Chapter 673, Restless Little Maid

Jing Shirong raised his lips and smiled, "I work hard to please you, why am I so shameless?"

“Didn’t my wife say she likes me last night? Could it be that it was all a lie?”

Recalling the scene in the tent last night, Sister Ying's ears turned crimson and she coughed, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I want to drink water."

Xiao Zi saw the two of them muttering and didn't know what they were talking about, but she was sure that the two of them must have fallen in love again.

She said, "There are steamed buns, milk tea, and noodles in the kitchen. What do you and my uncle want to eat?"

Sister Ying thought for a while and said, "Let's have milk tea."

 “By the way, are there any melons? I want to eat melons.”

Xiao Zi smiled, "What a coincidence, I just bought it back."

 The weather is getting hotter now, and when the sun is shining, you can already feel the heat.

This kind of temperature is stuffy and hot, making people very irritable and sleepy.

Jing Shirong also felt the heat and told her, "Don't go out if you are afraid of the heat. Sprinkle some water at home to cool down."

“You can also try the summer clothes here, they are breathable.”

 The clothes brought from Beijing are thicker and will be a bit hotter.

 You can go to a local tailor shop to make some lightweight long skirts.

Sister Ying nodded and hugged his neck, "Then will you go with me?"

Jing Shirong was originally unavailable, but after thinking about it, it wouldn’t take long to go, so he agreed.

"Okay, after dinner, I will take you to buy clothes."

Sister Ying was overjoyed and said happily, "Okay, let's eat first and go there soon."

She knew he was busy and didn't want to waste time, so she got up quickly to eat.

Xiao Zi went out and shouted, "Xiao Liti, bring the food in, hurry up."

 She washed the melon, peeled it and cut it into pieces, preparing to serve it to Sister Ying.

Little Liti eavesdropped for a while, and when she heard Xiao Zi's instructions, she said "oh" and brought the dishes in from the kitchen.

 I entered the house cautiously and looked at the furnishings in the house. I felt that everything was very ordinary.

However, the hairpins on the dressing table are very unique. There are not only pearl agate hairpins, but also jade hairpins. They are very valuable at first sight.

She secretly looked at the dressing table before looking at the couple in the house.

 “Miss, the food is here.”

When Sister Ying heard something was wrong in the voice, she looked over curiously, "Who are you?"

Xiao Liti lowered her head and replied, "This servant is sent by the prince's consort. From then on, she will serve the young lady and her uncle in the house."

Sister Ying glanced at her up and down and saw that she was a young and beautiful girl. She smiled and said, "No, it's good to have Xiao Zi in the house. You can go and help in the yard."

It’s not that she declined politely, it was mainly that she didn’t like letting others into their house because she didn’t know them, and felt uncomfortable.

Moreover, it’s enough to have Xiao Zi in the house, and she doesn’t need so many people to serve her.

Hearing that Xiao Liti was not allowed to enter the house to serve her, she lowered her head and was not very happy.

“But, the Prince Consort said, if I don’t serve you well, I won’t get any monthly money. There are seniors and juniors in my family. Please give me another chance.”

 She was about to kneel down as she spoke.

Sister Ying was stunned and quickly pulled her up, "I'm not driving you away. You can get your monthly salary even if you work in the yard."

As for the house, “It’s enough for Xiao Zi to take care of it.”

This is obvious enough. You can let her stay and get the monthly payment, but don't come into the house.

 Anyone with a brain can't fail to hear it.

 But this little Liti felt that Sister Ying was rejecting her.

She obviously didn't do anything, why are you so defensive about her?

Or is she afraid that she will seduce her uncle if she is too beautiful?

 Thinking about it this way, it should be true.

 After all, she had been to so many houses before, and the wealthy women were afraid that she would seduce their men, so they sent her away.

 I think it’s the same with this family.

Little Liti slowly raised her head, wanting to see what this uncle looked like and whether he was handsome or not.

So she slowly raised her head, with a graceful posture, and secretly glanced at the shadow of the blue robe, and when she raised her eyes, she met that handsome profile.     Oh my god, this uncle is so good-looking.

Much younger and more handsome than the pot-bellied old men she served before.

 She had fantasized about meeting such a good-looking and young man.

 But I always meet a group of bearded gentlemen.

Now she can meet a young and good-looking person, which really makes her eyes shine.

Especially this man's facial features are really good-looking, even better than their local handsome men.

That nose is really straight, and the curvature of the chin is so beautiful, as sharp and sharp as if carved with a knife.

Little Liti was stunned without realizing it.

Jing Shirong felt her gaze and looked back.

 I saw a nymphomaniac face.

 He said nothing and squeezed Sister Ying's waist.

Sister Ying thought he was teasing her, so she gave him a cute look, "What are you doing?"

Jing Shirong raised his chin towards her, asking her to look aside.

Sister Ying looked in his direction and saw Xiao Liti's nymphomaniac face.

She coughed and said, "I forgot to ask you just now, what's your name?"

A little girl actually dared to peek at her man.

Seeing her displeased tone, Xiao Liti pretended to be weak and said, "My name is Xiao Liti."

As he spoke, his eyes began to look at Jing Shirong again.

Sister Ying couldn't help but roll her eyes and called Xiao Zi to come in.

Xiao Zi came in after cutting the melon, and saw Xiao Liti still standing in a daze, and called her, "Didn't I ask you to serve the food? Why did you serve so little?"

Little Liti said indifferently, "I know, let's go now." After that, she reluctantly went to the kitchen.

It was only then that Xiao Zi realized it and asked Sister Ying, "That girl, is there something wrong?"

Sister Ying wrinkled her nose and snorted, "Not only is something wrong, my eyes are almost growing on someone."

Her wife is still here, but a little girl dares to blatantly seduce the male master. She is so courageous.

Xiao Zi reacted and clicked her tongue, "No way?"

“She was quite well-behaved when she came here just now.” She grew crooked after a while?

Sister Ying forked a piece of melon and fed it to Jing Shirong, "Who knows, if she's not honest, let her go tomorrow."

 Xiao Zi nodded, "I understand."

Jing Shirong saw Sister Ying staring at him coldly, with an innocent look on her face, "Why are you staring at me?"

 It’s not like he brought people here.

Sister Ying snorted, "I know."

 If you say so, you should continue to stare. The melon was stuffed into his mouth!

 Jing Shi Rong.

 To express one's anger is definitely to express one's anger.

Sister Ying laughed when she saw that he dared to be angry but dared not speak.

“Okay, I won’t tease you anymore, eat quickly, and then go shopping with me after eating.”

Jing Shirong hummed, had a simple breakfast, and went to the street with her.

The weather is hot today. I feel a heat wave as soon as I go out. The wind blowing is sultry and uncomfortable.

Sister Ying felt stuffy even with her curtain hat on, so she quickly pulled Jing Shirong into the tailor shop.

Local summer clothes are very light and thin. Although they are long, the material is obviously more breathable than cloth.

  And the styles are basically waisted.

Sister Ying took a set of finished products and went to try them out first, while Jing Shirong was waiting outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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