her lips, and didn't heat it before giving it to her. "Eat one first, and the dishes will be ready later." You can eat it with the whole family, you can’t eat it alone, you know?”

Sister Ying held the mutton chops in her two chubby hands and responded obediently, "I know~"

Mrs. Wu asked her to sit on a small chair and eat slowly, then wash her hands after eating.

Sister Ying had enough to eat, so she was very obedient. She sat on the chair obediently, holding the mutton chops in her two chubby hands. Her chubby cheeks moved as she chewed on the mutton chops. It was so cute.

When the food was ready, Xiaohong and Nanny Xu put the food on the table and couldn't help but take a bite.

 “My craftsmanship, young lady, is excellent.”

Mrs. Liang also said to herself that she was worthy of being the daughter of a pig seller, and her cooking skills were indeed outstanding.

She asked Liang Qing, "In the future, I will learn how to cook from your second sister-in-law. In the future, your mother-in-law will definitely eat the food you cook. There is nothing wrong with learning hard."

Liang Qing nodded seriously, "Okay."

 She also wants to cook for Wu Laosi, so of course she must study hard.

Old Mrs. Liang couldn't see it and scolded her, "You have no conscience."

Liang Qing smiled shyly, crossed her fingers, and still wanted to make something delicious for Wu Laosi.

After the food was served, Mrs. Wu asked Sister Ying to call Liang Jin. “Go ask your father to come out for dinner.

Sister Ying said "Oh" and ran to the study to call Liang Jin.

 “Dad, it’s time to eat~”

Liang Jin heard this in the study and responded, "Come right away."

 When he came out and everyone in the family was at the table, he happily used his chopsticks.

Liang Jin raised his glass and said with a smile, "Here, let's toast our birthday girl Ying with this glass."

Sister Ying went to pick her up with a smile, but was stopped by her mother.

 “You drink fish soup, but children are not allowed to drink.”

Sister Ying pursed her lips and made a sound, her big eyes rolled around, and her little chubby hand quietly reached into her father's wine glass, trying to dip her little finger into the wine and take the opportunity to smell it.

When Mrs. Wu saw that little action, she didn't understand anything, so she glared at her, "Let go, one!"

 Before she called out, Sister Ying stopped her hand obediently.

 There is no other way. After being a child for a long time, I am naturally afraid of my mother.

Even though Mrs. Wu is usually gentle and talkative, Mrs. Liang is afraid when she gets angry.

 So she'd better stop slapping the tiger's butt, or be careful of getting beaten.

 It’s okay if you can’t smell the wine. Anyway, there are so many delicious things on the table, so I’ll be satisfied just eating these.

So she had garlic pork ribs in her left hand and braised chicken drumsticks in her right hand. The food was delicious.

Mrs. Liang looked at her greedy look and said with disgust, "Eat meat every day, eat meat every day, be careful to become the fat guy next door."

Sister Ying snorted, "No way."

Neither her parents are fat, and no one in the Wu family is fat, so she must not be fat.

 Besides, she exercises a lot every day. She runs around after eating, plays with Xiaotian’s house now, plays with Xiaolu’s house for a while, and all her exercise is consumed by the end of the day.

Mrs. Wu is not worried about her daughter being fat. She is happy as long as her child is willing to eat.

Unlike a little girl from a relative of the Liang family, she was extremely picky about food. She would not eat this or that, and her legs were so thin that they trembled. Mrs. Wu was frightened when she saw her.

Old Mrs. Liang also knows this, she just talks about it and won't really stop Sister Ying from being greedy.

As long as the child is not sick, let her eat whatever she likes in a different way.

 Eating food is always better than taking medicine.

Sister Ying knew that they would not talk about her, so she happily ate the mutton chops.

Liang Jin also gave his wife a piece of mutton chop, "If you don't want to vomit now, just eat more and see how thin you become."

  Wu did lose some weight during this pregnancy. Now that she doesn’t have morning sickness, she actually eats more.

 After birthdays are over, the New Year is here. On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Wu's belly was already swollen.

 But she still wanted to go back to her parents’ home.

 Old Mrs. Liang saw that she was pregnant, so she didn’t want her to go back.

 But if she wants to return to her parents' home, you can't always stop her, so just ask Liang Jin to take care of her.

Liang Qing looked on eagerly, "Mother," she also wanted to go to the Wu family.

 Old Mrs. Liang:…

“You’re a big girl, why are you going to someone else’s house on your second day of junior high school?”

Haven’t even gone through the door yet, why are you so ashamed!

Liang Qing snorted, thinking that I just wanted to go.

 She missed Wu Laosi.

 Because the man and woman who are engaged now are not allowed to meet again. She hadn't seen Wu Laosi for a long time, and she really couldn't think of it.

Old Mrs. Liang would not allow her to go, "Don't embarrass me." She directly took her back to the house to embroider the bride's wedding dress.

Liang Qing could not go, so Liang Jin took Wu and Sister Ying back together.

 When I returned to the Wu family this year, Sister Ying was finally able to run around the yard.

Last year her legs and feet were not very good, but this year not only can she speak fluently, but she can also run and jump.

 As soon as she got off the carriage, she ran to play with her cousins ​​at home.

But the cousins ​​didn’t like playing with brats, so they just left her and ran away.

Sister Ying chased her out as fast as she could, wanting to see what their country children’s entertainment was.

 When she ran out and took a look, she saw the boys setting off firecrackers.

One of the boys is also a relative of the Wu family. Logically, Sister Ying should call him cousin.

The boy's nickname was Tieniu. He was five or six years old but quite tall. He shouted to Sister Ying to go away like a grown-up, "They are going to set off firecrackers. Don't go there."

Sister Ying was startled when she saw the firecrackers in the hands of the little boys, and immediately covered her ears and ran away.

Other little girls also covered their ears and ran away.

 After a while, the firecrackers started crackling.

Mrs. Wu was worried and went out to look for her with a big belly.

She is now eight months pregnant. She is not fat at all, she only has a belly, and her figure still looks slim.

Sister Ying saw her coming out and ran over to her with a smile, "Mom~"

Wu squatted down, straightened out the undergarment that she had torn out when she ran away, and put his hand into her small cotton pants.

 Smiled and asked her, "What are you playing for?"

Sister Ying pointed to the door, "They are setting off firecrackers."

  Wu frowned and combed her hair, "Don't play with that, or you may explode your eyes."

After saying that, he took her back.

The boy named Tieniu also ran over and called Mrs. Wu, "Cousin."

Mrs. Wu recognized him and gave him a candy with a smile, "Tieniu? It's been a long time, you're already so old."

Tieniu smiled naively, "Yes, the more I eat, the taller I grow."

 Wu smiled and touched his head and asked him if he wanted to go in and sit for a while.

Tieniu smiled and said yes, and went over to hold Sister Ying's hand.

Sister Ying did not refuse and went into the house with him.

Other children saw them coming in and ran in too, not afraid of anything at all.

Children are piled together, running and jumping, and they don’t know what they are playing, but they are inexplicably lively.

Just as Sister Ying was about to climb a tree with them, Mrs. Wu carried her back to the house.

“You are not allowed to climb trees. Have you forgotten what your grandmother said? Girls’ legs will become bent when climbing trees, and they will become toads in the future.”

Sister Ying:…

Mom, are you serious?

 Wu Shi coughed and changed the subject, "Your uncle is looking for you. Go over and talk to him."

Sister Ying said, "Uncle, are you looking for me?"

 “What are you looking for me for?”

Mrs. Wu looked at the crowd around her and whispered in her ear, "You'll know when you get there."

 (End of this chapter)

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